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72 lines (60 loc) · 1.57 KB

File metadata and controls

72 lines (60 loc) · 1.57 KB


mass file rename with git:

git ls-files *es6* | awk -F.es6 '{ system("git mv " $0 " " $1 $2) }'

append "rubocop:disable" to the end of the needed line:

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# file: fixup.awk
# usage:
#   ./bin/rubocop --only Rails/CreateTableWithTimestamps -f emacs db/migrate | awk -f fixup.awk

# Set the field separator to ":" to extract line number
    FS = ":"

# Process each line
    # Extract file name, line number, and the rest of the line
    file = $1
    line_num = $2
    rubocop_issue = substr($5, 2)
    gsub(/\//, "\\/", rubocop_issue)

    sed = "gsed -i '" line_num "s/$/ # rubocop:disable " rubocop_issue "/' " file
    #print sed

append to begin and end of each file rubocop disable/enable:

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# file: fixup.awk
# usage:
#   ./bin/rubocop --only Rails/ReversibleMigration -f files db/migrate | awk -f fixup.awk

    file = $1
    rubocop_issue = "Rails\\/ReversibleMigration"

    #print sed
    system("gsed -i '1 i \\# rubocop:disable " rubocop_issue "\n; $ a \\# rubocop:enable " rubocop_issue ";' " file)

mass-apply some rubocop change:

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# file: fixup.awk
# usage:
#   ./bin/rubocop --only Capybara/ClickLinkOrButtonStyle -f emacs | awk -f fixup.awk

# Set the field separator to ":" to extract line number
    FS = ":"

# Process each line
    # Extract file name, line number, and the rest of the line
    file = $1
    line_num = $2

    sed = "gsed -i -E '" line_num "s/(click_button|click_link)/click_on/g' " file
    #print sed