AdMob App ID | Ad Unit Name | Ad Format | Ad Unit ID | Ad type | Automatic refresh | eCPM floor |
ca-app-pub-1225122818360214~5065268548 |
banner-bottom-01 a | Banner | ca-app-pub-1225122818360214/7810851384 | Text, image, and rich media, Video | Google optimized | Disabled |
Follow these instructions:
- Complete the instructions in the Google Mobile Ads SDK guide using this app ID:
- Mobile Booru
- Mobile Booru
- Follow the banner implementation guide to integrate the SDK. You'll specify ad type, size, and placement when you integrate the code using this ad unit ID:
- banner-bottom-01
- banner-bottom-01
- Review the AdMob policies to ensure your implementation complies.
Note: If you haven't created an AdMob account and registered an app yet, now's a great time to do so. If you're just looking to experiment with the SDK in a Hello World app, though, you can use this App ID to initialize the SDK:
# test cordova-plugin-admobpro
cordova create ./admob-pro-test AdMobProTest
cd ./admob-pro-test/
cordova platform add android
cordova platform add browser
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-admobpro --save
rm -r www/*
cp plugins/cordova-plugin-admobpro/test/* www/
cordova prepare
cordova run android
cordova run browser
# test cordova-plugin-admob-free
cordova create ./cordova-plugin-admob-free CordovaPluginAdmobFree
cd ./cordova-plugin-admob-free
cordova platform add android
cordova platform add browser
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-admob-free --save
rm -r ./www/ ./plugins/ ./.idea/
rsync -havt plugins/cordova-plugin-admob-free/examples/basic/* ./
rsync -havt ./examples/basic/ ../../
cordova prepare
cordova run browser
cordova run android