Until this library makes it to a production release of v1.x, minor versions may contain breaking changes to the API. After v1.x, semantic versioning will be honored, and breaking changes will only occur under the umbrella of a major version bump.
- v0.9.4 - fixes bug where non-GET endpoints could not have query string in the URL
- v0.9.0 - JSON errors are now assigned to the thrown error (for downstream catches), now allows async transformRequest, several bug fixes
- v0.8.2 - fixes duplicate query ? bug on GET requests with param objects, switches build to rollup to match itty-router
- v0.8.0 - adds StatusError class (and status to thrown !response.ok Errors), and handleResponse fetcher option.
- v0.7.3 - better content-type-checking @danawoodman
- v0.7.0 - adds fetch config option for using non-native fetch libraries - @danawoodman, blob support @danawoodman and @kwhitley
- v0.6.0 - adds the ability to handle FormData payloads - @danawoodman, yet again :)
- v0.5.0 - adds the transformRequest base config option for transforming requests before the final fetch (use to add headers, etc) - @danawoodman
- v0.4.0 - now does not require a fully-qualified URL (as base+path), to properly mirror native fetch
- v0.3.0 - support for URLSearchParams (or raw object) as payload param for GET requests, and vitest as runner - huge thanks to @danawoodman!
- v0.2.4 - type fix - @danawoodman
- v0.2.3 - fixed content-type headers not being properly injected if headers are sent with fetch options
- v0.2.0 - adds TS generic to capture Promise response type (e.g. fetcher().get('https://foo.bar.baz'))
- v0.1.0 - first public release