- Fixes #34 - Filename for DOT contains the whole file
- Fixes #33 - Include Erlang extra_applications for cleaner compile
- Fixes #21 - Tests check STDOUT when it is supposed to be written.
- Fixes #22 - You can control whether you want captured variables
to appear on STDOUT or not. See the docs for
- Fixes #26 - Document new SVG graphs with relevant examples - added some "real life" graphs
- Fixes #31 - Clean up SVG generated by PlantUML before embedding it.
- Fixes #28 - Handle errors in building graphs
- Fixes #27 - Enable caching under
- Added initial support for Graphviz and PlantUML
- Fixes #20 - Remove Elixir prefix from module names
- Fixes #18 - C Compiler attribute would not work on Windows. Thanks @milangupta1
- Fixes #16 - major bug: cheez!() returned source string instead of expanded
- Fixes #15 - Capture mix.env
- Fixes #13 - Compiled architecture and BEAM attributes
- Separated functions
, where the first one prints out on standard out the captured string (as to earmark the compile log) - Improved documentation
- NEW! Compact string format (fixes #14)
- Reading hostname (fixes #12)
- Able to read the date from ancient versions of Git. (bug #7)
- Fixed typos in documentation
- Added msg method
- Will now print missing variables on stdout
- Fixes #10 - Camelized project name
- Fixes #8 - Git: unknown date format
- Improved documentation
- Added Credo and Dialyzer
- First useful results.