Speed Share is a highly available file sharing terminal on LAN(local area network).
You can share your file just like chat!
- Support for multiple platforms:Android,Linux,Windows,macOS,Web
- Server file like nginx or tomcat
- device can find each other on the same LAN
- Share file like chat,peer-to-peer,do not use other server。
- can preview image and video(just for android)
- Multiple devices can be viewed simultaneously
- Display download progress and network speed
- Support share directory
- Support join chat on broswer
- Can get history message
before share your files or directory,you must create a chat room on one of you devices
if the other devices on the same LAN,it will like this
the everything powerd by love,and I spent a lot of my time, so if you'd like to buy me a cup of coffee,I would like to create more features for this project.