An ain2 based Syslog transport for winston.
$ npm install --save winston
$ npm install --save winston-syslog-ain2
To use the Syslog transport in winston, you simply need to require it and then either add it to an existing winston logger or pass an instance to a new winston logger:
// Load winston
var winston = require('winston');
// Explain winston it should use syslog log-levels
// Load winston-syslog-ain2 module
// Setup the syslog-ain2 transport
winston.add(winston.transports.SyslogAin2, {
tag : process.title, // By default is __filename
facility : 'local1', // By default is "user"
address : '', // By default is
hostname : os.hostname(), // By default is require("os").hostname()
port : 514, // Defaults to 514
transport : 'UDP', // Defaults to Transport.UDP
Options are passed through to ain2.
The Syslog
transport will only log to the level that are available in the
syslog protocol. These are (in increasing order of severity):
Code | Keyword | Description |
0 | emerg | System is unusable. |
1 | alert | Action must be taken immediately. |
2 | crit | Critical conditions. |
3 | error | Error conditions. |
4 | warning | Warning conditions. |
5 | notice | Normal but significant condition. |
6 | info | Informational messages. |
7 | debug | Debug-level messages. |
Facility Number | Keyword | Facility Description |
0 | kern | kernel messages |
1 | user | user-level messages |
2 | mail system | |
3 | daemon | system daemons |
4 | auth | security/authorization messages |
5 | syslog | messages generated internally by syslogd |
6 | lpr | line printer subsystem |
7 | news | network news subsystem |
8 | uucp | UUCP subsystem |
10 | authpriv | security/authorization messages |
11 | ftp | FTP daemon |
15 | cron | clock daemon |
16 | local0 | local use 0 (local0) |
17 | local1 | local use 1 (local1) |
18 | local2 | local use 2 (local2) |
19 | local3 | local use 3 (local3) |
20 | local4 | local use 4 (local4) |
21 | local5 | local use 5 (local5) |
22 | local6 | local use 6 (local6) |
23 | local7 | local use 7 (local7) |