Measure the running time and success rate of any function that returns a promise.
var instrument = require('legion-instrument');
- fn: any function that returns a promise. Also accepted: a function that returns a plain value, a function that returns an Io, or an Io.
- tags: an array of any tags.
Returns an Io that executes the given function while measuring its running time and success rate. The carried state of the Io must include a MetricsReceiver in the field.
Use this method to return extra sample data from an instrumented function. As an example:
function foo() {
return asyncLoadResource().then(result => {
var custom_metrics = {
resource_size: {
value: result.size,
unit: 'bytes',
interpretation: 'Size of the resource.'
if( result.status === 'ok' )
return instrument.return(result, custom_metrics);
return instrument.return.failure(result, custom_metrics);
Use of this mechanism is optional. It's also possible to throw a failure or a timeout:
throw instrument.return.failure(new Error('something bad happened'), custom_metrics);
Alias of instrument.return.
As instrument.return, but will be recorded as a failure. This can wrap either an exception or a return value.
Use of this mechanism is optional.
As instrument.return, but will be recorded as a timeout condition, (which is treated as separate from a success or failure).
Use of this mechanism is optional.
Returns a function that instruments other functions with the given tags. The following are equivalent:
instrument(fn, tags)
Works exactly like instrument(fn,tags), except the result is a function, not an Io, which may be called with same parameters as the original. This is a way of quickly converting a promise-based function to work with Legion.
Wraps all methods of an object, returning a new object. Any member of the input that is not a function will be shallow-copied as-is.
This may be a fast way to convert a large promise-based API to play well with Legion.