Download the AlphaTracker repository. Once downloaded, change the name of the main folder from AlphaTracker-master
to AlphaTracker
This project is tested in conda env and thus conda is recommended. To install conda, please follow the instructions from the conda website With conda installed, please set up the environment with the following steps.
In your command window, locate the terminal prompt. Open this application. Then, find the folder that contains the AlphaTracker
repository that you just downloaded. Then inside the terminal window, change the directory as follows: cd /path/to/AlphaTracker
- Create conda enviroment with dependencies by typing in the following:
conda env create -f environment.yml
If the above command line failed, please install the packages in the environment.yml that are failed to install manually and then run the following command line:
conda activate alphatracker
conda env update --file environment.yml
- install pytorch following the guide from Pytorch Website.
(The code is tested with pytorch 0.4.0, pytorch 0.4.1)
Install YOLO for training by copy-pasting the following into the terminal window.
cd ./Tracking/AlphaTracker/train_yolo/darknet/
cd ../../../../
Download files from google drive and place them in specific locations by copy-pasting the following into the terminal window:
conda activate alphatracker
cd ./Tracking/AlphaTracker/
Labeled data is required to train the model. The code would read RGB images and json files of annotations to train the model. Our code is compatible with data annotated by the open source tool Sloth. Figure 1 shows an example of annotation json file. In this example, there only two images. Each image has two mice and each mouse has two keypoint annotated.
Note that point order matters. You must annotate all body parts in the same order for all frames. For example, all the first points represent the nose, all the second points represent the tail and etc. If the keypoint is not visible in one frame, then make the x,y of the keypoint to be -1.
Before training, you need to charge the parameters in ./ (red block in Figure 2). The meaning of the parameters can be found in the ./
Change directory to the alphatracker folder (where this README is in) and use the following command line to train the model:
conda activate alphatracker
Before tracking, you need to change the parameters in ./Tracking/AlphaTracker/ (blue block in Figure 2). The meaning of the parameters can be found in the ./Tracking/AlphaTracker/
The default ./Tracking/AlphaTracker/ will use a trained weight to track a demo video
Use the following command line to train the model...copy paste the following into the terminal window:
conda activate alphatracker
cd ./Tracking/AlphaTracker/
- Remember not to include any spaces or parentheses in your file names. Also, file names are case-sensitive.
- For training the parameter num_mouse must include the same number of items as the number of json files
that have annotated data. For example if you have one json file with annotated data for 3 animals then
if you have two json files with annoted data for 3 animals thennum_mouse=[3,3]
. sppe_lr
is the learning rate for the SAPE network. If your network is not performing well you can lower this number and try retrainingsppe_epoch
is the number of training epochs that the SAPE network does. More epochs will take longer but can potentially lead to better performance.