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File metadata and controls

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Peachjam can be deployed to a server that has Dokku installed. This allows for easy config based deployments using Docker containers. The following steps outline the procedure to deploy a new Peachjam based application.

Application Setup and Configuration

  • SSH into the Dokku host and create the application as follows:

    dokku apps:create <app_name>
  • Setup the domain for the application

    dokku domains:set <app_name> <domain_name>
  • Add the relevant environment variables using the dokku config:set command. The required configuration values can be found in the env.example file.

    dokku config:set CONFIG1=value CONFIG2=value


  • Set the DJANGO_DEBUG environment variable to true on the first instance to disable ingestors and for initial migrations to run. Set it to false after successfully deploying your application.

Generate Django Secret Key

  • To generate the secret key for your application, run:

    dokku config:set <app_name> DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 128 | head -n 1)

Setup Sentry Data Source Name (DSN) Key

A SENTRY_DSN_KEY environment variable is required for Sentry to start monitoring events in the application you've just created. To get a dsn value:

  • Access your Laws.Africa Sentry account, click on Projects then Create Project:

    Sentry Create Project

  • Upon creating a new Sentry project, a dsn value will be generated automatically. Copy the value and set it as the SENTRY_DSN_KEY environment variable for your dokku application.

    Sentry DSN Key

    dokku config:set <app_name> SENTRY_DSN_KEY=<dsn_value>

Run Migrations and Disable Checks

  • It is necessary to disable checks on the dokku application you've just created before the first deployment. This will allow migrations, which are set up as a post deployment task, to run. They should be re-enabled once the deployment process is completed successfully.

    dokku checks:disable <app_name>

Build and Deploy (To be run on your local machine)

  • Dokku will build and deploy the application automatically on git push. First add the remote to the git

    git remote add dokku-<app_name> dokku@<your_server_domain>:<app_name>
  • To trigger a build and deploy:

    git push dokku-<app_name> <branch_name>:master

Setup SSL

  • Enable LetsEncrypt for SSL/TLS. Dokku allows easy setup of SSL using the letsencrypt plugin. On the server, install the letsencrypt dokku plugin:

    sudo dokku plugin:install
  • Configure letsencrypt with the Laws.Africa techops email address, to get reminders about renewing certificates:

    dokku config:set --no-restart <app_name> [email protected]
  • Install the certificate. Before you install the certificate, your website's domain name must be setup and pointing at this server, so that you can prove that you own the domain.

    dokku letsencrypt <app_name>
  • Letsencrypt certificates expire every three months. Set up a cron job to renew certificates automatically:

    dokku letsencrypt:cron-job --add
  • You can also manually renew a certificate when it's close to expiry:

    dokku letsencrypt:auto-renew

Setup Languages and Countries

  • To populate countries and language data in the database you need to run:

    dokku run <app_name> python setup_countries_languages

Create Elasticsearch Index

  • To create new elasticsearch index run:

    dokku run <app_name> python search_index --create

Set NGINX Proxy Read timeout

  • We need to increase the read timeout for NGINX to prevent timeout for long-running server tasks:

    dokku nginx:set <app_name> proxy-read-timeout 3600s

Set File Size Upload Limit

  • It is necessary for upload of large files and is done by:

    dokku nginx:set <app_name> client-max-body-size 500m
  • Regenerate the dokku app's ngiinx config:

    dokku proxy:build-config <app_name>

Create an AWS S3 bucket to store files in the cloud

  • Create an AWS S3 bucket. The bucket does NOT need any special permissions or public access.
  • Create an IAM user and apply the inline policy below to grant the user read/write access to the bucket.
  • Note: change BUCKET in the example policy to your bucket name:

IAM policy:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:*",
            "Resource": [

Enable checks

  • Re-enable Zero Downtime Deploy Checks on your application by:

    dokku checks:enable <app_name>

Enable Background Tasks

  • Peachjam runs various background tasks as separate processes. They can be specified within the Procfile.

  • On the dokku server, scale up the processes to run these tasks:

    dokku ps:scale <app_name> tasks=1

Setup common taxonomies

Most LII websites use a standard taxonomy which helps categorised documents to be made available on AfricanLII's continent-wide taxonomy collections.

To load these taxonomies, use the following command:

dokku run <app_name> python taxonomies --import --root "Case indexes" peachjam/fixtures/taxonomies/environmental.json

dokku run <app_name> python taxonomies --import --root "Case indexes" peachjam/fixtures/taxonomies/commercial.json