If you’re stuck, ask yourself these questions to see if they help you get unstuck:
Have I solved a similar problem before? How can I use that knowledge to solve this one?
Can I break this problem down into smaller problems that are easier to solve?
Would it help to draw a picture or diagram of the problem?
Which inputs might this method receive? Do my test cases cover the edge cases?
Should I draw a table that maps inputs to outputs? Your test cases will then mirror that table! The process of drawing the table might also reveal a pattern, which you can then use to solve the problem.
Example table for a problem where an Array of distinct values must be returned:
Input Output [1, 2, 2, 3] [1, 2, 3] [] [] [4] [4] [3, 2, 2, 10, 2, 7] [3, 2, 10, 7]
Do I really understand the problem? You can prove this to yourself by solving it on paper without thinking about code.
Can I talk to someone about this and explain my thinking?
- Sometimes the act of talking to someone even if they don’t say anything helps you get unstuck. It forces you to explain the problem in more understandable language.
What information is available to me in this problem? What additional information can I derive?
- If you have experience writing or deriving mathematical equations, this is a similar process: list which variables and mathematical operations are available and then the additional information that can be derived from that.
- If you have experience creating artwork, this is similar to the process of understanding what tools you have available to you and how you can use them, e.g. what colors are in my palette and how can I mix them? Or I have a string, tape, and a pencil, and I need to draw a circle - how do I do that?
- Example: For a problem where an Array of distinct values must be returned, some of the information available includes: the Array itself, each element in the Array, its length, and the index of each item. You can find a list of Array operations available by looking at the documentation.
Can or should I create additional data to help me solve the problem? What do I need to keep track of for my solution to work?
- Consider adding variables and ask yourself which data structures are required and how they might help.
- Example: For a problem where an Array of distinct values must be returned, you might think about using an additional Array or a Hash (aka POJO/Object in JavaScript or Dictionary in Python) or a Set.
Have I taken care of myself today? Do I need to eat? Am I hydrated? Am I rested? Do I need to move my body?
- You’ll be surprised how much better your brain works after eating a good meal, drinking water, resting and/or exercising! Don’t let yourself get hangry!