Priority item(s) and issue(s)
Human resources, healthcare and benefits related item(s) and issue(s)
Invalid item(s) and issue(s)
Investment, potential, loan, or other asset item(s) and issue(s)
Project investor item(s) and issue(s)
Growth and/or marketing related item(s) and issue(s)
Scrum, sales, business or general meeting or call
Issue(s) related to product
Design production item(s) and issue(s)
Push issues are to be moved to a future sprint
Question from community or team member(s)
Refactoring related item(s) and issue(s)
Request from community or team member(s)
Product and project research item(s) and issue(s)
Pull requests that address a security vulnerability
Architecture, coding, business or marketing strategy related item(s) and issue(s)
Training and education item(s) and issue(s)
UI design and build related item(s) and issue(s)
Issue(s) and item(s) marked that won't be fixed or addressed
Writing item(s) and issue(s)