All credits to @memodev07
db.people.insert( { name : "Guillermo", last_name: "Arias" } );
$gt: greater than
$lt: less than
$gte: greater than equals
$lte: less than equals
$ne: not equals
db.people.find( { name : { $gt : "M" } } );
- $exists: checks if a property exists in a collection
db.people.find( { profession : { $exists : true } } );
- $type: checks the type of the properties in a collection
db.people.find( { name : { $type : 2 } } ); (2 means that the property should be string)
Type numbers:
$regex: condition based in a regular expression
db.people.find( { name : { $regex : "e$" } } );
- $or / $and:
db.people.find( { $or : [ { name : { $regex : "e$" } }, { age: {$exists : true } } ] }
- $all: returns the records that match all the elements in the array
db.people.find( { favorites : { $all : ["pretzels", "beer"] } } );
- $in: returns the records that match at least one element in the array
db.people.find( { names : { $in : ["pedro", "juan"] } } );
- dot notation: work for finding elements inside an embedded document
document: { email: { work: "", personal: ""}}
db.people.find( { "" : "" } );
How to assign:
cur = db.people.find(); null; // null avoids to print the result
Check if theres's a next element:
cur.hasNext(); //return boolean
Move to next element:
Limit: cur.limit(5); null;
while (cur.hasNext()) printjson(; (will print just 5 elements)
cur.sort( { name : -1 } ); null; (sort DESC) cur.sort( { name: -1 } ).limit(5); null;
Skip: skips the first element specified
curt.sort( { name: -1 } ).limit(5).skip(2); null;
db.scores.find( { type:"exam" } ).sort( { score: -1 } ).skip( 50 ).limit( 20 )
The functions sort, skip and limit are executed in that order respectively no matter how you call them.
db.scores.count( {score: { $gt: 50 } )
db.people.update( { name: "Guillermo"}, { name: "Guiller", last_name: "Arias"} ); // first argument means the condition to find the element and the second argument means the new values
- $set: creates the attribute if doesn't exist when is updating
db.people.update( { name: "Guillermo" }, { $set : { age: 23 } } )
- $inc: increases a value based on the set data
db.people.update( { name: "Guillermo" }, { $inc : { age: 1 } } ) // if age is 23 after update is 24
- $unset: removes an attribute
db.people.update( {name: "Guillermo" }, { $unset: { profession: 1 } } )
- upsert: if the record doesn't exist create it
db.people.update( { name: "Guillermo" }, { $set : { age: 23 } }, { upsert: true } )
- multi update:
db.people.update( { }, { $set : { age: 23 } }, { multi: true } )
db.people.find_and_modify(query={ 'type': name }, update={ $inc : { 'value': 1 } }, upsert:True, new = True)
{ "_id" : 0, "a" : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }
- $set: update array:
db.arrays.update( { _id: 0 }, { $set: { "a.2": 5 } } ) // changes '3' to '5'
- $push: add to array:
db.arrays.update( { _id: 0 }, { $push: { a: 6 } } )
- $pop: remove from array:
db.arrays.update( { _id: 0 }, { $pop: { a: -1 } } ) // removes element at index 0 (1 will remove the element at the end of the array)
- $pushAll: add several values to array:
db.arrays.update( { _id: 0 }, { $pushAll: { a: [ 7, 8, 9 ] } } )
- $pull: remove from array no matter the position:
db.arrays.update( { _id: 0 }, { $pull: { a: 5 } } )
- $pullAll: remove several items from array:
db.arrays.update( { _id: 0 }, { $pullAll: { a: [ 5, 6, 2 ] } } )
- $addToSet: adds to array only if doesn't exist (acts like push)
Remove: removes the specified collection, if is empty removes all the documents one by one
db.people.remove( { name: "Guillermo" } )
Drop: removes all the documents in one step:
getLastError: returns the error of the last operation
db.runCommand( { getLastError: 1 } );
Example: Students document
{ "_id": 1, "name": "Student 1", "teachers": [1, 3] }
{ "_id": 2, "name": "Student 2", "teachers": [1, 2] }
{ "_id": 3, "name": "Student 3", "teachers": [2, 3] }
Teachers document
{ "_id": 1, "name": "Teacher 1" }
{ "_id": 2, "name": "Teacher 2" }
{ "_id": 2, "name": "Teacher 3" }
Add an index:
db.students.ensureIndex( { 'teachers': 1 } )
Find the students of teachers where teacher id is in an array:
db.students.find( { 'teachers' : { '$all': [1, 3] } )
- Inspect Query:
db.students.find( { 'teachers' : { '$all': [1, 3] } ).explain()
- Find all indexes in db:
- Find indexes in a particular collection:
- Drop index:
db.students.dropIndex({ 'student_id': 1 })
- Add a unique index:
db.students.ensureIndex({ 'identification': 1 }, { unique: true })
- Remove duplicates for adding a unique index. Heads up! This will remove all the duplicates in the collection so use it carefully.
db.students.ensureIndex({'identification': 1}, { unique: true, dropDups: true })
- Add a unique index even if some records in the collection don't have the key:
db.students.ensureIndex({ 'identification': 1}, { unique: true, sparse: true })
Creating an index using the 'background' option set in true will be slower but it is recommended if you are doing it in a production server so the mongo server is not blocked.
Get stats:
- Get the size of an index:
- Tell mongo which index to use:{ a:100, b:100, c:100 }).hint({ b: 1 }) // Use the index in b{ a:100, b:100, c:100 }).hint({ $natural: 1 }) // Natural means that use no index
Add index:
db.routes.ensureIndex({ "location": "2d", type: 1 })
db.routes.find({ "location": { $near: [x, y] } })
Add index:
db.routes.ensureIndex({ "location": "2d", type: 1 })
The location should be in longitude and latitude
db.runCommand({geonear: 'routes', near: [longitude, latitude], spherical: true, maxDistance: 1})
geonear: collection to query
near: geolocation values
maxDistance: distance in radius (1km: 1/111.12)
Profiling levels: 0: the profiler is off, doesn't collect any data 1: collects profiling data for slow operations only. By default slow operations are those slower than 100 milliseconds. 2: collects profiling data for all database operations Find queries to the collection sorted by timestamp
db.system.profile.find({ ns: / }).sort({ ts: 1 }).pretty()
Find slow queries sorted by timestamp:
db.system.profile.find({ millis: { $gt: 1 } }).sort({ ts: 1 }).pretty()
Get the profiling level:
Get the profiling status:
Set profiling level: Set profiling to level 1 and log operations longer than 1 second
db.setProfilingLevel(1, 1000)
mongotop: similar to the 'top' command in unix. $mongotop 3 (run it each 3 seconds) mongostat: similar to iostat in unix.
SQL count(*) and group by example:
db.products.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: "$manufacturer", num_products: { $sum: 1 } } } ])
Compound grouping:
db.products.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: { 'manufacturer': '$manufacturer', 'category': '$category' }, num_products: { $sum: 1 } } } ])
db.products.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: { 'manufacturer': '$manufacturer' }, num_products: { $sum: '$price' } } } ])
Aggregation functions:
- $sum
- $avg
- $addToSet
- $push
- $max - $min
Double $group stages:
{ '$group': { _id: { class_id: "$class_id", student_id: "$student_id" }, 'average': { "$avg": "$score" } } },
{ '$group': { _id: "$_id.class_id", 'average': { "$avg": "$average" } } }