diff --git a/lftools/deploy.py b/lftools/deploy.py
index ef3c952d..5583b46c 100755
--- a/lftools/deploy.py
+++ b/lftools/deploy.py
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 """Library of functions for deploying artifacts to Nexus."""
-from __future__ import annotations
 import concurrent.futures
 import datetime
@@ -27,9 +26,6 @@
 import sys
 import tempfile
 import zipfile
-from concurrent.futures import Future
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
-from xml.dom.minidom import Document, Node
 import boto3
 import requests
@@ -37,44 +33,44 @@
 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
 from defusedxml.minidom import parseString
-log: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def _compress_text(directory: str) -> None:
+def _compress_text(dir):
     """Compress all text files in directory."""
-    save_dir: str = os.getcwd()
-    os.chdir(directory)
+    save_dir = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(dir)
-    compress_types: List[str] = [
+    compress_types = [
-    paths: List[str] = []
+    paths = []
     for _type in compress_types:
-        search: str = os.path.join(directory, _type)
+        search = os.path.join(dir, _type)
         paths.extend(glob.glob(search, recursive=True))
     for _file in paths:
         # glob may follow symlink paths that open can't find
         if os.path.exists(_file):
-            log.debug(f"Compressing file {_file}")
-            with open(_file, "rb") as src, gzip.open(f"{_file}.gz", "wb") as dest:
+            log.debug("Compressing file {}".format(_file))
+            with open(_file, "rb") as src, gzip.open("{}.gz".format(_file), "wb") as dest:
                 shutil.copyfileobj(src, dest)
-            log.info(f"Could not open path from glob {_file}")
+            log.info("Could not open path from glob {}".format(_file))
-def _format_url(url: str) -> str:
+def _format_url(url):
     """Ensure url starts with http and trim trailing '/'s."""
-    start_pattern: re.Pattern = re.compile("^(http|https)://")
+    start_pattern = re.compile("^(http|https)://")
     if not start_pattern.match(url):
-        url = f"http://{url}"
+        url = "http://{}".format(url)
     if url.endswith("/"):
         url = url.rstrip("/")
@@ -82,40 +78,41 @@ def _format_url(url: str) -> str:
     return url
-def _log_error_and_exit(*msg_list: str) -> None:
+def _log_error_and_exit(*msg_list):
     """Print error message, and exit."""
     for msg in msg_list:
-def _request_post(url: str, data: Optional[Any], headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]]) -> requests.Response:
+def _request_post(url, data, headers):
     """Execute a request post, return the resp."""
+    resp = {}
-        resp: requests.Response = requests.post(url, data=data, headers=headers)
+        resp = requests.post(url, data=data, headers=headers)
     except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema:
         log.debug("in _request_post. MissingSchema")
-        _log_error_and_exit(f"Not valid URL: {url}")
+        _log_error_and_exit("Not valid URL: {}".format(url))
     except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
         log.debug("in _request_post. ConnectionError")
-        _log_error_and_exit(f"Could not connect to URL: {url}")
+        _log_error_and_exit("Could not connect to URL: {}".format(url))
     except requests.exceptions.InvalidURL:
         log.debug("in _request_post. InvalidURL")
-        _log_error_and_exit(f"Invalid URL: {url}")
+        _log_error_and_exit("Invalid URL: {}".format(url))
     return resp
-def _get_filenames_in_zipfile(_zipfile: str) -> List[str]:
+def _get_filenames_in_zipfile(_zipfile):
     """Return a list with file names."""
-    files: List[zipfile.ZipInfo] = zipfile.ZipFile(_zipfile).infolist()
+    files = zipfile.ZipFile(_zipfile).infolist()
     return [f.filename for f in files]
-def _request_post_file(url: str, file_to_upload: str, parameters: Optional[Any] = None) -> requests.Response:
+def _request_post_file(url, file_to_upload, parameters=None):
     """Execute a request post, return the resp."""
-    resp: requests.Response = requests.Response()
+    resp = {}
-        upload_file: io.BufferedReader = open(file_to_upload, "rb")
+        upload_file = open(file_to_upload, "rb")
     except FileNotFoundError:
         raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), file_to_upload)
@@ -126,33 +123,32 @@ def _request_post_file(url: str, file_to_upload: str, parameters: Optional[Any]
             resp = requests.post(url, data=upload_file.read())
     except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema:
-        raise requests.HTTPError(f"Not valid URL: {url}", response=resp)
+        raise requests.HTTPError("Not valid URL: {}".format(url))
     except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
-        raise requests.HTTPError(f"Could not connect to URL: {url}", response=resp)
+        raise requests.HTTPError("Could not connect to URL: {}".format(url))
     except requests.exceptions.InvalidURL:
-        raise requests.HTTPError(f"Invalid URL: {url}", response=resp)
+        raise requests.HTTPError("Invalid URL: {}".format(url))
     if resp.status_code == 400:
-        raise requests.HTTPError("Repository is read only", response=resp)
+        raise requests.HTTPError("Repository is read only")
     elif resp.status_code == 404:
-        raise requests.HTTPError("Did not find repository.", response=resp)
+        raise requests.HTTPError("Did not find repository.")
     if not str(resp.status_code).startswith("20"):
         raise requests.HTTPError(
             "Failed to upload to Nexus with status code: {}.\n{}\n{}".format(
                 resp.status_code, resp.text, file_to_upload
-            ),
-            response=resp,
+            )
     return resp
-def _request_put_file(url: str, file_to_upload: str, parameters: Optional[Any] = None) -> bool:
+def _request_put_file(url, file_to_upload, parameters=None):
     """Execute a request put, return the resp."""
-    resp: requests.Response = requests.Response()
+    resp = {}
-        upload_file: io.BufferedReader = open(file_to_upload, "rb")
+        upload_file = open(file_to_upload, "rb")
     except FileNotFoundError:
         raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), file_to_upload)
@@ -163,60 +159,53 @@ def _request_put_file(url: str, file_to_upload: str, parameters: Optional[Any] =
             resp = requests.put(url, data=upload_file)
     except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema:
-        raise requests.HTTPError(f"Not valid URL format. Check for https:// etc..: {url}", response=resp)
+        raise requests.HTTPError("Not valid URL format. Check for https:// etc..: {}".format(url))
     except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout:
-        raise requests.HTTPError(f"Timed out connecting to {url}", response=resp)
+        raise requests.HTTPError("Timed out connecting to {}".format(url))
     except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout:
-        raise requests.HTTPError(f"Timed out waiting for the server to reply ({url})", response=resp)
+        raise requests.HTTPError("Timed out waiting for the server to reply ({})".format(url))
     except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
-        raise requests.HTTPError(f"A connection error occurred ({url})", response=resp)
+        raise requests.HTTPError("A connection error occurred ({})".format(url))
     except requests.exceptions.InvalidURL:
-        raise requests.HTTPError(f"Invalid URL format: {url}", response=resp)
+        raise requests.HTTPError("Invalid URL format: {}".format(url))
     except requests.RequestException as e:
     if resp.status_code == 201:
         return True
     if resp.status_code == 400:
-        raise requests.HTTPError("Repository is read only", response=resp)
+        raise requests.HTTPError("Repository is read only")
     if resp.status_code == 401:
-        raise requests.HTTPError("Invalid repository credentials", response=resp)
+        raise requests.HTTPError("Invalid repository credentials")
     if resp.status_code == 404:
-        raise requests.HTTPError("Did not find repository.", response=resp)
+        raise requests.HTTPError("Did not find repository.")
     if not str(resp.status_code).startswith("20"):
         raise requests.HTTPError(
             "Failed to upload to Nexus with status code: {}.\n{}\n{}".format(
                 resp.status_code, resp.text, file_to_upload
-            ),
-            response=resp,
+            )
-    return False
-def _get_node_from_xml(xml_data: str, tag_name: str) -> str:
+def _get_node_from_xml(xml_data, tag_name):
     """Extract tag data from xml data."""
-        dom1: Document = parseString(xml_data)
-        childnode: Node = dom1.getElementsByTagName(tag_name)[0]
+        dom1 = parseString(xml_data)
+        childnode = dom1.getElementsByTagName(tag_name)[0]
     except Exception:
-        _log_error_and_exit(f"Received bad XML, can not find tag {tag_name}", xml_data)
-    if childnode.firstChild:
-        return str(childnode.firstChild.data)  # type: ignore
-    else:
-        _log_error_and_exit(f"No data in {tag_name}", xml_data)
-        return ""
+        _log_error_and_exit("Received bad XML, can not find tag {}".format(tag_name), xml_data)
+    return childnode.firstChild.data
-def _remove_duplicates_and_sort(lst: List[str]) -> List[str]:
+def _remove_duplicates_and_sort(lst):
     # Remove duplicates from list, and sort it
     no_dups_lst = list(dict.fromkeys(lst))
-    duplicated_list: List[str] = []
+    duplicated_list = []
     for i in range(len(no_dups_lst)):
         if lst.count(no_dups_lst[i]) > 1:
@@ -225,7 +214,7 @@ def _remove_duplicates_and_sort(lst: List[str]) -> List[str]:
     return no_dups_lst
-def copy_archives(workspace: str, pattern: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None:
+def copy_archives(workspace, pattern=None):
     """Copy files matching PATTERN in a WORKSPACE to the current directory.
     The best way to use this function is to cd into the directory you wish to
@@ -241,51 +230,51 @@ def copy_archives(workspace: str, pattern: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None:
         :arg str pattern: Space-separated list of Unix style glob patterns.
             (default: None)
-    archives_dir: str = os.path.join(workspace, "archives")
-    dest_dir: str = os.getcwd()
+    archives_dir = os.path.join(workspace, "archives")
+    dest_dir = os.getcwd()
-    log.debug(f"Copying files from {workspace} with pattern '{pattern}' to {dest_dir}.")
-    log.debug(f"archives_dir = {archives_dir}")
+    log.debug("Copying files from {} with pattern '{}' to {}.".format(workspace, pattern, dest_dir))
+    log.debug("archives_dir = {}".format(archives_dir))
     if os.path.exists(archives_dir):
         if os.path.isfile(archives_dir):
-            log.error(f"Archives {archives_dir} is a file, not a directory.")
+            log.error("Archives {} is a file, not a directory.".format(archives_dir))
             raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, "Not a directory", archives_dir)
-            log.debug(f"Archives dir {archives_dir} does exist.")
+            log.debug("Archives dir {} does exist.".format(archives_dir))
             for file_or_dir in os.listdir(archives_dir):
                 f = os.path.join(archives_dir, file_or_dir)
-                    log.debug(f"Moving {f}")
+                    log.debug("Moving {}".format(f))
                     shutil.move(f, dest_dir)
                 except shutil.Error as e:
                     raise OSError(errno.EPERM, "Could not move to", archives_dir)
-        log.error(f"Archives dir {archives_dir} does not exist.")
+        log.error("Archives dir {} does not exist.".format(archives_dir))
         raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, "Missing directory", archives_dir)
     if pattern is None:
-    no_dups_pattern: List[str] = _remove_duplicates_and_sort(pattern)
+    no_dups_pattern = _remove_duplicates_and_sort(pattern)
-    paths: List[str] = []
+    paths = []
     for p in no_dups_pattern:
         if p == "":  # Skip empty patterns as they are invalid
-        search: str = os.path.join(workspace, p)
+        search = os.path.join(workspace, p)
         paths.extend(glob.glob(search, recursive=True))
-    log.debug(f"Files found: {paths}")
+    log.debug("Files found: {}".format(paths))
-    no_dups_paths: List[str] = _remove_duplicates_and_sort(paths)
+    no_dups_paths = _remove_duplicates_and_sort(paths)
     for src in no_dups_paths:
         if len(os.path.basename(src)) > 255:
             log.warn("Filename {} is over 255 characters. Skipping...".format(os.path.basename(src)))
-        dest: str = os.path.join(dest_dir, src[len(workspace) + 1 :])
-        log.debug(f"{src} -> {dest}")
+        dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, src[len(workspace) + 1 :])
+        log.debug("{} -> {}".format(src, dest))
         if os.path.isfile(src):
@@ -295,20 +284,20 @@ def copy_archives(workspace: str, pattern: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None:
                 shutil.move(src, dest)
-            log.info(f"Not copying directories: {src}.")
+            log.info("Not copying directories: {}.".format(src))
     # Create a temp file to handle empty dirs in AWS S3 buckets.
     if os.environ.get("S3_BUCKET") is not None:
-        now: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime.now()
-        prefix: str = now.strftime("_%d%m%Y_%H%M%S_")
+        now = datetime.datetime.now()
+        p = now.strftime("_%d%m%Y_%H%M%S_")
         for dirpath, dirnames, files in os.walk(dest_dir):
             if not files:
-                fd, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=prefix, dir=dirpath)
+                fd, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=p, dir=dirpath)
                 log.debug("temp file created in dir: {}.".format(dirpath))
-def deploy_archives(nexus_url: str, nexus_path: str, workspace: str, pattern: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None:
+def deploy_archives(nexus_url, nexus_path, workspace, pattern=None):
     """Archive files to a Nexus site repository named logs.
     Provides 2 ways to archive files:
@@ -331,15 +320,15 @@ def deploy_archives(nexus_url: str, nexus_path: str, workspace: str, pattern: Op
             archive. (optional)
     nexus_url = _format_url(nexus_url)
-    previous_dir: str = os.getcwd()
-    work_dir: str = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="lftools-da.")
+    previous_dir = os.getcwd()
+    work_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="lftools-da.")
-    log.debug(f"workspace: {workspace}, work_dir: {work_dir}")
+    log.debug("workspace: {}, work_dir: {}".format(workspace, work_dir))
     copy_archives(workspace, pattern)
-    archives_zip: str = shutil.make_archive(f"{workspace}/archives", "zip")
+    archives_zip = shutil.make_archive("{}/archives".format(workspace), "zip")
     log.debug("archives zip: {}".format(archives_zip))
     deploy_nexus_zip(nexus_url, "logs", nexus_path, archives_zip)
@@ -347,7 +336,7 @@ def deploy_archives(nexus_url: str, nexus_path: str, workspace: str, pattern: Op
-def deploy_logs(nexus_url: str, nexus_path: str, build_url: str) -> None:
+def deploy_logs(nexus_url, nexus_path, build_url):
     """Deploy logs to a Nexus site repository named logs.
     Fetches logs and system information and pushes them to Nexus
@@ -366,16 +355,16 @@ def deploy_logs(nexus_url: str, nexus_path: str, build_url: str) -> None:
                     via the $BUILD_URL environment variable.
     nexus_url = _format_url(nexus_url)
-    previous_dir: str = os.getcwd()
-    work_dir: str = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="lftools-dl.")
+    previous_dir = os.getcwd()
+    work_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="lftools-dl.")
-    log.debug(f"work_dir: {work_dir}")
+    log.debug("work_dir: {}".format(work_dir))
     build_details = open("_build-details.log", "w+")
     build_details.write("build-url: {}".format(build_url))
     with open("_sys-info.log", "w+") as sysinfo_log:
-        sys_cmds: List[List[str]] = []
+        sys_cmds = []
         log.debug("Platform: {}".format(sys.platform))
         if sys.platform == "linux" or sys.platform == "linux2":
@@ -392,7 +381,7 @@ def deploy_logs(nexus_url: str, nexus_path: str, build_url: str) -> None:
         for c in sys_cmds:
-                output: str = subprocess.check_output(c).decode("utf-8")
+                output = subprocess.check_output(c).decode("utf-8")
             except OSError:  # TODO: Switch to FileNotFoundError when Python < 3.5 support is dropped.
                 log.debug("Command not found: {}".format(c))
@@ -404,7 +393,7 @@ def deploy_logs(nexus_url: str, nexus_path: str, build_url: str) -> None:
     # Magic string used to trim console logs at the appropriate level during wget
-    MAGIC_STRING: str = "-----END_OF_BUILD-----"
+    MAGIC_STRING = "-----END_OF_BUILD-----"
     resp = requests.get("{}/consoleText".format(_format_url(build_url)))
@@ -417,7 +406,7 @@ def deploy_logs(nexus_url: str, nexus_path: str, build_url: str) -> None:
-    console_zip: tempfile._TemporaryFileWrapper[bytes] = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="lftools-dl", delete=True)
+    console_zip = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="lftools-dl", delete=True)
     log.debug("console-zip: {}".format(console_zip.name))
     shutil.make_archive(console_zip.name, "zip", work_dir)
     deploy_nexus_zip(nexus_url, "logs", nexus_path, "{}.zip".format(console_zip.name))
@@ -427,9 +416,7 @@ def deploy_logs(nexus_url: str, nexus_path: str, build_url: str) -> None:
-def deploy_s3(
-    s3_bucket: str, s3_path: str, build_url: str, workspace: str, pattern: Optional[List[str]] = None
-) -> None:
+def deploy_s3(s3_bucket, s3_path, build_url, workspace, pattern=None):
     """Add logs and archives to temp directory to be shipped to S3 bucket.
     Fetches logs and system information and pushes them and archives to S3
@@ -450,45 +437,68 @@ def deploy_s3(
             archive. (optional)
-    def _upload_to_s3(file: str) -> bool:
-        guess: Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]] = mimetypes.guess_type(file)
-        extra_args: Dict[str, str] = {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}
-        if guess[0]:
-            extra_args["Content-Type"] = guess[0]
-        if guess[1]:
-            extra_args["Content-Encoding"] = guess[1]
+    def _upload_to_s3(file):
+        extra_args = {"ContentType": "text/plain"}
+        text_html_extra_args = {"ContentType": "text/html", "ContentEncoding": mimetypes.guess_type(file)[1]}
+        text_plain_extra_args = {"ContentType": "text/plain", "ContentEncoding": mimetypes.guess_type(file)[1]}
+        app_xml_extra_args = {"ContentType": "application/xml", "ContentEncoding": mimetypes.guess_type(file)[1]}
         if file == "_tmpfile":
-            for directory in (logs_dir, silo_dir, jenkins_node_dir):
+            for dir in (logs_dir, silo_dir, jenkins_node_dir):
-                    s3.Bucket(s3_bucket).upload_file(file, f"{directory}{file}")
+                    s3.Bucket(s3_bucket).upload_file(file, "{}{}".format(dir, file))
                 except ClientError as e:
                     return False
                 return True
+        if mimetypes.guess_type(file)[0] is None and mimetypes.guess_type(file)[1] is None:
+            try:
+                s3.Bucket(s3_bucket).upload_file(file, "{}{}".format(s3_path, file), ExtraArgs=extra_args)
+            except ClientError as e:
+                log.error(e)
+                return False
+            return True
+        elif mimetypes.guess_type(file)[0] is None or mimetypes.guess_type(file)[0] in "text/plain":
+            extra_args = text_plain_extra_args
+            try:
+                s3.Bucket(s3_bucket).upload_file(file, "{}{}".format(s3_path, file), ExtraArgs=extra_args)
+            except ClientError as e:
+                log.error(e)
+                return False
+            return True
+        elif mimetypes.guess_type(file)[0] in "text/html":
+            extra_args = text_html_extra_args
+            try:
+                s3.Bucket(s3_bucket).upload_file(file, "{}{}".format(s3_path, file), ExtraArgs=extra_args)
+            except ClientError as e:
+                log.error(e)
+                return False
+            return True
+        elif mimetypes.guess_type(file)[0] in "application/xml":
+            extra_args = app_xml_extra_args
+            try:
+                s3.Bucket(s3_bucket).upload_file(file, "{}{}".format(s3_path, file), ExtraArgs=extra_args)
+            except ClientError as e:
+                log.error(e)
+                return False
+            return True
+        else:
+            try:
+                s3.Bucket(s3_bucket).upload_file(file, "{}{}".format(s3_path, file), ExtraArgs=extra_args)
+            except ClientError as e:
+                log.error(e)
+                return False
+            return True
-        try:
-            s3.Bucket(s3_bucket).upload_file(file, f"{s3_path}{file}", ExtraArgs=extra_args)
-        except ClientError as e:
-            log.error(e)
-            return False
-        return True
-    previous_dir: str = os.getcwd()
-    work_dir: str = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="lftools-dl.")
+    previous_dir = os.getcwd()
+    work_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="lftools-dl.")
     s3_bucket = s3_bucket.lower()
     s3 = boto3.resource("s3")
-    logs_dir: str = s3_path.split("/")[0] + "/"
-    silo_dir: str = s3_path.split("/")[1] + "/"
-    jenkins_node_dir: str = logs_dir + silo_dir + s3_path.split("/")[2] + "/"
+    logs_dir = s3_path.split("/")[0] + "/"
+    silo_dir = s3_path.split("/")[1] + "/"
+    jenkins_node_dir = logs_dir + silo_dir + s3_path.split("/")[2] + "/"
-    log.debug(f"work_dir: {work_dir}")
+    log.debug("work_dir: {}".format(work_dir))
     # Copy archive files to tmp dir
     copy_archives(workspace, pattern)
@@ -528,7 +538,7 @@ def _upload_to_s3(file: str) -> bool:
     # Magic string used to trim console logs at the appropriate level during wget
-    MAGIC_STRING: str = "-----END_OF_BUILD-----"
+    MAGIC_STRING = "-----END_OF_BUILD-----"
     resp = requests.get("{}/consoleText".format(_format_url(build_url)))
@@ -550,8 +560,8 @@ def _upload_to_s3(file: str) -> bool:
     # Create file list to upload
-    file_list: List[str] = []
-    files: List[str] = glob.glob("**/*", recursive=True)
+    file_list = []
+    files = glob.glob("**/*", recursive=True)
     for file in files:
         if os.path.isfile(file):
@@ -561,13 +571,13 @@ def _upload_to_s3(file: str) -> bool:
     # Perform s3 upload
     for file in file_list:
-        log.info(f"Attempting to upload file {file}")
+        log.info("Attempting to upload file {}".format(file))
         if _upload_to_s3(file):
-            log.info(f"Successfully uploaded {file}")
+            log.info("Successfully uploaded {}".format(file))
-            log.error(f"FAILURE: Uploading {file} failed")
+            log.error("FAILURE: Uploading {} failed".format(file))
-    log.info(f"Finished deploying from {work_dir} to {s3_bucket}/{s3_path}")
+    log.info("Finished deploying from {} to {}/{}".format(work_dir, s3_bucket, s3_path))
     # Cleanup
@@ -578,7 +588,7 @@ def _upload_to_s3(file: str) -> bool:
     # shutil.rmtree(work_dir)
-def deploy_nexus_zip(nexus_url: str, nexus_repo: str, nexus_path: str, zip_file: str) -> None:
+def deploy_nexus_zip(nexus_url, nexus_repo, nexus_path, zip_file):
     """"Deploy zip file containing artifacts to Nexus using requests.
     This function simply takes a zip file preformatted in the correct
@@ -605,23 +615,23 @@ def deploy_nexus_zip(nexus_url: str, nexus_repo: str, nexus_path: str, zip_file:
         tst_path \
-    url: str = "{}/service/local/repositories/{}/content-compressed/{}".format(
+    url = "{}/service/local/repositories/{}/content-compressed/{}".format(
         _format_url(nexus_url), nexus_repo, nexus_path
-    log.debug(f"Uploading {zip_file} to {url}")
+    log.debug("Uploading {} to {}".format(zip_file, url))
-        resp: requests.Response = _request_post_file(url, zip_file)
+        resp = _request_post_file(url, zip_file)
     except requests.HTTPError as e:
-        files: List[str] = _get_filenames_in_zipfile(zip_file)
-        log.info(f"Uploading {zip_file} failed. It contained the following files")
+        files = _get_filenames_in_zipfile(zip_file)
+        log.info("Uploading {} failed. It contained the following files".format(zip_file))
         for f in files:
-            log.info(f"   {f}")
-        raise requests.HTTPError(e, response=resp)
-    log.debug(f"{resp.status_code}: {resp.text}")
+            log.info("   {}".format(f))
+        raise requests.HTTPError(e)
+    log.debug("{}: {}".format(resp.status_code, resp.text))
-def nexus_stage_repo_create(nexus_url: str, staging_profile_id: str) -> str:
+def nexus_stage_repo_create(nexus_url, staging_profile_id):
     """Create a Nexus staging repo.
@@ -636,7 +646,7 @@ def nexus_stage_repo_create(nexus_url: str, staging_profile_id: str) -> str:
     nexus_url = "{0}/service/local/staging/profiles/{1}/start".format(_format_url(nexus_url), staging_profile_id)
-    log.debug(f"Nexus URL           = {nexus_url}")
+    log.debug("Nexus URL           = {}".format(nexus_url))
     xml = """
@@ -646,32 +656,32 @@ def nexus_stage_repo_create(nexus_url: str, staging_profile_id: str) -> str:
-    headers: Dict[str, str] = {"Content-Type": "application/xml"}
-    resp: requests.Response = _request_post(nexus_url, xml, headers)
+    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/xml"}
+    resp = _request_post(nexus_url, xml, headers)
-    log.debug(f"resp.status_code = {resp.status_code}")
-    log.debug(f"resp.text = {resp.text}")
+    log.debug("resp.status_code = {}".format(resp.status_code))
+    log.debug("resp.text = {}".format(resp.text))
     if re.search("nexus-error", resp.text):
-        error_msg: str = _get_node_from_xml(resp.text, "msg")
+        error_msg = _get_node_from_xml(resp.text, "msg")
         if re.search(".*profile with id:.*does not exist.", error_msg):
-            _log_error_and_exit(f"Staging profile id {staging_profile_id} not found.")
+            _log_error_and_exit("Staging profile id {} not found.".format(staging_profile_id))
     if resp.status_code == 405:
         _log_error_and_exit("HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL", nexus_url)
     if resp.status_code == 404:
-        _log_error_and_exit(f"Did not find nexus site: {nexus_url}")
+        _log_error_and_exit("Did not find nexus site: {}".format(nexus_url))
     if not resp.status_code == 201:
-        _log_error_and_exit(f"Failed with status code {resp.status_code}", resp.text)
+        _log_error_and_exit("Failed with status code {}".format(resp.status_code), resp.text)
     staging_repo_id = _get_node_from_xml(resp.text, "stagedRepositoryId")
-    log.debug(f"staging_repo_id = {staging_repo_id}")
+    log.debug("staging_repo_id = {}".format(staging_repo_id))
     return staging_repo_id
-def nexus_stage_repo_close(nexus_url: str, staging_profile_id: str, staging_repo_id: str) -> None:
+def nexus_stage_repo_close(nexus_url, staging_profile_id, staging_repo_id):
     """Close a Nexus staging repo.
@@ -685,8 +695,8 @@ def nexus_stage_repo_close(nexus_url: str, staging_profile_id: str, staging_repo
     nexus_url = "{0}/service/local/staging/profiles/{1}/finish".format(_format_url(nexus_url), staging_profile_id)
-    log.debug(f"Nexus URL           = {nexus_url}")
-    log.debug(f"staging_repo_id     = {staging_repo_id}")
+    log.debug("Nexus URL           = {}".format(nexus_url))
+    log.debug("staging_repo_id     = {}".format(staging_repo_id))
     xml = """
@@ -699,19 +709,19 @@ def nexus_stage_repo_close(nexus_url: str, staging_profile_id: str, staging_repo
-    headers: Dict[str, str] = {"Content-Type": "application/xml"}
-    resp: requests.Response = _request_post(nexus_url, xml, headers)
+    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/xml"}
+    resp = _request_post(nexus_url, xml, headers)
-    log.debug(f"resp.status_code = {resp.status_code}")
-    log.debug(f"resp.text = {resp.text}")
+    log.debug("resp.status_code = {}".format(resp.status_code))
+    log.debug("resp.text = {}".format(resp.text))
     if re.search("nexus-error", resp.text):
-        error_msg: str = _get_node_from_xml(resp.text, "msg")
+        error_msg = _get_node_from_xml(resp.text, "msg")
         error_msg = resp.text
     if resp.status_code == 404:
-        _log_error_and_exit(f"Did not find nexus site: {nexus_url}")
+        _log_error_and_exit("Did not find nexus site: {}".format(nexus_url))
     if re.search("invalid state: closed", error_msg):
         _log_error_and_exit("Staging repository is already closed.")
@@ -719,19 +729,12 @@ def nexus_stage_repo_close(nexus_url: str, staging_profile_id: str, staging_repo
         _log_error_and_exit("Staging repository do not exist.")
     if not resp.status_code == 201:
-        _log_error_and_exit(f"Failed with status code {resp.status_code}", resp.text)
+        _log_error_and_exit("Failed with status code {}".format(resp.status_code), resp.text)
 def upload_maven_file_to_nexus(
-    nexus_url: str,
-    nexus_repo_id: str,
-    group_id: str,
-    artifact_id: str,
-    version: str,
-    packaging: str,
-    file: str,
-    classifier: Optional[str] = None,
-) -> None:
+    nexus_url, nexus_repo_id, group_id, artifact_id, version, packaging, file, classifier=None
     """Upload file to Nexus as a Maven artifact.
     This function will upload an artifact to Nexus while providing all of
@@ -756,26 +759,26 @@ def upload_maven_file_to_nexus(
     url = "{}/service/local/artifact/maven/content".format(_format_url(nexus_url))
-    log.info(f"Uploading URL: {url}")
+    log.info("Uploading URL: {}".format(url))
     params = {}
-    params.update({"r": (None, f"{nexus_repo_id}")})
-    params.update({"g": (None, f"{group_id}")})
-    params.update({"a": (None, f"{artifact_id}")})
-    params.update({"v": (None, f"{version}")})
-    params.update({"p": (None, f"{packaging}")})
+    params.update({"r": (None, "{}".format(nexus_repo_id))})
+    params.update({"g": (None, "{}".format(group_id))})
+    params.update({"a": (None, "{}".format(artifact_id))})
+    params.update({"v": (None, "{}".format(version))})
+    params.update({"p": (None, "{}".format(packaging))})
     if classifier:
-        params.update({"c": (None, f"{classifier}")})
+        params.update({"c": (None, "{}".format(classifier))})
-    log.debug(f"Maven Parameters: {params}")
+    log.debug("Maven Parameters: {}".format(params))
-    resp: requests.Response = _request_post_file(url, file, params)
+    resp = _request_post_file(url, file, params)
     if re.search("nexus-error", resp.text):
-        error_msg: str = _get_node_from_xml(resp.text, "msg")
-        raise requests.HTTPError(f"Nexus Error: {error_msg}", response=resp)
+        error_msg = _get_node_from_xml(resp.text, "msg")
+        raise requests.HTTPError("Nexus Error: {}".format(error_msg))
-def deploy_nexus(nexus_repo_url: str, deploy_dir: str, snapshot: bool = False, workers: int = 2) -> None:
+def deploy_nexus(nexus_repo_url, deploy_dir, snapshot=False, workers=2):
     """Deploy a local directory of files to a Nexus repository.
     One purpose of this is so that we can get around the problematic
@@ -799,17 +802,17 @@ def deploy_nexus(nexus_repo_url: str, deploy_dir: str, snapshot: bool = False, w
-    def _get_filesize(file: str) -> str:
+    def _get_filesize(file):
         bytesize = os.path.getsize(file)
         if bytesize == 0:
             return "0B"
-        suffix: List[str] = ["b", "kb", "mb", "gb"]
-        i: int = int(math.floor(math.log(bytesize, 1024)))
-        p: int = int(math.pow(1024, i))
-        s: int = int(round(bytesize / p, 2))
-        return f"{s} {suffix[i]}"
+        suffix = ("b", "kb", "mb", "gb")
+        i = int(math.floor(math.log(bytesize, 1024)))
+        p = math.pow(1024, i)
+        s = round(bytesize / p, 2)
+        return "{} {}".format(s, suffix[i])
-    def _deploy_nexus_upload(file: str) -> bool:
+    def _deploy_nexus_upload(file):
         # Fix file path, and call _request_put_file.
         nexus_url_with_file = "{}/{}".format(_format_url(nexus_repo_url), file)
         log.info("Attempting to upload {} ({})".format(file, _get_filesize(file)))
@@ -818,13 +821,13 @@ def _deploy_nexus_upload(file: str) -> bool:
             return False
-    file_list: List[str] = []
-    previous_dir: str = os.getcwd()
+    file_list = []
+    previous_dir = os.getcwd()
-    files: List[str] = glob.glob("**/*", recursive=True)
+    files = glob.glob("**/*", recursive=True)
     for file in files:
         if os.path.isfile(file):
-            base_name: str = os.path.basename(file)
+            base_name = os.path.basename(file)
             # Skip blacklisted files
             if base_name == "_remote.repositories" or base_name == "resolver-status.properties":
@@ -837,37 +840,38 @@ def _deploy_nexus_upload(file: str) -> bool:
-    log.info(f"Deploying directory {deploy_dir} to {nexus_repo_url}")
+    log.info("Deploying directory {} to {}".format(deploy_dir, nexus_repo_url))
     with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) as executor:
         # this creates a dict where the key is the Future object, and the value is the file name
         # see concurrent.futures.Future for more info
-        futures: Dict[Future[Any], str] = {
-            executor.submit(_deploy_nexus_upload, file_name): file_name for file_name in file_list
-        }
+        futures = {executor.submit(_deploy_nexus_upload, file_name): file_name for file_name in file_list}
         for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
-            filename: str = futures[future]
+            filename = futures[future]
-                future.result()
+                data = future.result()
+                # remove pyflake warning
+                if data == data:
+                    pass
             except Exception as e:
-                log.error(f"Uploading {filename}: {e}")
+                log.error("Uploading {}: {}".format(filename, e))
         # wait until all threads complete (successfully or not)
         # then log the results of the upload threads
         for k, v in futures.items():
             if k.result():
-                log.info(f"Successfully uploaded {v}")
+                log.info("Successfully uploaded {}".format(v))
-                log.error(f"FAILURE: Uploading {v} failed")
+                log.error("FAILURE: Uploading {} failed".format(v))
-    log.info(f"Finished deploying {deploy_dir} to {nexus_repo_url}")
+    log.info("Finished deploying {} to {}".format(deploy_dir, nexus_repo_url))
-def deploy_nexus_stage(nexus_url: str, staging_profile_id: str, deploy_dir: str) -> None:
+def deploy_nexus_stage(nexus_url, staging_profile_id, deploy_dir):
     """Deploy Maven artifacts to Nexus staging repo.
@@ -886,18 +890,18 @@ def deploy_nexus_stage(nexus_url: str, staging_profile_id: str, deploy_dir: str)
             Completed uploading files to aaf-1005.
-    staging_repo_id: str = nexus_stage_repo_create(nexus_url, staging_profile_id)
-    log.info(f"Staging repository {staging_repo_id} created.")
+    staging_repo_id = nexus_stage_repo_create(nexus_url, staging_profile_id)
+    log.info("Staging repository {} created.".format(staging_repo_id))
     deploy_nexus_url = "{0}/service/local/staging/deployByRepositoryId/{1}".format(
         _format_url(nexus_url), staging_repo_id
-    sz_m2repo: int = sum(os.path.getsize(f) for f in os.listdir(deploy_dir) if os.path.isfile(f))
-    log.debug(f"Staging repository upload size: {sz_m2repo} bytes")
+    sz_m2repo = sum(os.path.getsize(f) for f in os.listdir(deploy_dir) if os.path.isfile(f))
+    log.debug("Staging repository upload size: {} bytes".format(sz_m2repo))
     log.debug("Nexus Staging URL: {}".format(_format_url(deploy_nexus_url)))
     deploy_nexus(deploy_nexus_url, deploy_dir)
     nexus_stage_repo_close(nexus_url, staging_profile_id, staging_repo_id)
-    log.info(f"Completed uploading files to {staging_repo_id}.")
+    log.info("Completed uploading files to {}.".format(staging_repo_id))