title | description | weight |
Connections |
A libp2p connection allows two peers to read and write data to each other. |
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A libp2p connection allows two peers to read and write data to each other. Peers connect over transport protocols, which are core abstractions of libp2p and offer extensibility. This document does not cover establishing "transport level" connections, for example, opening "raw" TCP sockets, as those semantics are specific to each transport. Rather, this document explains the process that occurs after making the initial transport-level connection, up to the point where "application level" streams are opened. Learn about transport protocols in libp2p in the transport section.
The following points present an overview for a standard libp2p connection; we'll then dive more into the various components later in the document.
- A libp2p node (peer) initiates a connection with another node by sending a request over the underlying transport protocol (e.g., TCP). This request is referred to as "dialing", and the peer is referred to as the "dialer."
- The receiving node, known as the "listener", accepts the incoming connection request and responds with a handshake message to initiate the protocol negotiation process.
- Both nodes exchange protocol information and select the protocols to use for the connection, including protocols for security and stream multiplexing if necessary. The multistream-select is used for this negotiation process.
- If the underlying transport protocol does not natively support security and multiplexing, a connection upgrade is performed to add these capabilities to the raw transport connection.
- The peers may use NAT traversal techniques such as UPnP or hole punching to allow nodes behind NAT devices to establish connections.
- Once the connection is established, and protocols are selected, the nodes can open multiple streams over the connection for various interactions, each using its own protocol.
- Data is exchanged over the streams using the negotiated protocols.
- Based on the transport being used, when a node wants to close the connection or a stream, it can send a "close" message to the other. node, which responds with an "acknowledgment" message.
- Once both nodes have sent and received the close message and acknowledgment, the connection or stream is closed.
libp2p handles the management of connections and streams in a few ways:
- Tracking: libp2p keeps track of which connections and streams are open and updates this information as connections and streams are opened or closed.
- Timeouts and retries: When a connection or stream fails, the application would be notified and it is expected to handle the reconnection process. It is possible to handle the reconnection logic by writing a custom reconnection manager. This manager can listen for closed stream events, and when a stream is closed, it can attempt to reconnect to the peer. Additionally, you can add your own retry and timeout logic.
- Opening and closing: libp2p applications can specify when to open and close connections
and streams based on their specific requirements. For example, an application may open a new
stream for each file transfer rather than reusing a single stream.
Implementations may include a connection manager (like in go-libp2p), which is is responsible for maintaining the number of connections to other peers within a specific range, known as the low and high watermark. The low watermark is the minimum number of connections that the connection manager tries to maintain, while the high watermark is the maximum number of connections that the connection manager allows. There is also functionality for connection protection, which is used to protect certain connections from being closed by the connection manager. When a connection is protected, the connection manager will not close it, even if the number of connections exceeds the high watermark. This allows for important connections, such as those used for critical communication or for relaying traffic, to be preserved.
NAT traversal allows nodes behind NAT devices (e.g., routers) to establish connections with nodes on the public internet or other nodes behind NATs. Some transport protocols and connection upgrade protocols in libp2p have built-in NAT traversal capabilities, while others require additional mechanisms such as UPnP or hole punching. Learn more about NAT traversal in the NAT section.
Stream multiplexing allows multiple streams to share a single connection, which can be more efficient than opening a separate connection for each stream. This can be especially helpful in applications that simultaneously maintain many connections or streams, such as a peer-to-peer file-sharing application. Multiplexing also allows for better utilization of network resources and can improve overall performance. For example, if one stream is idle while another stream is receiving a burst of data, the idle stream will not block the active stream from using the connection.
libp2p supports a variety of protocols for security and stream multiplexing, including:
- Security protocols:
Learn more about secure connections in the secure communications section.
- Stream multiplexing protocols:
Learn more about multiplexing in the stream multiplexing section.
New protocols can be added to libp2p as needed. When adding a new protocol, it is important to consider compatibility with existing protocols, performance, and security.
libp2p is designed to support a variety of transport protocols, including those that do not natively support the core libp2p capabilities of security and stream multiplexing. The process of layering capabilities onto "raw" transport connections is known as "upgrading" the connection.
Eventually, the listener's multiaddr will determine the security protocol to be used on a connection (see the specification). The multiplexing protocol is determined using protocol negotiation, with the multistream-select protocol used for this negotiation process (as described in the Protocol Negotiation section). When raw connections need both security and multiplexing, security is always established first, and the negotiation for stream multiplexing takes place over the encrypted channel.
Here is an example of the connection upgrade process:
- The dialing peer sends a request to initiate a connection to the listening peer over the underlying transport protocol (e.g., TCP).
- The listening peer accepts the incoming connection request and sends the security protocol ID (e.g., Noise) using multistream-select to indicate the security protocol to use.
- The dialing peer responds with the security handshake message to initiate the Noise protocol.
- If the security handshake is successful, the peers exchange the multistream protocol ID to establish that they will use multistream-select to negotiate protocols for the connection upgrade.
- The peers negotiate which stream multiplexer to use by proposing and responding with protocol IDs. If a proposed multiplexer is unsupported, the listening peer responds with "na". In some cases, the peer may include the stream muxer in the security handshake to save this roundtrip. This is known as early multiplexer negotiation.
- Once security and stream multiplexing are established, the connection upgrade process is complete, and both peers can use the resulting libp2p connection to open new secure multiplexed streams.
In the case where both peers initially act as initiators, e.g., during NAT hole punching, tie-breaking is done via the multistream-select simultaneous open protocol extension.
One of libp2p's core design goals is to be adaptable to many network environments, including those that still need to be created. To provide this flexibility, the connection upgrade process supports multiple protocols for connection security and stream multiplexing and allows peers to select which to use for each connection.
The process of selecting protocols is called protocol negotiation. In addition to its role in the connection upgrade process, protocol negotiation is used whenever a new stream is opened over an existing connection. This allows libp2p applications to route application-specific protocols to the correct handler functions.
Each protocol supported by a peer is identified using a unique string called a protocol ID. While any string can be used, the conventional format is a path-like structure containing a short name and a version number, separated by "/" characters.
For example: /yamux/1.0.0
identifies version 1.0.0
of yamux. multistream-select itself has
a protocol ID of /multistream/1.0.0
. Including a version number in the protocol ID simplifies
the case where you want to concurrently support multiple protocol versions, perhaps a stable
version and an in-development version. By default, libp2p peers should support the latest protocol
version, but they may also choose to support older versions for compatibility. More information on
protocols is available on the protocols document.
Protocol negotiation works by one peer sending a message containing the protocol ID of the protocol it wishes to use, and the other either echoing back the same ID if it supports the protocol or sending a different ID if it does not. This process continues until both peers agree on a common protocol to use or determine that no common protocol is available.
For example, consider a case where two libp2p nodes are attempting to upgrade a raw transport connection to a secure libp2p connection using the Noise protocol:
- The dialing peer sends a message containing the protocol ID
to indicate its desire to use the Noise protocol. - The listening peer supports the Noise protocol, which echoes the same protocol ID.
- Both peers perform the Noise handshake to establish a secure connection.
If the listening peer did not support the Noise protocol, it would have responded with "na" to indicate that no common protocol could be found. The dialing peer could then try a different protocol or terminate the connection attempt. More details are available here.
Once a libp2p connection is established, either through a new connection or by upgrading a raw transport connection, new streams can be opened over the connection as needed. The protocol negotiation process described above is used to identify the protocol for each stream and route the stream data to the appropriate handler functions.
For example, consider a libp2p node that wants to send a file to another node over
a libp2p connection. The sending node might open a new stream and negotiate the
protocol with the receiving node to handle the file transfer.
The receiving node would then route the stream data to its file transfer handler
Connections and streams can be closed by the dialing or listening node by sending a close message. The close message indicates that the sender will not send more data on the connection or stream, but it may still receive data until the other peer closes the connection or stream. Once both peers have closed a connection or stream, the connection or stream is considered fully closed, and all resources can be released.
{{< alert icon="" context="">}} It is important to properly close connections and streams to free up resources and avoid resource leaks. However, it is also essential to implement timeouts and retries to handle cases where a close message may not be received due to network issues. {{< /alert >}}
{{< alert icon="💡" context="note" text="See the connections <a class="text-muted" href="https://github.com/libp2p/specs/tree/master/connections\">technical specification for more details." />}}