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Guardian Monsters Artwork

Guardian Monsters

Only few restrictions. Look at GitHub for more details. In short: Everything is licensed under CC-BY-4.0. Please give credit like this:

Contains Guardian Monsters Artwork by Georg Eckert / limbusdev

One Restriction for monster sprites: keep the names given here.

ID Name 128x128 64x64 16x16 Name Origin
0_0 Egg
1_0 Fordin Forest dinosaur
1_1 Stegofor Stegosaurus forest
1_2 Brachifor Brachiosaurus forest
2_0 Kroki Crocodile
2_1 Krokivip Crocodile viper
2_2 Leviadile Leviathan crocodile
3_0 Devidin Devil dinosaur
3_1 Devidra Devil dragon
3_2 Deviraptor Devil raptor
4_0 Aerodin Air dinosaur
4_1 Aerodeer Air deer
4_2 Aerostag Air stag
5_0 Weastoat Weasel toat
6_0 Mooty Moon kitty
6_1 Camoon Cat moon
6_2 Moopard Moon leopard
7_0 Wuppy Worm puppy
7_1 Earog Ear dog
7_2 Deemog Demon dog
8_0 Dradder Dread adder
8_1 Driper Dread viper
9_0 Spreye Spring eye
9_1 Buttereye Butterfly eye
10_0 Duggot Double maggot
10_1 Breem Bee worm
11_0 Marvillar Marvellous caterpillar
11_1 Marvantis Marvellous mantis
12_0 Palmpot Palmtree pot
12_1 Bonose Bonsai nose
13_0 Erimat Hermit aspirant
13_1 Erichief Hermit chief
14_0 Eggatch Hatching egg
14_1 Owlock Owl lock
15_0 Flummby Flummery boy
15_1 Flummack Flummery stack
16_0 Neptisch Neptun fish
16_1 Nepdron Neptun dragon
16_2 Nepungandr Neptun Jörmungandr
17_0 Angenna Angel antenna
17_1 Angose Angel nose
17_2 Aethangel Aetherical angel
18_0 Jewlly Jewel jellyfish
18_1 Jhale Jewel whale
18_2 Jhocto Jewel octopus
19_0 Caky Cake boy
19_1 Caack Cake stack
19_2 Candike Candy cake
20_0 Speetle Spider beetle
20_1 Spadybug Spider ladybug
20_2 Spacules Spider hercules bug
21_0 Buuni Bunny
21_1 Bibuuni Bigger bunny
21_2 Bobuuni Boxer bunny
22_0 Squish Squinting fish
22_1 Bagish Bagel fish
23_0 Palander Pink salamander
24_0 Binoraffe Binocular giraffe
25_0 Trasto Transparent gastronomy
26_0 Spall Spring ball
26_1 Grall Grim ball
27_0 Circeece Circuit board fleece
27_1 Quanthus Quantum rhombus
28_0 Spectrug Spectrum bug
29_0 Clocky Clock
30_0 Sabertaur Saber tooth zentaur
31_0 Patchimal Patch animal
32_0 Mustagon Mustage hexagon
33_0 Charmella Charmeleon umbrella
34_0 Suitowl Suit owl
35_0 Glomon Glove demon
36_0 Scrillar Screen caterpillar
37_0 Ruffoon Ruff coon
38_0 Hikail Hitchiking snail
39_0 Flear Flash bear
40_0 Strenguin Striped penguin
41_0 Pigraft Pig aircraft
42_0 Sprorm Spring worm
42_1 Sphake Sphere snake
42_2 Millord Mill lord
43_0 Sheye Shell eye
43_1 Fingcrab Shell crab
44_0 Andron Android ton
44_1 Androman Android main
45_0 Ferrell Ferret shell
45_1 Ferrmor Ferret armor
45_2 Ferrior Ferret warrior
46_0 Cnail Candle snail
46_1 Blastail Blasting snail
46_2 Chandelail Chandelier snail
47_0 Witty Witch kitty
47_1 Macat Magical cat
47_2 Wizane Wizard mane
47_3 Wizereign Wizard sovereign
48_0 Kumihol Kumiho eol-eum
49_0 Choros greek: space
50_0 Ora greek: time
51_0 Spirell Spider shell
51_1 Spidion Spider scorpion
51_2 Sporrior Spider warrior

From Back

ID Name 128x128 64x64
01_0 Fordin

Deprecated Monsters

Free to use under CC-BY-4.0, no name restrictions.

Type Sprite
Turtle man
Antenna bug