diff --git a/photon-api/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/photon/ml/data/LocalDataset.scala b/photon-api/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/photon/ml/data/LocalDataset.scala
index 487d7ceb..7881dccf 100644
--- a/photon-api/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/photon/ml/data/LocalDataset.scala
+++ b/photon-api/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/photon/ml/data/LocalDataset.scala
@@ -14,13 +14,7 @@
 package com.linkedin.photon.ml.data
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import breeze.linalg.Vector
 import com.linkedin.photon.ml.Types.UniqueSampleId
-import com.linkedin.photon.ml.constants.MathConst
-import com.linkedin.photon.ml.util.VectorUtils
  * Local dataset implementation.
@@ -93,40 +87,6 @@ protected[ml] case class LocalDataset(dataPoints: Array[(UniqueSampleId, Labeled
-  /**
-   * Filter features by Pearson correlation score.
-   *
-   * @param numFeaturesToKeep The number of features to keep
-   * @return The filtered dataset
-   */
-  def filterFeaturesByPearsonCorrelationScore(numFeaturesToKeep: Int): LocalDataset = {
-    val numActiveFeatures: Int = dataPoints.flatMap(_._2.features.activeKeysIterator).toSet.size
-    if (numFeaturesToKeep < numActiveFeatures) {
-      val labelAndFeatures = dataPoints.map { case (_, labeledPoint) => (labeledPoint.label, labeledPoint.features) }
-      val pearsonScores = LocalDataset.stableComputePearsonCorrelationScore(labelAndFeatures)
-      val filteredFeaturesIndexSet = pearsonScores
-        .toArray
-        .sortBy { case (_, score) => math.abs(score) }
-        .takeRight(numFeaturesToKeep)
-        .map(_._1)
-        .toSet
-      val filteredActivities = dataPoints.map { case (id, LabeledPoint(label, features, offset, weight)) =>
-        val filteredFeatures = LocalDataset.filterFeaturesWithFeatureIndexSet(features, filteredFeaturesIndexSet)
-        (id, LabeledPoint(label, filteredFeatures, offset, weight))
-      }
-      LocalDataset(filteredActivities)
-    } else {
-      this
-    }
-  }
 object LocalDataset {
@@ -148,175 +108,4 @@ object LocalDataset {
-  /**
-   * Filter features by feature index.
-   *
-   * @param features The original feature set
-   * @param featureIndexSet The feature index set
-   * @return The filtered feature vector
-   */
-  private def filterFeaturesWithFeatureIndexSet(
-      features: Vector[Double],
-      featureIndexSet: Set[Int]): Vector[Double] = {
-    val result = VectorUtils.zeroOfSameType(features)
-    features.activeIterator.foreach { case (key, value) =>
-      if (featureIndexSet.contains(key)) {
-        result(key) = value
-      }
-    }
-    result
-  }
-  /**
-   * Compute Pearson correlation scores using a numerically stable algorithm.
-   *
-   * @param labelAndFeatures An array of (label, feature) tuples
-   * @return The Pearson correlation scores for each tuple
-   */
-  protected[ml] def stableComputePearsonCorrelationScore(
-    labelAndFeatures: Array[(Double, Vector[Double])]): Map[Int, Double] = {
-    val featureMeans = mutable.Map[Int, Double]()
-    val featureUnscaledVars = mutable.Map[Int, Double]()
-    var labelMean = 0.0
-    var labelUnscaledVariance = 0.0
-    val unscaledCovariances = mutable.Map[Int, Double]()
-    var interceptAdded = false
-    var numSamples = 0
-    labelAndFeatures.foreach { case (label, features) =>
-      numSamples += 1
-      val deltaLabel = label - labelMean
-      labelMean += deltaLabel / numSamples
-      labelUnscaledVariance += deltaLabel * (label - labelMean)
-      // Note that, if there is duplicated keys in the feature vector, then the following Pearson correlation scores
-      // calculation will screw up
-      features.iterator.foreach { case (key, value) =>
-        val prevFeatureMean = featureMeans.getOrElse(key, 0.0)
-        val deltaFeature = value - prevFeatureMean
-        val featureMean = prevFeatureMean + deltaFeature / numSamples
-        val prevFeatureUnscaledVar = featureUnscaledVars.getOrElse(key, 0.0)
-        val featureUnscaledVar = prevFeatureUnscaledVar + deltaFeature * (value - featureMean)
-        val prevCovariance = unscaledCovariances.getOrElse(key, 0.0)
-        val unscaledCovariance = prevCovariance + deltaFeature * deltaLabel * (numSamples - 1) / numSamples
-        featureMeans.update(key, featureMean)
-        featureUnscaledVars.update(key, featureUnscaledVar)
-        unscaledCovariances.update(key, unscaledCovariance)
-      }
-    }
-    val labelStd = math.sqrt(labelUnscaledVariance)
-    featureMeans
-      .iterator
-      .map { case (key, featureMean) =>
-        val featureStd = math.sqrt(featureUnscaledVars(key))
-        val covariance = unscaledCovariances(key)
-        // When the standard deviation of the feature is close to 0 we treat it as the intercept term.
-        val score = if (featureStd < math.sqrt(numSamples) * MathConst.EPSILON) {
-          // Note that if the mean and standard deviation are equal to zero, it either means that the feature is constant
-          if (featureMean == 1.0 && !interceptAdded) {
-            interceptAdded = true
-            1.0
-          } else {
-            0.0
-          }
-        } else {
-          covariance / (labelStd * featureStd + MathConst.EPSILON)
-        }
-        require(math.abs(score) <= 1 + MathConst.EPSILON,
-          s"Computed pearson correlation score is $score, while the score's magnitude should be less than 1. " +
-            s"(Diagnosis:\n" +
-            s"featureKey=$key\n" +
-            s"featureStd=$featureStd\n" +
-            s"labelStd=$labelStd\n" +
-            s"covariance=$covariance\n" +
-            s"numSamples=$numSamples\n" +
-            s"labelAndFeatures used to compute Pearson correlation score:\n${labelAndFeatures.mkString("\n")}})")
-        (key, score)
-      }
-      .toMap
-  }
-  /**
-   * Compute Pearson correlation scores.
-   *
-   * @param labelAndFeatures An array of (label, feature) tuples
-   * @return The Pearson correlation scores for each tuple
-   */
-  protected[ml] def computePearsonCorrelationScore(
-    labelAndFeatures: Array[(Double, Vector[Double])]): Map[Int, Double] = {
-    val featureLabelProductSums = mutable.Map[Int, Double]()
-    val featureFirstOrderSums = mutable.Map[Int, Double]()
-    val featureSecondOrderSums = mutable.Map[Int, Double]()
-    var labelFirstOrderSum = 0.0
-    var labelSecondOrderSum = 0.0
-    var numSamples = 0
-    var interceptAdded = false
-    labelAndFeatures.foreach { case (label, features) =>
-      numSamples += 1
-      labelFirstOrderSum += label
-      labelSecondOrderSum += label * label
-      // Note that, if there is duplicated keys in the feature vector, then the following Pearson correlation scores
-      // calculation will screw up
-      features.activeIterator.foreach { case (key, value) =>
-        featureFirstOrderSums.update(key, featureFirstOrderSums.getOrElse(key, 0.0) + value)
-        featureSecondOrderSums.update(key, featureSecondOrderSums.getOrElse(key, 0.0) + value * value)
-        featureLabelProductSums.update(key, featureLabelProductSums.getOrElse(key, 0.0) + value * label)
-      }
-    }
-    featureFirstOrderSums
-      .keySet
-      .map { key =>
-        val featureFirstOrderSum = featureFirstOrderSums(key)
-        val featureSecondOrderSum = featureSecondOrderSums(key)
-        val featureLabelProductSum = featureLabelProductSums(key)
-        val numerator = numSamples * featureLabelProductSum - featureFirstOrderSum * labelFirstOrderSum
-        val std = math.sqrt(math.abs(numSamples * featureSecondOrderSum - featureFirstOrderSum * featureFirstOrderSum))
-        val denominator = std * math.sqrt(numSamples * labelSecondOrderSum - labelFirstOrderSum * labelFirstOrderSum)
-        // When the standard deviation of the feature is close to 0, we treat it as the intercept term
-        val score = if (std < MathConst.EPSILON) {
-          if (interceptAdded) {
-            0.0
-          } else {
-            interceptAdded = true
-            1.0
-          }
-        } else {
-          numerator / (denominator + MathConst.EPSILON)
-        }
-        require(math.abs(score) <= 1 + MathConst.EPSILON,
-          s"Computed pearson correlation score is $score, while the score's magnitude should be less than 1. " +
-            s"(Diagnosis:\n" +
-            s"numerator=$numerator\n" +
-            s"denominator=$denominator\n" +
-            s"numSamples=$numSamples\n" +
-            s"featureFirstOrderSum=$featureFirstOrderSum\n" +
-            s"featureSecondOrderSum=$featureSecondOrderSum\n" +
-            s"featureLabelProductSum=$featureLabelProductSum\n" +
-            s"labelFirstOrderSum=$labelFirstOrderSum\n" +
-            s"labelSecondOrderSum=$labelSecondOrderSum\n" +
-            s"labelAndFeatures used to compute Pearson correlation score:\n${labelAndFeatures.mkString("\n")}})")
-        (key, score)
-      }
-      .toMap
-  }
diff --git a/photon-api/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/photon/ml/data/RandomEffectDataset.scala b/photon-api/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/photon/ml/data/RandomEffectDataset.scala
index eb54d140..af275374 100644
--- a/photon-api/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/photon/ml/data/RandomEffectDataset.scala
+++ b/photon-api/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/photon/ml/data/RandomEffectDataset.scala
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ import com.linkedin.photon.ml.data.scoring.CoordinateDataScores
 import com.linkedin.photon.ml.model.RandomEffectModel
 import com.linkedin.photon.ml.projector.LinearSubspaceProjector
 import com.linkedin.photon.ml.spark.{BroadcastLike, RDDLike}
-import com.linkedin.photon.ml.supervised.model.GeneralizedLinearModel
 import com.linkedin.photon.ml.util.VectorUtils
@@ -287,27 +286,24 @@ object RandomEffectDataset {
     val projectedGroupedActiveData = generateProjectedActiveData(unfilteredActiveData, unfilteredProjectors)
-    val projectedUnfilteredActiveData = featureSelectionOnActiveData(
-      projectedGroupedActiveData,
-      randomEffectDataConfiguration.numFeaturesToSamplesRatioUpperBound)
     val (activeData, passiveData, uniqueIdToRandomEffectIds, projectors) =
       randomEffectDataConfiguration.numActiveDataPointsLowerBound match {
         case Some(activeDataLowerBound) =>
-          projectedUnfilteredActiveData.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER)
+          projectedGroupedActiveData.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER)
           // Filter entities which do not meet active data lower bound threshold
           val filteredActiveData = filterActiveData(
-            projectedUnfilteredActiveData,
+            projectedGroupedActiveData,
           val passiveData = generatePassiveData(
-            generateIdMap(projectedUnfilteredActiveData, uniqueIdPartitioner))
+            generateIdMap(projectedGroupedActiveData, uniqueIdPartitioner))
           val uniqueIdToRandomEffectIds = generateIdMap(filteredActiveData, uniqueIdPartitioner)
@@ -316,22 +312,22 @@ object RandomEffectDataset {
           val filteredProjectors = filterProjectors(unfilteredProjectors, filteredActiveData)
-          projectedUnfilteredActiveData.unpersist()
+          projectedGroupedActiveData.unpersist()
           (filteredActiveData, passiveData, uniqueIdToRandomEffectIds, filteredProjectors)
         case None =>
-          projectedUnfilteredActiveData.persist(storageLevel).count
+          projectedGroupedActiveData.persist(storageLevel).count
-          val uniqueIdToRandomEffectIds = generateIdMap(projectedUnfilteredActiveData, uniqueIdPartitioner)
+          val uniqueIdToRandomEffectIds = generateIdMap(projectedGroupedActiveData, uniqueIdPartitioner)
           val passiveData = generatePassiveData(keyedGameDataset, uniqueIdToRandomEffectIds)
-          (projectedUnfilteredActiveData, passiveData, uniqueIdToRandomEffectIds, unfilteredProjectors)
+          (projectedGroupedActiveData, passiveData, uniqueIdToRandomEffectIds, unfilteredProjectors)
@@ -521,7 +517,7 @@ object RandomEffectDataset {
         val weightMultiplierOpt = if (count > sampleCap) Some(1D * count / sampleCap) else None
         data.map { case ComparableLabeledPointWithId(_, uniqueId, LabeledPoint(label, features, offset, weight)) =>
-          (uniqueId, LabeledPoint(label, features, offset, weightMultiplierOpt.map(_ * weight).getOrElse(weight)))
+          (uniqueId, LabeledPoint(label, features, offset, weightMultiplierOpt.fold(weight)(_ * weight)))
@@ -549,32 +545,6 @@ object RandomEffectDataset {
         LocalDataset(projectedData.toArray, isSortedByFirstIndex = false)
-  /**
-   * Reduce active data feature dimension for entities with few samples. The maximum feature dimension is limited to
-   * the number of samples multiplied by the feature dimension ratio. Features are chosen by greatest Pearson
-   * correlation score.
-   *
-   * @param activeData An [[RDD]] of data grouped by entity ID
-   * @param numFeaturesToSamplesRatioUpperBoundOpt Optional ratio of samples to feature dimension
-   * @return The input data with feature dimension reduced for entities whose feature dimension greatly exceeded the
-   *         number of available samples
-   */
-  private def featureSelectionOnActiveData(
-    activeData: RDD[(REId, LocalDataset)],
-    numFeaturesToSamplesRatioUpperBoundOpt: Option[Double]): RDD[(REId, LocalDataset)] =
-    numFeaturesToSamplesRatioUpperBoundOpt
-      .map { numFeaturesToSamplesRatioUpperBound =>
-        activeData.mapValues { localDataset =>
-          var numFeaturesToKeep = math.ceil(numFeaturesToSamplesRatioUpperBound * localDataset.numDataPoints).toInt
-          // In case the above product overflows
-          if (numFeaturesToKeep < 0) numFeaturesToKeep = Int.MaxValue
-          localDataset.filterFeaturesByPearsonCorrelationScore(numFeaturesToKeep)
-        }
-      }
-      .getOrElse(activeData)
    * Filter out entities with less data than a given threshold.
@@ -644,7 +614,7 @@ object RandomEffectDataset {
    * @param unfilteredProjectors The unfiltered projectors
    * @param filteredActiveData The filtered active data
-   * @return [[unfilteredProjectors]] with all projectors for entities not in [[filteredActiveData]] removed
+   * @return A [[RDD]] of projectors, but only for entities in the filtered active data
   protected[data] def filterProjectors(
       unfilteredProjectors: RDD[(REId, LinearSubspaceProjector)],
diff --git a/photon-api/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/photon/ml/data/LocalDatasetTest.scala b/photon-api/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/photon/ml/data/LocalDatasetTest.scala
index 435dae94..3fdac009 100644
--- a/photon-api/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/photon/ml/data/LocalDatasetTest.scala
+++ b/photon-api/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/photon/ml/data/LocalDatasetTest.scala
@@ -16,13 +16,12 @@ package com.linkedin.photon.ml.data
 import java.util.Random
-import breeze.linalg.{SparseVector, Vector}
+import breeze.linalg.Vector
 import org.mockito.Mockito._
 import org.testng.Assert._
 import org.testng.annotations.Test
 import com.linkedin.photon.ml.constants.MathConst
-import com.linkedin.photon.ml.test.CommonTestUtils
  * Unit tests for [[LocalDataset]].
@@ -90,193 +89,4 @@ class LocalDatasetTest {
         assertEquals(labeledPoint.offset, offset, MathConst.EPSILON)
-  /**
-   * Test the stable Pearson correlation score computation.
-   */
-  @Test(groups = Array[String]("testPearsonCorrelationScore", "testCore"))
-  def testPearsonCorrelationScore(): Unit = {
-    // Test input data
-    val labels = Array(1.0, 4.0, 6.0, 9.0)
-    val features = Array(
-      Vector(0.0, 0.0, 2.0), Vector(5.0, 0.0, -3.0), Vector(7.0, 0.0, -8.0), Vector(0.0, 0.0, -1.0))
-    val expected = Map(0 -> 0.05564149, 1 -> 0.0, 2 -> -0.40047142)
-    val labelAndFeatures = labels.zip(features)
-    val computed = LocalDataset.stableComputePearsonCorrelationScore(labelAndFeatures)
-    computed.foreach { case (key, value) =>
-      assertEquals(
-        expected(key),
-        value,
-        CommonTestUtils.LOW_PRECISION_TOLERANCE,
-        s"Computed Pearson correlation score is $value, while the expected value is ${expected(key)}.")
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Test the stable Pearson correlation score computation on sparse feature vectors.
-   */
-  @Test(groups = Array[String]("testPearsonCorrelationScore", "testCore"))
-  def testStablePearsonCorrelationScoreOnSparseVector(): Unit = {
-    // Test input data
-    val labels = Array(1.0, 4.0, 6.0, 9.0)
-    val numFeatures = 3
-    val features = Array[Vector[Double]](
-      new SparseVector[Double](Array(2), Array(2.0), numFeatures),
-      new SparseVector[Double](Array(0, 2), Array(5.0, -3.0), numFeatures),
-      new SparseVector[Double](Array(0, 2), Array(7.0, -8.0), numFeatures),
-      new SparseVector[Double](Array(2), Array(-1.0), numFeatures)
-    )
-    val expected = Map(0 -> 0.05564149, 1 -> 0.0, 2 -> -0.40047142)
-    val labelAndFeatures = labels.zip(features)
-    val computed = LocalDataset.stableComputePearsonCorrelationScore(labelAndFeatures)
-    computed.foreach { case (key, value) =>
-      assertEquals(
-        expected(key),
-        value,
-        CommonTestUtils.LOW_PRECISION_TOLERANCE,
-        s"Computed Pearson correlation score is $value, while the expected value is ${expected(key)}.")
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Test that the stable Pearson correlation score computation properly recognizes an intercept column.
-   */
-  @Test(groups = Array[String]("testPearsonCorrelationScore", "testCore"))
-  def testPearsonCorrelationScoreForIntercept(): Unit = {
-    // Test input data
-    val labels = Array(1.0, 4.0, 6.0, 9.0)
-    val features = Array(
-      Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0),
-      Vector(5.0, 0.0, 1.0, -3.0),
-      Vector(7.0, 0.0, 1.0, -8.0),
-      Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0)
-    )
-    val expected = Map(0 -> 0.05564149, 1 -> 0.0, 2 -> 1.0, 3 -> -0.40047142)
-    val labelAndFeatures = labels.zip(features)
-    val computed = LocalDataset.stableComputePearsonCorrelationScore(labelAndFeatures)
-    computed.foreach { case (key, value) =>
-      assertEquals(
-        expected(key),
-        value,
-        CommonTestUtils.LOW_PRECISION_TOLERANCE,
-        s"Computed Pearson correlation score is $value, while the expected value is ${expected(key)}.")
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Test the stable Pearson correlation score numerical stability.
-   */
-  @Test(groups = Array[String]("testPearsonCorrelationScore", "testCore"))
-  def testStablePearsonCorrelationScoreStability(): Unit = {
-    // Test input data: this is a pathological example in which a naive algorithm would fail due to numerical
-    // unstability.
-    val labels = Array(10000000.0, 10000000.1, 10000000.2)
-    val features = Array(Vector(0.0), Vector(0.1), Vector(0.2))
-    val expected = Map(0 -> 1.0)
-    val labelAndFeatures = labels.zip(features)
-    val computed = LocalDataset.stableComputePearsonCorrelationScore(labelAndFeatures)
-    computed.foreach { case (key, value) =>
-      assertEquals(
-        expected(key),
-        value,
-        CommonTestUtils.LOW_PRECISION_TOLERANCE,
-        s"Computed Pearson correlation score is $value, while the expected value is ${expected(key)}.")
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Test feature filtering using the stable Pearson correlation score.
-   */
-  @Test(dependsOnGroups = Array[String]("testPearsonCorrelationScore", "testCore"))
-  def testFilterFeaturesByPearsonCorrelationScore(): Unit = {
-    val numSamples = 10
-    val random = new Random(MathConst.RANDOM_SEED)
-    val labels = Array.fill(numSamples)(if (random.nextDouble() > 0.5) 1.0 else -1.0)
-    val numFeatures = 10
-    // Each data point has 10 features, and each of them is designed as following:
-    // 0: Intercept
-    // 1: Positively correlated with the label
-    // 2: Negatively correlated with the label
-    // 3: Un-correlated with the label
-    // 4: Dummy feature 1
-    // 5: Dummy feature 2
-    // 6-9: Missing features
-    val intercept = 1.0
-    val variance = 0.001
-    val featureIndices = Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
-    val features = Array.tabulate(numSamples) { i =>
-      val featureValues = Array(
-        intercept,
-        labels(i) + variance * random.nextGaussian(),
-        -labels(i) + variance * random.nextGaussian(),
-        random.nextDouble(),
-        1.0,
-        1.0)
-      new SparseVector[Double](featureIndices, featureValues, numFeatures)
-    }
-    val localDataset =
-      LocalDataset(
-        Array.tabulate(numSamples)(i => (i.toLong, LabeledPoint(labels(i), features(i)))))
-    // don't keep any features
-    val filteredDataPoints0 = localDataset.filterFeaturesByPearsonCorrelationScore(numFeaturesToKeep = 0).dataPoints
-    assertEquals(filteredDataPoints0.length, numSamples)
-    assertTrue(filteredDataPoints0.forall(_._2.features.activeSize == 0))
-    // keep 1 feature
-    val filteredDataPoints1 = localDataset.filterFeaturesByPearsonCorrelationScore(numFeaturesToKeep = 1).dataPoints
-    val filteredDataPointsKeySet1 = filteredDataPoints1.flatMap(_._2.features.activeKeysIterator).toSet
-    assertEquals(filteredDataPoints1.length, numSamples)
-    assertTrue(filteredDataPoints1.forall(_._2.features.activeSize == 1))
-    assertTrue(
-      filteredDataPointsKeySet1.size == 1 &&
-        (filteredDataPointsKeySet1.contains(0) ||
-          filteredDataPointsKeySet1.contains(4) ||
-          filteredDataPointsKeySet1.contains(5)),
-      s"$filteredDataPointsKeySet1")
-    // keep 3 features
-    val filteredDataPoints3 = localDataset.filterFeaturesByPearsonCorrelationScore(numFeaturesToKeep = 3).dataPoints
-    val filteredDataPointsKeySet3 = filteredDataPoints3.flatMap(_._2.features.activeKeysIterator).toSet
-    assertEquals(filteredDataPoints3.length, numSamples)
-    assertTrue(filteredDataPoints3.forall(_._2.features.activeSize == 3))
-    assertTrue(
-      filteredDataPointsKeySet3.size == 3 &&
-        filteredDataPointsKeySet3.contains(1) &&
-        filteredDataPointsKeySet3.contains(2) &&
-        (filteredDataPointsKeySet3.contains(0) ||
-          filteredDataPointsKeySet3.contains(4) ||
-          filteredDataPointsKeySet3.contains(5)),
-      s"$filteredDataPointsKeySet3")
-    // keep 5 features
-    val filteredDataPoints5 = localDataset.filterFeaturesByPearsonCorrelationScore(numFeaturesToKeep = 5).dataPoints
-    val filteredDataPointsKeySet5 = filteredDataPoints5.flatMap(_._2.features.activeKeysIterator).toSet
-    assertEquals(filteredDataPoints5.length, numSamples)
-    assertTrue(filteredDataPoints5.forall(_._2.features.activeSize == 5))
-    assertTrue(filteredDataPointsKeySet5.forall(_ < 6), s"$filteredDataPointsKeySet5")
-    // keep all features
-    val filteredDataPointsAll = localDataset.filterFeaturesByPearsonCorrelationScore(numFeaturesToKeep = numFeatures)
-      .dataPoints
-    assertEquals(filteredDataPointsAll.length, numSamples)
-    assertTrue(
-      filteredDataPointsAll
-        .forall(dataPoint => dataPoint._2.features.activeKeysIterator.toSet == Set(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)))
-  }