require Python3.5
git clone
cd 1052Material_Plot
pip3 install -e .
Just edit
or copy to jupyter notebook cell
from material_plot import main
from sympy import symbols, Rational
a, b, c, x = symbols("Fa Fb Fc x", real=True)
show = "F,y,dy"
length = 3
boundary_condition = [("V", length, 0),("M", length, 0),("y",0,0),("y",length,0)]
main(show, length, external, boundary_condition, weight=[])
show = "F,y,dy"
means plot diagram of F(force) and Y(Y-displacement) and dy(slope of Y)
Use comma ,
to separate each vatiable.
There are the list of variable name
name | full name |
F | Force |
V | Shear |
M | Moment |
dy | angle(slope) of y displacement |
y | Deflection y displacement |
T | Torque |
Fint | Internal Force |
P | Pressure |
dx | X_displacement |
Tint | Internal Torque |
A | Twist Angle |
length = 3
Tell the length of the structure
The External Force (or Torque or somewhat) that question given.
Means $$ a \left \langle x - 0 \right \rangle _ {-1} $$
Which a
is unknown.
means a continuous force y = -1
from 0
to 1
means a continuous force y = -(x-1)+3
where x
from 1
to 2
boundary = [("V", length, 0),("M", length, 0),("y",0,0),("y",length,0)]
The boundary condition we need to solve unknowns.
("V", length, 0)
means Shear Force should be 0
when x=length
If there are not exist any unknown, set boundary=[]
weight = [(0.7,0,0.3),(0.3,0.3,1)]
The const of each section of structure.
If no specify, weight is always = 1
means the value should times 0.7
at [0,0.3]
This cannot be applied when you want to get deflection, or deflection angle.
Recommand running it in jupyter notebook
python3 -m notebook
In fact, you can use it in command line.
It will automatically calculate the variable you set
by Boundary you provided.
In this example,
We get {c1: 1/24, Fb: 1/2, c2: 0, Fa: 1/2}
Also, get expression by Deflection formula ,
plot expression and show min and max for you.
And open example.ipynb
for some exmaples.
Or just execute
and you will know how to set the input.
python3 -v
write test for plot