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File metadata and controls

296 lines (206 loc) · 6.31 KB

The .ceg language

CCLemma takes as input a .ceg file that contains datatype definitions, function defitions, and properties that may hold for them.

For parsing convenience, the data is all represented as s-expressions. The language's syntax is otherwise rather similar to that of Haskell.

The base .ceg file is a list of definitions, i.e.



Datatype declaration

A datatype is declared using the data keyword, whose syntax looks like:


The argument following data is the name. Type names must start with an uppercase character.

After the name is either a list of type variables (which all must start with lowercase letters) and a list of constructors (which all must start with uppercase letters) or just the list of constructors.

The following, for example, declares the datatype of linked Lists. Although it is not immediately clear that this is so because we have yet to see the types of its constructors Nil and Cons.

(data List (a) (Nil Cons))

If the type has no type variables, then the type vars argument may be omitted, like with Nat.

(data Nat (Z S))

We require that you give a type declaration for each constructor.

Type declaration

The type of a constructor is declared using :::


The names of constructors are capitalized while the names of functions start lowercase.

We can now specify the types of the constructors of Lists.

(data List (a) (Nil Cons))
(:: Nil  (List a))
(:: Cons (-> (a (List a)) (List a)))

Similarly, functions can have their types specified

(:: id (-> (a) a))


There are three basic kinds of types.

Base types, which are written as-is (i.e. not in a list), e.g.


Fully-applied type constructors, which are written as lists, e.g.

(List a)
(Pair Nat Bool)

Arrow types, e.g. the type of Cons

(-> (a (List a)) (List a))

Note that the first argument of an arrow is a list of types. The second argument is a type.

So the below is not a valid way to write the type of the identity function

(-> a a)

but this is

(-> (a) a)

Function/axiom definitions

Functions may be defined using the let keyword.


That is, the argument after the name is a list of arguments and the final argument is what the function evaluates to on those arguments.

ARGS must be a list even if the function only takes a single argument.

i.e. this is not valid

(let id ?x ?x)

but this is

(let id (?x) ?x)

Both ARGS and OUTPUT are patterns. For functions, the arguments may only be patterns containing constructors.

Function definitions are always evaluated against patterns they match against; they are not tried in order.

An example function evaluation is

(id Z)

which matches the only function definition of id at ?x: Z and evaluates to


Axioms are like functions but defined with axiom instead of let. They may contain functions as well as constructors in their arguments.


A pattern is an s-expression built of constructors, functions, and pattern variables.

A pattern variable begins with ?, e.g. ?x or ?var1.

Intuitively, patterns match terms in the language, binding their variables to those terms.

For example, the pattern

(Cons (foo ?x) ?y)


(Cons (foo Z) Nil)

and its variables are bound to ?x: Z, ?y: Nil.

It doesn't, however, match

(Cons Z Nil)

because only ?y matches something.


Properties are the main definition used to interact with CCLemma. It will attempt to prove any property specified in a .ceg file.

Unconditional properties

An unconditional property is a property which doesn't have a condition. They are defined as follows, with ===


VARS is a list of variables used by the property. It must be in a list. Note that these do not begin with ?.

VAR_TYPES is a list of the types of the variables, in order of their definition. It must also be in a list.

LHS and RHS are the left- and right-hand sides defined over the VARS that are to be proven (un)equal.

AUX_REWRITES is an optional list of auxiliary rewrites that are assumed true. These are useful for debugging. There are three types of AUX_REWRITES:

  • (=> LHS_PAT RHS_PAT) which takes an LHS and RHS pattern (not term) and assumes it as a rewrite from the LHS to the RHS.
  • (<=> LHS_PAT RHS_PAT) is the same as the above but is bidirectional.
  • (=?> LHS_PAT RHS_PAT) Looks to see if there are two e-classes which both match LHS and RHS, are not already equal, yet have the same characteristic vector (an analysis our tool uses to vet whether e-classes could be unified).

This is an example, taken from isaplanner.ceg.

(=== goal_01 (n xs) (Nat (List a))
  (append (take n xs) (drop n xs))

Conditional properties

Conditional properties are the same as unconditional properties except they have a condition (aka premise). They are defined with ==>.


Its only addition is a condition on the property. The condition states that if LHS_COND = RHS_COND, then the property LHS = RHS holds.

The following is a property from IsaPlanner conditioned upon n = x.

(==> goal_05 (xs n x) ((List Nat) Nat Nat)
  (add (S Z) (count n xs))
  (count n (Cons x xs)))


We include a special reserved function $ to allow for partial application in higher-order functions.

map, for example, needs to be defined using $ otherwise it cannot evaluate properly.

(:: map (-> ((-> (a) b) (List a)) (List b)))
(let map (?f Nil          ) Nil                          )
(let map (?f (Cons ?x ?xs)) (Cons ($ ?f ?x) (map ?f ?xs)))


We require that the following definitions are always provided (i.e. they aren't baked into the prover but it expects them to be defined as such)

(data Bool (True False))
(:: True Bool)
(:: False Bool)

(:: ite (-> (Bool a a) a))
(let ite (True ?x ?y ) ?x)
(let ite (False ?x ?y) ?y)

If you change (or in some cases forget to provide) them, CCLemma may panic or behave strangely.