instead of -k
options to ignore the security the public key verification, we can use customer CA file --cacert
to communicates
with https for self-signed ca, authenticate through basic authentication.
curl https://<ip>:6443/version -H "Authorization: Bearer qpafj9.i2g5lucthim4wkgc" --cacert ./ca.cert
authenticate through client authenticate
for client authentication, the server side deployed the server certification, like server.cert and server.key. the server.cert and client.cert need be sign using the same CA. ca.cert
curl --cert ./client.cert --key ./client.key --cacert ./ca.cert
format see reference
: start from which points to query : what attributes to query : query scope base/one/sub : default objectClass=*
curl -B "ldap://<ip>/<base dn>?<attributes>?<scope>/<filter>" -u "<bind DN>:<bind passwd>"
curl -B "ldap://ip/dc=xxx,dc=com?*?sub?uid=xxx" -u "cn=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=com:xxx"
All about CURL: