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executable file
484 lines (431 loc) · 26.7 KB

HFRD Operations

HFRD use yaml file to design the test plan. The test plan supports eight different operations to drive blockchain networks,including:

* CHANNEL_CREATE : Used to create channels 
* CHANNEL_JOIN : Used to join specified peers into channels
* CHANNEL_QUERY: Used to query channel configuration,like BatchTimeout/BatchSize/AnchorPeers.(under verification)
* CHANNEL_UPDATE : Used to update channel configurations,like BatchTimeout/BatchSize/AnchorPeers.(under verification)
* CHAINCODE_INSTALL : Used to install chaincode to specified peers
* CHAINCODE_INSTANTIATE : Used to instantiate chaincode to specified peers
* CHAINCODE_INVOKE : Used to send traffic to fabric networks
* CHAINCODE_INVOKE (private data chaincode) : Show how to configure private data parameters in 	`CHAINCODE_INVOKE`
* EXECUTE_COMMAND: Used to execute shell command (a bash script or other binary files,like `ls` `go` `gosdk`)

HFRD users can define their own test plans by using these operations,then upload the test plan yaml file to HFRD .HFRD will help submit test plans and generate k8s job according to different operations inner test plan. You can find an example test plan file here

Next will show how to define different operation in testplan.yml.

Test plan top level parameters

There are few parameters that you can use to control how your test produce logs files, collect log files, metrics and if your test should continue if one test fails.

  1. continueAfterFail : Yes or no to indicates if the test should continue or fail after one test failed
  2. logLevel : the level of the logging for the test. Possible values are ERROR,INFO,DEBUG
  3. saveLog : This defines if the log files should be saved at the end of the test. When set to false, the log files produced will not be saved. When set to true, the log will be saved.
  4. collectFabricMetrics : This defines if the test should collect fabric network metrics, this capability is only available when you have a fabric network using fabric 1.4.0 or newer release. The value should be either true or false.

Common operation parameters

You may find that each operation in the testplan has some common parameters,including:

  1. name : The name of this operation.
  2. operation : The operation name of this section.
  3. iterationCount : This parameter indicates the loop count of this operatoin.For example: If iterationCount:10 and operation:CHANNEL_CREATE, then hfrd will help you create 10 channels with same channelNamePrefix . For CHAINCODE_INVOKE,this will be different.
  4. iterationInterval : The interval between each iteration.
  5. retryCount : The max retry times if operation fails.
  6. loadSpread : HFRD use kubernetes job to run the operations. loadSpread : defines how many kubernetes pods will run this operation in parallel.
  7. logLevel : setting log level of test modules. Currently supporting DEBUG, INFO and ERROR, all case insensitive.
  8. ignoreErrors : If ignoreErrors: true, then gosdk will continue to run next iteration even errors are detected.
  9. concurrencyLimit : setting test module sending requests concurrency limit. If user sets concurrencyLimit to 10, test modules will start AT MOST 10 goroutines to send requests. Users can also set concurrencyLimit to 1 to send requests sequentially. CHAINCODE_INSTANTIATE and EXECUTE_COMMAND operations will always set concurrencyLimit to 1 even if user sets a different value.
  10. delayTime : This parameter indicates the delay time before the first iteration starts. This parameter provides a user tool so that parallel operations can be started at a different time. This is necessary for dependent operations, for example, if a chaincode invoke has to start after another chaincode finishes, then the chaincode invoke should be delayed for a period time before its execution. This parameter takes time period in seconds as its value. For example, delayTime: 60s, this means that the operation should wait 60 seconds before its first execution.


  - name: "create-channel"
    operation: "CHANNEL_CREATE"
    iterationCount: 20
    iterationInterval: 0s
    loadSpread: 1
    ignoreErrors: false
      applicationCapability: V1_4
      connectionProfile: orga
      channelNamePrefix: "mychannel"
      prefixOffset: 0 # optional
      channelConsortium: "FabricConsortium"
      channelOrgs: "orga,orgb"
      ordererName: orderer1st-orgc

You can also use channelNameList instead of channelNamePrefix and prefixOffset. channelNameList and channelNamePrefix are mutual exclusive

  - name: "create-channel"
    operation: "CHANNEL_CREATE"
    iterationCount: 20
    iterationInterval: 0s
    loadSpread: 1
    ignoreErrors: false
      applicationCapability: V1_4
      connectionProfile: orga
      channelNameList: mychannel0,mychannel2,mychannel5,mychannel11
      channelConsortium: "FabricConsortium"
      channelOrgs: "orga,orgb"
      ordererName: orderer1st-orgc

CHANNEL_CREATE will help to create fabric channels according to the parameters,including:

  1. applicationCapability : Used to set application channel capability.This is required if you want to use Private data collections in fabric version > 1.1.
  2. connectionProfile: Specify org name or full path of connection profile here. For example, if you set connectionProfile: org1,test modules will automatically generate the full path of connection profile /fabric/keyfiles/org1/connection.yml that belongs to this organization for you. If you set connectionProfile: /fabric/keyfiles/org1/connection.yml, the modules will directly use this path to look for connection profile.
  3. channelNamePrefix: The prefix of channel name.For example,if you set the channelNamePrefix:"mychannel" and iterationCount:10, then HFRD will help create 10 channels with name from mychannel0 to mychannel9.
  4. prefixOffset: The offset of channelNamePrefix. This is optional and default number is 0. When prefixOffset: 3 and iterationCount: 10,then HFRD will create 10 channels with name from mychannel3 (mychannel + prefixOffset) to mychannel12 (mychannel + prefixOffset + iterationCount - 1 ).
  5. channelConsortium: The channel consortium to be used in channel creation.In IBP networks, you can use SampleConsotium.In cello networks, you can use FabricConsotium.
  6. channelOrgs : The orgs that allowed to join the channels created in this operation.
  7. ordererName : The orderer to be used to create channels.


  - name: "join-orga-peers-to-channel"
    operation: "CHANNEL_JOIN"
    iterationCount: 10
    iterationInterval: 1s
    loadSpread: 1
      connectionProfile: orga
      channelNamePrefix: "mychannel"
      prefixOffset: 0 # optional
      peers: "peer1st-orga"
      ordererName: orderer1st-orgc

You can also use channelNameList instead of channelNamePrefix and prefixOffset. channelNameList and channelNamePrefix are mutual exclusive

  - name: "join-orga-peers-to-channel"
    operation: "CHANNEL_JOIN"
    iterationCount: 1
    iterationInterval: 1s
    loadSpread: 1
      connectionProfile: orga
      channelNameList: mychannel0,mychannel2,mychannel5,mychannel11
      peers: "peer1st-orga"
      ordererName: orderer1st-orgc

iterationCount should be set to 1 to avoid joining peers in a specific channel for multiple times CHANNEL_JOIN will help to join peers into channels according to the parameters,including:

  1. connectionProfile: Specify org name or full path of connection profile here. For example, if you set connectionProfile: org1,test modules will automatically generate the full path of connection profile /fabric/keyfiles/org1/connection.yml that belongs to this organization for you. If you set connectionProfile: /fabric/keyfiles/org1/connection.yml, the modules will directly use this path to look for connection profile.
  2. channelNamePrefix: The prefix of channel name.For example,if you set the channelNamePrefix:"mychannel" and iterationCount:10, then HFRD will help join the specified peers into channels frommychannel0 to mychannel9.
  3. prefixOffset: The offset of channelNamePrefix. This is optional and default number is 0. When prefixOffset: 3 and iterationCount: 10,then HFRD will join peers into 10 channels with name from mychannel3 (mychannel + prefixOffset) to mychannel12 (mychannel + prefixOffset + iterationCount - 1 ).
  4. peers : The peers will be joined to channels.Be careful,only the peers that belong to the connectionProfile client.organization can be joined by using this operation.If you want to join another org's peers into channel,you need to add another operation with that org's connection profile.
  5. ordererName : The orderer to be used to join channels.
  6. channelNameList : Peers will join all the channels in channelNameList


  - name: "query-channel-config"
    operation: "CHANNEL_QUERY"
    iterationCount: 10
    iterationInterval: 1s
    loadSpread: 1
      connectionProfile: orga
      channelName: "mychannel"
      peers: "peer1st-orga"

CHANNEL_QUERY will help to query channel configurations like BatchSize/BatchTimeout/Anchor peers according to the parameters,including:

  1. connectionProfile: Specify org name or full path of connection profile here.
  2. channelName: The channel name
  3. peers: The peers that will be used to query channels.peers must have been joined into channels.


  - name: "updae-channel-config"
    operation: "CHANNEL_UPDATE"
    iterationCount: 10
    iterationInterval: 1s
    loadSpread: 1
      connectionProfile: orga
      channelNamePrefix: "mychannel"
      channelNameList: mychannel0,hfrdchannel,samplechannel
      peers: "peer1st-orga"
      ordererOrgName: ordererorg
      batchTimeout: 1s
      maxMessageCount: 100
      preferredMaxBytes: 103802353
      ordererAddressesAction: replace/add/remove

You can also use channelNameList instead of channelNamePrefix and prefixOffset. channelNameList and channelNamePrefix are mutual exclusive. Same like CHANNEL_JOIN.

CHANNEL_UPDATE will help to update channel configurations like BatchSize/BatchTimeout/Anchor peers according to the parameters,including:

  1. connectionProfile: Specify org name or full path of connection profile here.
  2. channelNamePrefix: The prefix of channel name.For example,if you set the channelNamePrefix:"mychannel" and iterationCount:10, then HFRD will help query channel configurations frommychannel0 to mychannel9.
  3. peers: The peers that will be used to update channels.peers must have been joined into these channels.
  4. ordererOrgName : The orderer org name.
  5. ordererName: The orderer name that you want to use when update channels.
  6. batchTimeout maxMessageCount preferredMaxBytes anchorPeers are the channel configurations currently supported in hfrd. Remember that the anchorPeers should be the list of peers' url which contains the IP and port.
  7. ordererAddressesAction : Used to specify the operation type when update orderer addresses.Currently support replace,remove,add.
    ordererAddressesAction: replace will replace the orderer addresses with orderer addresses specified inordererAddresses .
    ordererAddressesAction: remove will remove the orderer addresses that are specified in ordererAddresses from the channel configuration.
    ordererAddressesAction: add will add the orderer addresses that specified in ordererAddresses into the channel configuration.
  8. ordererAddresses : The orderer addresses you want to use for update.


  - name: "install-chaincode"
    operation: "CHAINCODE_INSTALL"
    iterationCount: 10
    iterationInterval: 1s
    loadSpread: 1
      connectionProfile: orga
      chaincodeNamePrefix: "mysamplecc-"
      prefixOffset: 0 # optional
      chaincodeVersion: "v1"
      path: "chaincode/samplecc" # cc src code path relative to $GOPATH
      peers: "peer1st-orga"
      lang: "golang"

CHAINCODE_INSTALL will help to install chaincodes to peers according to the parameters,including:

  1. connectionProfile: Specify org name or full path of connection profile here. For example, if you set connectionProfile: org1,test modules will automatically generate the full path of connection profile /fabric/keyfiles/org1/connection.yml that belongs to this organization for you. If you set connectionProfile: /fabric/keyfiles/org1/connection.yml, the modules will directly use this path to look for connection profile.
  2. chaincodeNamePrefix : The prefix of chaincode name.For example,if you set the chaincodeNamePrefix:"mysamplecc-" and iterationCount:10, then HFRD will help install chaincodes from mysamplecc-0 to mysamplecc-9 to the specified peers.
  3. prefixOffset: The offset of chaincodeNamePrefix . This is optional and default number is 0. When prefixOffset: 3 and iterationCount: 10,then HFRD will install chiancodes from mysamplecc-3 (mysamplecc- + prefixOffset) to mysamplecc-12 (mysamplecc- + prefixOffset + iterationCount - 1 ).
  4. chaincodeVersion : The chaincode version
  5. path : The path of the chaincode.This shoule be same dir structure as the uploaded chaincode.tgz file.For example,if your tgz file's dir structure is chaincode/samplecc/samplecc.go, you should set path to chaincode/samplecc.
  6. peers: The peers that chaincode will be installed on.Be careful,only the peers that belong to the connectionProfile client.organization can be installed by using this operation.If you want to install chaincode on another org's peers,you need to add another operation with that org's connection profile.
  7. lang: The language used by the chaincode. The possible values are golang, node and cds. The default value is golang. When the lang is set as cds, you need to set the path as the cds file path.


  - name: "instantiate-chaincode"
    iterationCount: 1
    iterationInterval: 1s
    loadSpread: 1
      connectionProfile: orga
      chaincodeName: "mysamplecc"
      chaincodeVersion: "v1"
      path: "chaincode/samplecc"
      channelNamePrefix: "mychannel-"
      peers: "peer1st-orga"
      policyStr: "OR ('Org1MSP.member','Org2MSP.member')"
      collectionsConfigPath: "chaincode/marbles_private/collections_config.json"

CHAINCODE_INSTANTIATE will help to instantiate chaincodes to peers according to the parameters,including:

  1. connectionProfile: Specify org name or full path of connection profile here. For example, if you set connectionProfile: org1,test modules will automatically generate the full path of connection profile /fabric/keyfiles/org1/connection.yml that belongs to this organization for you. If you set connectionProfile: /fabric/keyfiles/org1/connection.yml, the modules will directly use this path to look for connection profile.
  2. chaincodeName: The chaincode name
  3. prefixOffset: The offset of chaincodeNamePrefix . This is optional and default number is 0. When prefixOffset: 3 and iterationCount: 10,then HFRD will instantiate chiancodes from mysamplecc-3 (mysamplecc- + prefixOffset) to mysamplecc-12 (mysamplecc- + prefixOffset + iterationCount - 1 ).
  4. chaincodeVersion : The chaincode version
  5. path : The path of the chaincode.This shoule be same dir structure as the uploaded chaincode.tgz file.For example,if your tgz file's dir structure is chaincode/samplecc/samplecc.go, you should set path to chaincode/samplecc.
  6. channelNamePrefix : Indicate which channel the chaincode will be instantiated in.For example,if you set the channelNamePrefix:"mychannel-" and iterationCount:10, then HFRD will help instantiate chaincode in channels mychannel-0 to mychannel-9.
  7. peers : The peers that chaincode will be instantiated on.Be careful if you are using fabric network created by cello.
  8. policyStr: Optional parameter, set this parameter when specific endorsement policy will be used instead of default one. Valid endorsement policy string example: "OR ('Org1MSP.member','Org2MSP.member')", "AND ('Org1MSP.member','Org2MSP.member')" etc.
  9. collectionsConfigPath : Optional parameter, set this parameter when the chaincode is used to operate private data.You can put the collections-config.json in chaincode.tgz, then use relative path for this parameter setting collectionsConfigPath : chaincode/{chaincode_name}/collections_config.json. Or you can specify the absolute path of collections_config.json collectionsConfigPath : /fabric/src/chaincode/marbles_private/collections_config.json.


 - name: "execute-cc"
   operation: "CHAINCODE_INVOKE"
   iterationCount: 100
   iterationInterval: 2r
   loadSpread: 5
      connectionProfile: orga
      channelName: "mychannel0"
      chaincodeName: "mysamplecc-0"
      queryOnly: false
      peers: "peer1st-orga"
      serviceDiscovery: true
      fabricVersion: "1.2"
        - type: "literal"
          value: "invoke"
        - type: "literal"
          value: "put"
        - type: "stringPattern"
          value: "account[0-9]"
        - type: "stringPattern"
          value: "account[a-z]"
        - type: "intRange"
          min: "0"
          max: "100"
        - type: "payloadRange"
          min: "1024"
          max: "2048"
        - type: "sequentialString"
          value: "marbles*"
      logLevel: INFO
      concurrencyLimit: 100

CHAINCODE_INVOKE will help to invoke chaincodes according to the parameters,including:

  1. connectionProfile: Specify org name or full path of connection profile here. For example, if you set connectionProfile: org1,test modules will automatically generate the full path of connection profile /fabric/keyfiles/org1/connection.yml that belongs to this organization for you. If you set connectionProfile: /fabric/keyfiles/org1/connection.yml, the modules will directly use this path to look for connection profile.
  2. channelName : The channel name that transactions will be invoked on.
  3. chaincodeName: The chaincode that will be used.
  4. queryOnly: If queryOnly:true,the operation will only query the ledger.If queryOnly:false,the operation will invoke chaincode and make ledger commits.
  5. peers : The peers that will be used for endorsement or service discovery
  6. chaincodeParams : The chaincode parameters to be used when invoke chaincode.Totally we support 4 parameter patterns, including literal/stringPattern/intRange/payloadRange.
  7. serviceDiscovery: default to false. When set to true, 'cc invoke' module will do service discovery with the first peer in peers list to discover a peer group to send proposal to. service discovery feature is supported from v1.2
  8. fabricVersion: default to 1.1. Should be set according to the Application Capability specified in application channel. Currently hfrd test modules support 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4

CHAINCODE_INVOKE (private data chaincode)

 - name: "execute-cc"
   operation: "CHAINCODE_INVOKE"
   iterationCount: 100
   iterationInterval: 2r
   loadSpread: 5
      connectionProfile: orga
      channelName: "mychannel0"
      chaincodeName: "marble_private-0"
      queryOnly: false
      peers: "peer1st-orga,peer1st-orgb"  # service discovery will be leveraged when peers param is empty
        - type: "literal"
          value: "initMarble"
        - key: "marble"
            - type: "sequentialString"
              key: "name"
              value: "marble_pvt"
            - type: "literal"
              key: "color"
              value: "blue"
            - type: "literal"
              key: "size"
              value: "30"
            - type: "literal"
              key: "price"
              value: "100"
            - type: "literal"
              key: "owner"
              value: "nilesh1"
        - key: "marble_owner"
            - type: "sequentialString"
              key: "name"
              value: "test"
            - type: "literal"
              key: "owner"
              value: "nilesh"
      logLevel: INFO
      concurrencyLimit: 100

There are big differences when invoke private data chaincodes.Take marbles private chaincode link as an example:

  1. When instantiate marbles_private chaindode,you should provide the collectionsConfigPath(see more details here)
  2. When invoke marbles_private chaincode,you should provide transientMapParams. The above transientMapParams contains two key-value pairs. Take the first one for an example:
        - key: "marble".
            - type: "sequentialString"
              key: "name"
              value: "marble"
            - type: "literal"
              key: "color"
              value: "blue"

Obviously the key is marble.valuefollows the rules we generate chaincodeParams(Support literal intRange stringPattern sequentialString payloadRange),but you need provide another key to make sure transientMap is valid map type.The result would be {"marble":{"name":"marble$iterationIndex","color":"blue"}}

Note For invoke operation ,we support two different running modes.

  1. Running with fixed total transaction count n. n must be a fixed integer.For example: if n is 10000,then the operation will send 10000 transactions totally.
    Just set
	iterationCount: n

in test plan to use this mode.
2. Running with fixed total time t.For example: if t is 1h5m2s,then the operation will send transactions for 1 hour 4 minutes 2 seconds. Just set

	iterationCount: t

in test plan to use this mode.

Syntax of each parameter pattern
- type:"literal"

param type is "literal".value is "invoke". This kind of param will return the value "invoke" as the chaincode parameter

- type:"stringPattern"

In type stringPattern, the value should be a legal regular expression string.
For this example, param type is "stringPattern" and the value is "account[0-9]",so HFRD will generate a string according to the regular exparession account[0-9] as the chaincode parameter.

- type:"sequentialString"

Param type is sequentialString.Value is marbles*. sequentialString will return a string by replace * in value marbles* with loopIndex.loopIndex is the current iteration index.For example,if iterationCount is 100 and current loopIndex (Note loopIndex will range from 0 to iterationCount - 1 ) is 10,then hfrd will return string 10marbles10 for current iteration.

- type: "intRange"
  min: "0"
  max: "100"

For type intRange, hfrd will return a random integer which will be within 0-100

- type: "payloadRange"
  min: "1024"
  max: "2048"

For type payloadRange, hfrd will generate a random bytes array whose size will be within 1024-2048


  - name: "execute-command"
    operation: "EXECUTE_COMMAND"
    loadSpread: 5
    container: email4tong/myown
      commandName: "/fabric/keyfiles/"
      # Totally we have 4 different parameter patterns:
      # 'literal' will return the value as string
      # 'stringPattern' will generate a string based on the value(regular expression)
      # 'intRange' will generate a integer which ranges from min to max
      # 'payloadRange' will generate a bytes array which size ranges from min to max
        - type: "literal"
          value: "version"

EXECUTE_COMMAND will help to execute shell command(a script file or other binay file). In this operation, you can specify your own docker image as the runner box by changing parameter container (default is hfrd/gosdk:latest):

  1. commandName: The command name that would be used to execute.For script file ,this should be the script path. For other binary command like ls go or even gosdk, this should be the binary path.
  2. commandParams : The command parameters to be used when execute the above command .Totally we support 4 parameter patterns, including literal/stringPattern/intRange/payloadRange.

For example: If you want to run a script file like on docker image email4tong/myown:latest by using this operation,you can follow the below steps:

Step 1: Build image email4tong/myown:latest based on image hfrd/gosdk:latest().Directly jump to step 5 if you have put your scripts into the custom image.

Step 2: Get your certs.tgz(For ibp environment, this would be ibmcert.tar.gz) and untar the package.

tar zxvf certs.tgz

After you untar the package,you will get a folder named keyfiles

Step 3: Put your scripts into the keyfiles

	cp ${Path of} $(pwd)/keyfiles/

Step 4: Regerate the certs.tgz

	rm certs.tgz		
	tar zcvf certs.tgz keyfiles

Step 5: Upload the certs.tgz in HFRD UI HFRD_IP:9090/v1/{userid}/ui/moduletest

Step 6: Update the test plan

  - name: "execute-command"
    operation: "EXECUTE_COMMAND"
    loadSpread: 5
    container: email4tong/myown
      commandName: "/fabric/keyfiles/"
      	 - type: "literal"
          value: "--help"

commandName will be the full path of script certs.tgz will be untared to directory /farbic/keyfiles, the path of will be /fabric/keyfiles/

Step 7: Upload other required materials. Then you are ready to run test!