WeatherWallpaper is an application that changes your wallpaper based on the weather conditions outside. It provides the ability to have different wallpapers depending on the time of day, and it checks for weather updates every hour.
This project was initially developed years ago, and it recently went through an update. The original version only used Yahoo as the weather data source, but the new version supports multiple sources to ensure reliability. It also incorporates the feature of changing wallpapers based on the time of day.
- Weather icons provided by weather-iconic
- Main icon provided by Martz90, IconArchive
- Stock sunrise/set service is from
- Stock weather data is from
- Managed Extensibility Framework
- Notification Icon
- Low-Level DLL calls
- Interface design
- Memory Caching
- WCF / Web Services
- Cryptography
- Configuration Management
- NuGet Package Management
- Remote Error Logging and Management
- Custom Theme Management using ZipArchiveEntry compression (compressing multiple files into one archive)
- .NET GeoCoordinate objects
Please note that the list of learnings represents the various technologies and concepts explored during the development of this application.