1 - Code for reading in the dataset and processing the data
Let's first download and read the data into a data frame
temp <- tempfile()
activity <- read.csv(unz(temp, "activity.csv"))
Some fields have undesired data format:
## 'data.frame': 17568 obs. of 3 variables:
## $ steps : int NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
## $ date : Factor w/ 61 levels "2012-10-01","2012-10-02",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ interval: int 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 ...
Let's convert interval variable into factor and create a variable hour based on intervals:
activity$hour<-as.factor(round_any((as.numeric(activity$interval)+1)/100, 1, f = ceiling)) # create a variable for each hour
2 - Histogram of the total number of steps taken each day
ggplot(data = activity,
aes(as.Date(as.character(activity$date), "%Y-%m-%d"), steps)) +
stat_summary(fun.y = sum, # adds up all observations
geom = "bar") +
xlab ("Dates") +
ggtitle("Total number of steps taken each day")
## Warning: Removed 2304 rows containing non-finite values (stat_summary).
3 - Mean and median number of steps taken each day
Let's create a data frame with means and medians for each day (keeping NAs for now)
means<-ddply(activity, "date", summarise, mean = mean(steps))
medians<-ddply(activity, "date", summarise, median = median(steps))
All medians are 0:
## date mean median
## 1 2012-10-01 NA NA
## 2 2012-10-02 0.4375000 0
## 3 2012-10-03 39.4166667 0
## 4 2012-10-04 42.0694444 0
## 5 2012-10-05 46.1597222 0
## 6 2012-10-06 53.5416667 0
## 7 2012-10-07 38.2465278 0
## 8 2012-10-08 NA NA
## 9 2012-10-09 44.4826389 0
## 10 2012-10-10 34.3750000 0
## 11 2012-10-11 35.7777778 0
## 12 2012-10-12 60.3541667 0
## 13 2012-10-13 43.1458333 0
## 14 2012-10-14 52.4236111 0
## 15 2012-10-15 35.2048611 0
## 16 2012-10-16 52.3750000 0
## 17 2012-10-17 46.7083333 0
## 18 2012-10-18 34.9166667 0
## 19 2012-10-19 41.0729167 0
## 20 2012-10-20 36.0937500 0
## 21 2012-10-21 30.6284722 0
## 22 2012-10-22 46.7361111 0
## 23 2012-10-23 30.9652778 0
## 24 2012-10-24 29.0104167 0
## 25 2012-10-25 8.6527778 0
## 26 2012-10-26 23.5347222 0
## 27 2012-10-27 35.1354167 0
## 28 2012-10-28 39.7847222 0
## 29 2012-10-29 17.4236111 0
## 30 2012-10-30 34.0937500 0
## 31 2012-10-31 53.5208333 0
## 32 2012-11-01 NA NA
## 33 2012-11-02 36.8055556 0
## 34 2012-11-03 36.7048611 0
## 35 2012-11-04 NA NA
## 36 2012-11-05 36.2465278 0
## 37 2012-11-06 28.9375000 0
## 38 2012-11-07 44.7326389 0
## 39 2012-11-08 11.1770833 0
## 40 2012-11-09 NA NA
## 41 2012-11-10 NA NA
## 42 2012-11-11 43.7777778 0
## 43 2012-11-12 37.3784722 0
## 44 2012-11-13 25.4722222 0
## 45 2012-11-14 NA NA
## 46 2012-11-15 0.1423611 0
## 47 2012-11-16 18.8923611 0
## 48 2012-11-17 49.7881944 0
## 49 2012-11-18 52.4652778 0
## 50 2012-11-19 30.6979167 0
## 51 2012-11-20 15.5277778 0
## 52 2012-11-21 44.3993056 0
## 53 2012-11-22 70.9270833 0
## 54 2012-11-23 73.5902778 0
## 55 2012-11-24 50.2708333 0
## 56 2012-11-25 41.0902778 0
## 57 2012-11-26 38.7569444 0
## 58 2012-11-27 47.3819444 0
## 59 2012-11-28 35.3576389 0
## 60 2012-11-29 24.4687500 0
## 61 2012-11-30 NA NA
That happens because there are no steps in more than 50% of intervals.
4 - Time series plot of the average number of steps taken
Let's visualize avarage number of steps taken (ignoring NAs for now):
ggplot(means_medians, aes(y=mean, x=as.Date(as.character(means_medians$date), "%Y-%m-%d"))) +
geom_bar(stat='identity') +
ylab ("Average daily steps") +
xlab ("Dates") +
ggtitle("Average number of steps taken")
## Warning: Removed 8 rows containing missing values (position_stack).
5 - The 5-minute interval that, on average, contains the maximum number of steps
meansbyintervals<-ddply(activity, "interval", summarise, mean = mean(steps,na.rm = TRUE))
meansbyintervals<-arrange(meansbyintervals, desc(mean))
## interval mean
## 1 835 206.1698
The most walkable interval is 8:35am
6 - Code to describe and show a strategy for imputing missing data
Let's see at the missing values
NAs <- is.na(activity$steps)
sum(NAs, na.rm = T)
## [1] 2304
mean(NAs, na.rm = T)
## [1] 0.1311475
13% is a rather high number. Let's see if there any particular days or intervals where there are missing values:
dates <- activity$date
dates <- as.Date(as.character(dates), "%Y-%m-%d")
hist(dates[NAs], "day", , xlab = "Date"
, main = "Histogram: what dates are missing")
Sounds like that missing values are spread between 8 out of 61 days. Not too bad. Let's remove these observations:
completeactivity <- activity[complete.cases(activity), ]
7 - Histogram of the total number of steps taken each day after missing values are imputed
The plot obviously doesn't change much:
ggplot(data = completeactivity,
aes(as.Date(as.character(completeactivity$date), "%Y-%m-%d"), steps)) +
stat_summary(fun.y = sum,
geom = "bar") +
xlab ("Dates") +
ggtitle("total number of steps taken each day after missing values are imputed")
8 - Panel plot comparing the average number of steps taken per 5-minute interval across weekdays and weekends
Let's first do some formatting and define weekdays and weekends
completeactivity$date<-as.Date(as.character(completeactivity$date), "%Y-%m-%d")
completeactivity$weekday[completeactivity$weekday==TRUE] <- "Weekday"
completeactivity$weekday[completeactivity$weekday==FALSE] <- "Weekend"
Create a new data frame with means by weekdays and weekends and by hourly intervals:
, by=list(completeactivity$hour,completeactivity$weekday)
, FUN=mean)
Finally, build a plot of means:
ggplot(data = completeactivitymeans,
aes(hour, steps)) +
geom_point(aes(color=hour)) +
facet_grid(day~.) +
ggtitle("Means by hourly intervals")
And other statistics:
ggplot(data = completeactivity,
aes(hour, steps)) +
geom_boxplot(aes(color=hour)) +
facet_grid(weekday~.) +
ggtitle("Statistics by hourly intervals")
Weekday and Weekend patters are different
Wakes up later on weekends
Average amount of steps per interval is higher during weekends
Walking on weekends is more popular
Other data caviats and findings
8 days are missing oobeservations (forgot to track?)
The excercise showed that exploring daily aggregated or hourly aggregated data would make more sense - interval data is skewed because there are a lot of 0 steps as well as intervals with very high numbers of steps
Thank you for the review!