This is the main driver-program entry point for Corrode.
It brings together the C parser and preprocessor interface from language-c, Corrode's algorithms, and the pretty-printing library pretty, all while reporting errors in a consistent way.
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.List
import Language.C
import Language.C.System.GCC
import Language.C.System.Preprocess
import Language.Rust.Corrode.C
import Language.Rust.Idiomatic
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass
There are lots of steps in this process, and several of them return an
, which is used similarly to Rust's Result
type. In Haskell we
don't have the try!
macro that Rust has; instead the ExceptT
encapsulates the "return early on failure" pattern.
We layer ExceptT
on top of the IO
monad so that we're permitted to
access files and command-line arguments, but we need to adapt various
types of return values from different functions we'll call. For a
function which performs pure computation and might fail, wrap the
function call in try
. If the function can also do I/O, wrap it in
try :: Either e a -> ExceptT e IO a
try = tryIO . return
tryIO :: IO (Either e a) -> ExceptT e IO a
tryIO = ExceptT
We use one other function for dealing with errors. withExceptT f
applies f
to the error value, if there is one, which lets us convert
different types of errors to one common error type.
Here's the pipeline:
main :: IO ()
main = dieOnError $ do
Use language-c to extract the command-line arguments we care about. We'll pass the rest to the preprocessor.
let cc = newGCC "gcc" options <- lift getArgs (rawArgs, _other) <- try (parseCPPArgs cc options)
The user may have specified the
-o <outputfile>
option. Not only do we ignore that, but we need to suppress it so the preprocessor doesn't write its output where a binary was expected to be written. We also force-undefine preprocessor symbols that would indicate support for language features we can't actually handle, and remove optimization flags that make GCC define preprocessor symbols.let defines = [Define "_FORTIFY_SOURCE" "0", Define "__NO_CTYPE" "1"] let undefines = map Undefine ["__BLOCKS__", "__FILE__", "__LINE__"] let warnings = ["-Wno-builtin-macro-redefined"] let args = foldl addCppOption (rawArgs { outputFile = Nothing , extraOptions = (filter (not . ("-O" `isPrefixOf`)) (extraOptions rawArgs)) ++ warnings }) (defines ++ undefines)
Run the preprocessor—except that if the input appears to have already been preprocessed, then we should just read it as-is.
input <- if isPreprocessed (inputFile args) then lift (readInputStream (inputFile args)) else withExceptT (\ status -> "Preprocessor failed with status " ++ show status) (tryIO (runPreprocessor cc args))
Get language-c to parse the preprocessed source to a
.unit <- withExceptT show (try (parseC input (initPos (inputFile args))))
Generate a list of Rust items from this C translation unit.
items <- try (interpretTranslationUnit unit)
Pretty-print all the items as a
.let output = intercalate "\n" [ prettyShow (itemIdioms item) ++ "\n" | item <- items ]
Write the final string to a file with the same name as the input, except with any extension replaced by ".rs".
let rsfile = replaceExtension (inputFile args) ".rs" lift $ do writeFile rsfile output putStrLn rsfile putStrLn $ case outputFile rawArgs of Just outfile -> outfile Nothing -> replaceExtension (inputFile args) ".o"
When the pipeline ends, we need to check whether it resulted in an
error. If so, we call die
to print the error message to stderr
exit with a failure status code.
dieOnError :: ExceptT String IO a -> IO a
dieOnError m = do
result <- runExceptT m
case result of
Left err -> die err
Right a -> return a