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File metadata and controls

214 lines (173 loc) · 7.79 KB


LinkitAir is a demo PoC of an online flights search application.
It consists on a REST API (Spring Boot) and a UI (Angular).


$ mkdir -p ~/.mongodb/data
$ docker run -d --name mongo -p 27017:27017 -v "${HOME}/.mongodb/data:/data/db" mongo
$ git clone
$ cd linkitair/flights-service
$ mvn clean spring-boot:run
$ git clone
$ cd linkitair/linkitair-web
$ npm install
$ ng serve
$ cd linkitair
$ docker run -d --name prometheus -p 9090:9090 -v "$(pwd)/prometheus.yaml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml" prom/prometheus
$ docker run -d --name grafana -p 3000:3000 grafana/grafana
  • Access Grafana at http://localhost:3000 (username admin and pasword admmin).
  • Once in, follow "Configuration (left menu) > Datasources > [Add data source] > Prometheus: {URL = http://host.docker.internal:9090} > Save and Test".
  • Once the data source has been created, follow "Create (+ on the left menu) > Import > (paste the contents of dashboard.json) > [Load] > Prometheus: (select the Prometheus data source) > [Import]".


LikitAir consists on a backend Spring Boot REST API serving data to a frontend Angular 8 UI.
These run each in its own process (and port/service).

It is possible to have the UI served by the Spring Boot process.
You can check that checking out to the feature/ui-in-boot branch in this repository (see doc for that there).


The API is a Spring Boot application that serves flight information through a Spring MVC REST Controller.
The data is retrieved from MongoDB. This allows us to add data any time during the execution of the demo.

Here are the entities involved:

  • Airport: identified uniquely by an airport code (eg "AMS") and contains information as name, city, altitude, ...
  • Flight: identified uniquely by a flight number (eg "LK0003") and contains a from and to
  • Flight.AirportData: contain the code of an airport and a description attribute made with the code, name and city of the actual Airport.

The Flight.AirportData.description attribute is what the API will use in order to search flights by a given airport token.
The token could be just part of the name of a city, the name of the airport itself of just the airport code.

The UI

The UI is a basic Angular application that pulls flights information from the Spring Boot application.
It consists of a flights search page in which we can search available flights for a given "From" and "To" airports.
The page displays two flight search boxes that will dynamically be populated with the airports matching the characters entered.
Once an airport is selected, the search box "locks-in" with a light blue colour indicating that it is "ready" to search.

The Angular application is to be run from the command line with ng serve.
It is possible to build it and embed it in the Spring Boot application.
See the ui-in-boot branch to see how to do that.

How to run it


  • MongoDB
  • Java 17

Run MongoDB

The easiest way to run MongoDB is probably launching it in a Docker container:

$ mkdir -p ~/.mongodb/data
$ docker run -d --name mongo -p 27017:27017 -v "${HOME}/.mongodb/data:/data/db" mongo

You may prefer running MongoDB locally as described in the following section.

Install MongoDB (Mac OS X)

$ brew install mongodb

To launch MongoDB manually:

$ mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf

You may prefer to have launchd auto-starting mongodb at login:

$ brew services start mongodb

The OOTB config looks something like this:

	  destination: file
	  path: /usr/local/var/log/mongodb/mongo.log
	  logAppend: true
	  dbPath: /usr/local/var/mongodb

Install MongoDB (Linux)

You can easily install MongoDB in Linux with one of the major distribution package systems (apt, rmp, ...). Eg.:

apt install mongodb

Serve the API

$ git clone <url of this repository>
$ cd linkitair/flights-service
$ mvn clean spring-boot:run

Test it

To return a list of flights from Amsterdam/Schiphol:

$ curl -v -G "http://localhost:8080/flights/from/AMS"

To return a list of flights from Amsterdam/Schiphol to Frankfurt/Frankfurt am Main:

$ curl -v -G "http://localhost:8080/flights/from/AMS/to/FRA"

API Documentation

Documentation about the endpoints and models is exposed by Swagger at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html

Add or Edit Data

Try to add a couple more flights:

$ mongo

> use linkitair;
"_id" : "XX666", 
"from" : { "code" : "AMS", "description" : "AMS - Schiphol (Amsterdam)" }, 
"to" : { "code" : "MAD", "description" : "MAD - Bajaras (Madrid)" }, 
"time" : "23:59", 
"price" : "1.0", 
"_class" : ""

"_id" : "XX000", 
"from" : { "code" : "MAD", "description" : "MAD - Bajaras (Madrid)" }, 
"to" : { "code" : "AMS", "description" : "AMS - Schiphol (Amsterdam)" }, 
"time" : "00:00", 
"price" : "1.0", 
"_class" : ""

Run the UI

$ git clone <url of this repository>
$ cd linkitair/linkitair-web
$ npm install
$ ng serve

Test it

Browse to http://localhost:4200
Try entering just "am" in the "From" search box. Both "AMS" and "FRA" will be found. Select "AMS".
Try entering just "fra" in the "To" search box. "FRA" will be found. Select "FRA".
Search the available flights.


On the Spring Boot API, Micrometer gathers metrics that are made available by Actuator under http://localhost:8080/actuator/metrics

Adding the dependency micrometer-registry-prometheus is enough for Spring Boot to add a Prometheus metrics registry to MeterRegistry. Prometheus then can be configured to pull (scrape) the values of actuator metrics periodically and store them as time series values.

Then we can visualize data from Prometheus in a dashboard with Grafana.


The following steps assume that you have Docker running on your machine.

$ cd linkitair
$ docker run -d --name prometheus -p 9090:9090 -v "$(pwd)/prometheus.yaml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml" prom/prometheus

Note: for some versions of Docker (or the driver used) the volume binding (-v) feature doesn't work.
As a workaround, we can create our own prometheus image:

docker build -t lubumbax/prometheus -f - . << __EOF
FROM prom/prometheus
COPY prometheus.yaml /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
docker run -d --name prometheus -p 9090:9090 lubumbax/prometheus

Once it is running, go to http://localhost:9090/targets and check that Prometheus lists the label linkitair_micrometer.
That confirms that Prometheus is now pulling data from our Spring Boot application.


The following steps assume that you have Docker running on your machine.

$ docker run -d -p 3000:3000 grafana/grafana
  • Access Grafana at http://localhost:3000 (username admin and pasword admmin).
  • Once in, follow "Configuration (left menu) > Datasources > [Add data source] > Prometheus: {URL = http://host.docker.internal:9090} > Save and Test".
  • Once the data source has been created, follow "Create (+ on the left menu) > Import > (paste the contents of dashboard.json) > [Load] > Prometheus: (select the Prometheus data source) > [Import]".