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Character based language model



  • Python 3
  • Pip


  • Create a virtual enviornment (recommended name is venv so that it is git ignored by default)
  • Activate the environment
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt


Word embeddings trade-off

One problem that might come with using word embeddings instead of character embeddings is that with word embeddings you might encounter out of vocabulary tokens elements quite often, another issue with word embeddings is word ambiguity as the same word could mean different things and we might use the same representation if we use static word embeddings instead of in context word embeddings. However advantages could be for sure capturing better semantic representations than character representations which are much more limited and less sensitive to nuances, also by using context embeddings instead of static embeddings of word we avoid the problem of polysemy for the same vectorization, another advantage is that word embeddings are dense concise representations which are much costlier but also of better quality than one hot encoded like word representations how n-grams or bag of words are.

Better metric

There are several metrics that were chosen, these were the ones that were used and which monitor the performance

  • Perplexity
  • F1 score
  • BLEU score
  • Levenshtein edit distance
  • Word Error Rate
  • Character Error Rate

Better stopping criterion

Early stopper was used in order to stop the training after a set number of iterations, the parameters for the early stopper were a patience of 50 (so 50 iterations at least) and a delta value of 0.1, which means that if after 50 iterations there is not an improvement of a loss at least 0.1 smaller, then the training procedure stops.

Not related to stopping itself, but in order to ensure the stopping will come earlier and the model will be able to converge more easily and thus stop earlier, an important addition was to use a learning rate scheduler that adapts the learning rate in order to make it smaller to prevent abrupt changes when necessary or make it larger when the gradient changes are too small.


One of the first problems noticed was the fact that at start it was not possible to use more than 13 characters for the initial input prompt, as there was no implementation of a padding function.

Also, noticeable was the choice of loss function which was a simple 0-1 function and the choice was to instead use a cross entropy loss function which yields more granular results which help the gradient updates more than the 0-1 loss function.

Intuitively enough the fully connected layers are not as prone to be succesful as other types of architectures for this task, due to this, a different forward method was developed which was able to use one out of RNN, LSTM or GRU functions instead of fully connected.

Another issue was the heaviside loss function which was equal to 0.1 * sigmoid function, the solution was to replace it with the relu function which yielded better results.

Besides RNN, LSTM and GRU I also implemented batch norm and dropout as layers, even though that was probably not a great idea, as the model was rather underfitting in the end (with the cross entropy loss falling somewhere between 1.8-2.2 typically) and not overfitting (and batch norm / dropout would have been useful just for overfitting).


GRU, LSTM and RNN work better for the task of next character prediction than the simple use of fully connected leyers.

One finding was that the model when asked to generate with a smaller temperature it was more repetitive and even replied with the same word over and over for 500 characters of sequence or it was outputting total gibberish words when the temperature was 1.0, whilst the model still might exhibit both of these traits of gibberish words or repeating things from the training dataset, these behaviors were notably less present in its outputs.

Another finding was that when do_sample parameter was set to False, was that the model would repeteadly output the same word, specifically the word "the" - which is probably the most common word which occurs in the dataset, as do_sample=False determines topk to be used and with k set to 1, this effectively works like a Greedy which is far from being optimal for such a model and with the given data, perhaps using topk with a k equal to 5 or 10 instead of k=1 could be usable. Also noticeable refering to top_k was that even though the top_k parameter existed, the value was still left with a hardcoded 1, instead of the actual variable.

Further ideas

One intuitive idea for which there was not time for implementation would be to use a transformer architecture for this task instead of fully connected or

Secondly, changing the loss function from cross entropy with perplexity could be useful, I tried using perplexity, but maybe there was a mistake in how I implement perplexity or maybe it's just not a good loss function for this case and is just a good performance metric.

Another low-hanging fruit probably to be tried would be to use more data for this task in order to allow for better generalization on this task.

Also in terms of activation functions, I experimented with sigmoid, tanh and relu (which I chose in the end), but maybe there would be some research as well to be done regarding which activation function would work.

Last further idea would be to play a lot with the hyperparameters (the embedding size, the hidden dimension, but also the block size) as these ones probably influence the most the final performance of the model.


Many things could of course be done, but unfortunately not much can be done and tried in only 3 hours for this task, however I am more than happy to discuss more about what I have done and what else I could try in order to improve the performance of the langauge model for this task.

Also, due to lack of time, I could not calculate all the results for all the suggested hyperparameteres from the file (meaning the embedding size, hidden dimension and the learning rate), but I chose the ones which seemed to display the best results for the task.


Codebase adapted from minGPT: