:title: An Introduction to \TeX{}Lite :author: Lucien Rae Gentil :fontsize: 11pt
This is a basic example of a \TeX{}Lite document. You can use Markdown syntax to make words bold or italic, and even write in-line code snippets
If you want advanced features, all standard in-line \LaTeX{} commands can be used seamlessly. For example, I'm writing this on \today{} and here are some words in \textsc{small caps}.
One thing that \LaTeX{} documents are great for is maths typesetting. Using standard maths notation it's easy to write down that
You can also write full-line equations:
And multi-line aligned equations:
\TeX{}Lite is a great open-source tool for writing well-typesetted documents with minimal overhead. \TeX{}Lite documents can also be exported straight to .TeX
for whatever manual tinkering or styling you might want.