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★ commands that I suggest you to check out that I consider most useful in a day to day work :)

✔️ what the tools suggest to use

raw command you would have to run instead

Git 👾

Most used cmds for git


❌ instead of git status

show the status of the repository


❌ instead of git status -u

show the status of the repository including untracked files

★✔️ g.lg

❌ instead of git log --graph --pretty=format:"%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset" --abbrev-commit --date=relative --date-order

show the log of the repository

★✔️ [file_path | directory_path] ( Tab completion enabled )

❌ instead of git checkout

alias for the git checkout

★✔️ g.add [file_path | directory_path] ( Tab completion enabled )

❌ instead of git add

alias for the git add

★✔️ [message]

❌ instead of git commit -m message

★✔️ g.amend.changes

❌ instead of git commit --amend --no-edit

this command has the same effects that git commit –amend –no-edit meaning it will append your staged changes to the HEAD commit of your branch without needing to commit or adding a message

★✔️ g.amend.message

❌ instead of git commit --amend --cleanup=whitespace

helps update the message of a commit

★✔️ g.fetch

❌ instead of git fetch origin

will fetch from $G_GIT_REMOTE_NAME (default: origin)

★✔️ g.diff [optional: file_path] ( Tab completion enabled )

❌ instead of git diff --patience

Git pull and push

★✔️ g.pull [optional: branch_name] ( Tab completion enabled )

❌ instead of git fetch origin

❌ instead of git pull --rebase origin your_brach

❌ instead of git status

pull from the remote branch (at $G_GIT_REMOTE_NAME) received as parameter, but if none is given the local current branch name is used by default. This command will automatically:

  1. fetch from upstream before pull,
  2. then pull after that
  3. and then it will show the status of your current branch

NOTE: g.pull uses git pull --rebase, is you want just to use git pull use g.pull.raw

★✔️ g.push

❌ instead of git push origin your_branch

changes committed to the current branch are uploaded to your configured remote ($G_GIT_REMOTE_NAME). The local branch name is used as the new origin branch

★✔️ g.push.force

❌ instead of git push --force origin your_branch

changes committed to the current branch are force uploaded to $G_GIT_REMOTE_NAME (default: origin). The local branch is used as the new origin branch


✔️ g.diff.without.spaces [optional: file_path]

❌ instead of git diff --patience --ignore-space-at-eol

make a git diff ignoring white spaces

✔️ g.diff.raw [optional: file_path]

❌ instead of git diff --patience --ignore-space-at-eol

make a git diff ignoring white spaces

✔️ g.diff.staged [optional: file_path]

❌ instead of git diff --staged

makes a diff of a staged file

✔️ g.diff.hash [optional: commit_num]

❌ if you don't supply commits this will work instead of git diff HEAD^ HEAD or git diff commit1^ commit2

show the changes made by a commit, but if no parameter is given HEAD commit is used instead

Git revert

✔️ g.revert.untrack

❌ instead of git clean -fd

revert changes made on untracked files

✔️ g.revert.staged

❌ instead of git reset

revert changes made on staged files

✔️ g.revert.all

❌ instead of git merge --abort

❌ instead of git checkout .

❌ instead of git clean -fd

revert changes made on any kind of file: tracked, untracked and merge conflicts.

Git cherry-pick

★✔️ g.cherry-pick [commit_num]

❌ git cherry-pick commit_nul

cherry-pick a commit to the current branch

✔️ g.cherry-pick.range [old_commit_num] [newest_commit_num]

❌ instead of git cherry-pick $1^..$2

g.cherry-pick a range of commits to the current branch

★✔️ g.cherry-pick.abort

❌ instead of git cherry-pick --abort

abort the current cherry-pick operation

★✔️ g.cherry-pick.continue

❌ instead of git cherry-pick --continue

go ahead and continue with the current cherry-pick operation

Git branch

★✔️ g.branch

❌ instead of git branch

list the current branches of the repository

✔️ g.branch.create [new_branch_name]

❌ Instead of git branch new_name

If you need to create a new branch without moving from the actual one

★✔️ g.branch.rename [new_branch_name] ( Tab completion enabled )

❌ instead of git branch -m new_name

If you need to rename a branch

★✔️ g.branch.delete ( Tab completion enabled )

❌ instead of git branch -D branch_name

deletes the branches given as parameter

★✔️ g.branch.prune

❌ instead of git branch -D branch_name

run this command when you want to clean up your workspace of old branches. this will delete all the branches except some "famous" ones like master, stage, developer, develop, production or main

Git stash

★✔️ g.stash [optioanl: stash_name]

❌ instead of git stash

save the current changes of the branch in the stash

★✔️ g.stash.pop

❌ instead of git stash pop

recover the last saved state from the stash

✔️ g.stash.drop

❌ instead of git stash drop

delete the last saved state from the stash

★✔️ g.stash.apply

❌ instead of git stash apply

applies the lastest stash to the current directory

✔️ g.stash.untracked

❌git stash --include-untracked

this will include unstracked files in the stash being done

Git merge

✔️ g.merge.abort

❌ instead of git merge --abort

✔️ g.merge.resolve.theirs

❌ instead of git merge -X theirs

Git rebase

★✔️ g.rebase.abort

❌ instead of git rebase --abort

★✔️ g.rebase.continue

❌ instead of git rebase --continue

Git reset

★✔️ g.reset

❌ instead of git reset

✔️ g.reset.soft

❌ instead of git reset --soft

✔️ g.reset.hard

❌ instead of git reset --hard

✔️ g.reset.commit

❌ instead of git reset --soft HEAD~1

★✔️ g.reset.remote [optional: remote_branch_name]

❌ instead of git reset --hard $G_GIT_REMOTE_NAME/$branch

remote_branch_name default to your current branch name

this command will take the supplied branch name or the current workspace one as reference to reset the actual branch equal to the remote branch. ⚠️you may lose your local changes so stash them first⚠️

Search utilities

✔️ g.s [lookup_term] [optional: file_extension]

❌ instead of git grep -n lookup_term

❌ instead of git grep -n lookup_term -- file_extension

this command will print the matching lines for the term entered as parameter and optionally narrowing the search to certain file extension

✔️ [lookup_term] [optional: file_extension]

❌ instead of git grep -n -ilookup_term

❌ instead of git grep -n -i lookup_term -- file_extension

this command will print the matching lines for the term entered as parameter (case insensisitve) and optionally narrowing the search to certain file extension

✔️ g.s.files [lookup_term] [optional: file_extension]

❌ instead of git grep -n -ilookup_term

❌ instead of git grep -n -i lookup_term -- file_extension

this command will print the matching lines for the term entered as parameter (case insensisitve) and optionally narrowing the search to certain file extension

Miscellaneous utilities

★✔️ g.default.go [optioal: folder_path]

folder_path default to the current path

in many case when doing app development, we will have to remaing a good amount of time, days o even always using the repository. This implies that every new console I open I have to navigate to my working directory, but what if could set up a default directory so every time I open a new terminal I will land there automagically? this command will do exactly that

to use it just navigate to the desired default path and run it there or supply your desired folder path

✔️ ll

❌ instead of ls -l

★✔️ la

❌ instead of ls -al

✔️ g.run_command_n_times [cmd] [n]

this will run the command you specify in cmd and will run it by n times


✔️ g.task [task_name] ( Tab completion enabled )

allow you to easly run tasks you already created

✔️ g.task.create [task_name] ( Tab completion enabled )

this will create a new task (bash script) that you later could easily invoke with g.task task_name. this feature is recommended when you have common tasks that you usually run and want to have them scripted and accessible

✔️ g.task.edit [task_name] ( Tab completion enabled )

this will edit a task that you created with g.task.create task_name

✔️ g.task.delete [task_name] ( Tab completion enabled )

this will delete a task that you have created