All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. In order to read more about upgrading and BC breaks have a look at the UPGRADE Document.
This release breaks the old API! Check the UPGRADE document to read more about.
- Version 7.0 of deployphp/deployer, see migrate 6.x to 7.0 Guide
- Added
to unglue command to ensure CI/CD fails if an error occurs.
- #23 FXP installation is now by default off instead of on. This is a small BC break. In order to restore original behavior use
->set('installFxpPlugin', true)
- #17 Added new
tasks which is downloading the unglue binary. Usage exampleafter('luya:commands', 'unglue');
- Remove
command from composer install action
- Added new option which sets the application version based on the currently deployed tag.
- Fix issue with shared hostings and prefixed PHP binary.
This release breaks the old API! Check the UPGRADE document to read more about.
- #10 Moved to Version 6.0 of PHP Deployer.
- #11 Support new
file policy withluya\Config
- Add runtime to shared folders, flush application cache on deploy instead.
- Try to improve the composer global require command, certain options could be ignored.
- Add option
for composer install--ignore-platform-reqs
- Fixed bug when cleaning up .git folder data.
- Remove sensitive git and gitignore data after deployment.
- Remove more sensitive data after deployment.
- Provide better verbose informations.
- Add option to disable fxp plugin installation. (installFxpPlugin)
- #4 Added beforeCoreCommands() option.
- Update FXP Plugin to Version 1.4.2 (ensure valid bower package url).
- Update FXP Plugin to Version 1.3
- First stable release of LUYA deployer. As we are going to increase to the next Deployer Version, this 1.0.0 Version provides current implementation behavior.