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Exploring, wrangling, and transforming cohort data
Before statistically analyzing cohort data, you'll need to explore and wrangle it into an appropriately analyzable format. You'll also learn about some common transformations to apply to variables in cohort studies.

Pre-wrangling exploration

type: VideoExercise
key: f20c0dcfb8
xp: 50

@projector_key 146b85090bb8ab77efbfe45c5c751f5d

Plot univariate distributions

type: BulletExercise
key: 78574fab0c
xp: 100

Let's get comfortable creating some univariate histograms to start exploring the data. Create several histograms of a couple variables. The ggplot2 package has been loaded.


tidier_framingham <- readRDS(url(""))

type: NormalExercise
key: c1d2dff125
xp: 50


  • Set x to participant_age and add a geom_histogram() layer.


  • In the aes(), the argument should be x = participant_age.


# Examine the age histogram
ggplot(tidier_framingham, aes(x = ___)) +


# Examine the age histogram
ggplot(tidier_framingham, aes(x = participant_age)) +



type: NormalExercise
key: ca8520f319
xp: 50


  • Do the same thing, but set x to systolic_blood_pressure.


  • The aes() should have x = systolic_blood_pressure.


# Examine the systolic blood pressure histogram
ggplot(tidier_framingham, aes(x = ___)) +


# Examine the systolic blood pressure histogram
ggplot(tidier_framingham, aes(x = systolic_blood_pressure)) +


success_msg("Great job! You've created histograms and examined two variables.")

Long data and visualizing variables over time

type: TabExercise
key: 6e98f4c451
xp: 100

Now that you've learned how to create histograms, let's convert some of the Framingham dataset into the long data format using gather(). Then, using the long data form, create histograms for multiple variables simultaneously for each followup visit. This will give us a quick overview of the data and their distribution. Pay attention to how the distribution of each variable looks like.


tidier_framingham <- readRDS(url(""))

type: NormalExercise
key: 245888bee5
xp: 25


  • Select the variables total_cholesterol, high_density_lipoprotein, and low_density_lipoprotein.
  • Using gather(), set the two new column names as variable and value, and then exclude followup_visit_number from being "gathered" (using the -).


  • The gather() function should look like gather(variable, value, -followup_visit_number).


tidier_framingham %>%
        # Select the three cholesterol-based variables
        ___, ___, ___
    ) %>%
    gather(___, ___, -___)


tidier_framingham %>%
        # Select the three cholesterol-based variables
        total_cholesterol, high_density_lipoprotein, low_density_lipoprotein
    ) %>%
    gather(variable, value, -followup_visit_number)



type: NormalExercise
key: e13f252e66
xp: 25


  • facet_wrap() by the variables followup_visit_number and variable. Don't forget to use the vars() function.


  • The facet_wrap() variables need to be within the vars() function and separated by a comma.


tidier_framingham %>%
        # Select the three cholesterol-based variables
        total_cholesterol, high_density_lipoprotein, low_density_lipoprotein
    ) %>%
    gather(variable, value, -followup_visit_number) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = value)) +
    geom_histogram() +
    # Facet by followup and variables
    ___(___(___, ___), 
        scales = "free")


tidier_framingham %>%
        # Select the three cholesterol-based variables
        total_cholesterol, high_density_lipoprotein, low_density_lipoprotein
    ) %>%
    gather(variable, value, -followup_visit_number) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = value)) +
    geom_histogram() +
    # Facet by followup and variables
    facet_wrap(vars(followup_visit_number, variable), 
               scales = "free")



type: NormalExercise
key: 378ed55252
xp: 25


  • Select new variables participant_age, body_mass_index, and cigarettes_per_day, then run the plot again.


  • Put the variables in the select() function.


tidier_framingham %>%
        # Select the three charactistics
        ___, ___, ___
    ) %>%
    gather(variable, value, -followup_visit_number) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = value)) +
    geom_histogram() +
    facet_wrap(vars(followup_visit_number, variable), 
               scales = "free")


tidier_framingham %>%
        # Select the three charactistics
        body_mass_index, participant_age, cigarettes_per_day
    ) %>%
    gather(variable, value, -followup_visit_number) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = value)) +
    geom_histogram() +
    facet_wrap(vars(followup_visit_number, variable), 
               scales = "free")



type: MultipleChoiceExercise
key: cf90249310
xp: 25

@question There were several things to observe from the distributions of the variables and some things to consider for later analyses. Did you notice a few of them?

Which of the answers below describes some observations about the data.


  • The lipoprotein data was not available at visits 1 and 2.
  • Most people smoked zero cigarettes per day.
  • The participants' age had a "jagged", uneven distribution.
  • [All of the above.]
  • None of the above.


  • Run the code again and check the histogram plots.


success_msg("Great job! These types of observations are important to consider and examine, as they can profoundly influence later inferential analyses.")

Visually examine the outcomes with the exposures

type: NormalExercise
key: 1100af6e1e
xp: 100

Boxplots are great for showing a distribution by a grouping variable (e.g. sex or disease status). Create multiple boxplots of several exposure variables with the outcome variable (CVD) by combining what we learned previously about converting to long form and using faceting. Since we want to plot CVD status on the x-axis, we'll need to exclude it from being "gathered".


  • Select the variables got_cvd, total_cholesterol, participant_age, and body_mass_index.
  • Also exclude got_cvd from the gather() function and set value for the y-axis in aes().
  • Add a geom_boxplots() layer.
  • Lastly, flip the plot using coord_flip().


  • The initial ggplot2 setup should be ggplot(aes(x = value, y = variable)).
  • Include -got_cvd after -followup_visit_number in gather().


tidier_framingham <- readRDS(url(""))
tidier_framingham <- tidier_framingham %>% 
    mutate(got_cvd = as.character(got_cvd))


tidier_framingham %>% 
           # Select the disease and the three continuous variables
           ___, ___,
           ___, ___) %>% 
    # Exclude also the disease
    gather(variable, value, -followup_visit_number, -___) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(y = ___, x = variable)) +
    # Plot boxplots
    ___() +
    facet_wrap(vars(followup_visit_number), ncol = 1) +
    # Flip the plot


tidier_framingham %>% 
           # Select the disease and the three continuous variables
           got_cvd, total_cholesterol,
           participant_age, body_mass_index) %>% 
    # Exclude also the disease
    gather(variable, value, -followup_visit_number, -got_cvd) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(y = value, x = variable)) +
    # Plot boxplots
    geom_boxplot() +
    facet_wrap(vars(followup_visit_number), ncol = 1) +
    # Flip the plot


success_msg("Excellent! You quickly created a figure showing several continuous variables by the outcome, and over time! Notice how some variables are a bit higher in the `got_cvd` group and that over time these differences decreased? Also notice the problem of showing multiple variables that have vastly different values such as between body mass and cholesterol.")

Discrete data and tidying it for later analysis

type: VideoExercise
key: 3d338af036
xp: 50

@projector_key 4e1f8ff56b37d8caee655cf2b0b4639d

Make discrete variables human-readable

type: BulletExercise
key: e916c33326
xp: 100

As you may have noticed, there are several discrete variables with ambiguous values. For instance, sex has the values as either 1 or 2, but what do those numbers mean? Often, you will encounter discrete data as integers rather than descriptive strings when working with cohort datasets. With data like this, you need to have a data dictionary to know what the numbers mean. Let's fix this problem and tidy up the data so it is more intuitive and descriptive.


tidier_framingham <- readRDS(url(""))

type: NormalExercise
key: 556d51535a
xp: 50


  • Tidy education up with case_when() to: 1 = "0-11 years"; 2 = "High School"; 3 = "Vocational"; 4 = "College".


  • The form for the case_when() should look like education == 1 ~ "0-11 years", for each number-string pairing.


tidier2_framingham <- tidier_framingham %>% 
    mutate(education = case_when(
      # Use the format: variable == number ~ "string"
      education == ___ ~ ___,
      education == ___ ~ ___,
      education == ___ ~ ___,
      education == ___ ~ ___,
      TRUE ~ NA_character_))

# Check changed education
count(tidier2_framingham, education)


tidier2_framingham <- tidier_framingham %>% 
    mutate(education = case_when(
      # Use the format: variable == number ~ "string"
      education == 1 ~ "0-11 years",
      education == 2 ~ "High School",
      education == 3 ~ "Vocational",
      education == 4 ~ "College",
      TRUE ~ NA_character_))

# Check changed education
count(tidier2_framingham, education)



type: NormalExercise
key: 57c4db5e65
xp: 50


  • Do the same thing for the sex variable, to: 1 = "Man"; 2 = "Woman".


  • The form for the case_when() should look like sex == 1 ~ "Man", for each number-string pairing.


tidier2_framingham <- tidier_framingham %>% 
    mutate(sex = case_when(
      # Use the format: variable == number ~ "string"
      sex == ___ ~ ___,
      sex == ___ ~ ___,
      TRUE ~ NA_character_))
# Check changed education
count(tidier2_framingham, sex)


tidier2_framingham <- tidier_framingham %>% 
    mutate(sex = case_when(
      # Use the format: variable == number ~ "string"
      sex == 1 ~ "Man",
      sex == 2 ~ "Woman",
      TRUE ~ NA_character_))
# Check changed education
count(tidier2_framingham, sex)


success_msg("Awesome! You've tidied up discrete values to be understandable to humans!")

Merge factor categories together

type: NormalExercise
key: 62bcf49a5e
xp: 100

Sometimes, categorical variables (as factors or characters) have many levels but only a few observations in one or more of the levels. It might make sense to combine categories together for some analyses or particular questions.

The forcats package has been preloaded as well as the previous tidier2_framingham dataset you tidied.


  • Recode the levels of "Vocational" and "College" education so both are named "Post-Secondary" using fct_recode().
  • Confirm the education levels have been correctly recoded using count().
  • You'll get a warning message about NA values. Ignore it as it doesn't matter.


  • fct_recode() recoding should be in the form "new name" = "old name", for example: "Post-Secondary" = "College".


tidier2_framingham <- readRDS(url(""))
tidier2_framingham$education_combined <- NULL


tidier2_framingham <- tidier2_framingham %>% 
    mutate(education_combined = ___(
        # Merge college and vocational levels
        # Form is: "new" = "old"
        ___ = ___,
        ___ = ___))

# Confirm changes to variable
count(tidier2_framingham, ___)


tidier2_framingham <- tidier2_framingham %>% 
    mutate(education_combined = fct_recode(
        # Merge college and vocational levels
        # Form is: "new" = "old"
        "Post-Secondary" = "College",
        "Post-Secondary" = "Vocational"))

# Confirm changes to variable
count(tidier2_framingham, education_combined)


success_msg("Great! You've combined two factor levels together into a new level.")

Variable transformations

type: VideoExercise
key: bfcfbe9aa2
xp: 50

@projector_key 5d026dadac109f3540f3c1f59a6f96ea

Apply variable transformations

type: NormalExercise
key: c812627e90
xp: 100

There are several types of transformations you can choose from. Which one you choose depends on the question, the type of data and their values (e.g. discrete vs continuous), the statistical method you will use, and how you want your results to be interpreted.

Recall the form for mutate_at() is:

    # List variables in here:
    # List functions in here, with name-function pair:
    list(name = function, ...)


  • In vars(), add body_mass_index and cigarettes_per_day.
  • In list(), add log, sqrt, and invert (this function is loaded).
  • Check how these variables changed by selecting the two original variables names using the contains() function and piping to summary().


  • The select() function form should look like contains("body_mass_index").


tidier2_framingham <- readRDS(url(""))
invert <- function(x) 1 / x


# Use three transformations on body mass index
transformed_framingham <- tidier2_framingham %>% 
    mutate_at(vars(___, ___), 
              list(___ = ___, ___ = ___, ___ = ___))

# Check the created variable summaries
transformed_framingham %>% 
           contains(___)) %>% 


# Use three transformations on body mass index
transformed_framingham <- tidier2_framingham %>% 
    mutate_at(vars(body_mass_index, cigarettes_per_day), 
              list(log = log, sqrt = sqrt, invert = invert))

# Check the created variable summaries
transformed_framingham %>% 
           contains("cigarettes_per_day")) %>% 


success_msg("Excellent! You've transformed two variables into several forms.")

Compare the different transformations

type: BulletExercise
key: a4867af13b
xp: 100

Visualize how each transformation influences the distribution of the data. Graphing these transformations can provide insight into helping you choose a transformation for the variable.

Since we have several transformations, we want to plot them all on one plot. As we've done several times throughout the course, we need to use a long data format combined with facets to achieve this.

The transformed_framingham dataset you previously wrangled has been loaded.


transformed_framingham <- readRDS(url(""))

type: NormalExercise
key: e0ccd581d4
xp: 50


  • Pipe transformed_framingham into select() and use contains() to keep variables with body_mass_index in the name.


  • Select the variables with contains("body_mass_index").


# Plot a histogram of body mass transforms
bmi_transforms_plot <- ___ %>% 
	# Keep variables with string in variable name
    select(contains(___)) %>% 
    gather(variable, value) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = value)) +
    geom_histogram() +
    facet_wrap(vars(variable), scale = "free")



# Plot a histogram of body mass transforms
bmi_transforms_plot <- transformed_framingham %>% 
	# Keep variables with string in variable name
    select(contains("body_mass_index")) %>% 
    gather(variable, value) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = value)) +
    geom_histogram() +
    facet_wrap(vars(variable), scale = "free")




type: NormalExercise
key: 8588b94514
xp: 50


  • Now do the same thing for cigarettes_per_day.


  • Use contains("cigarettes_per_day").


# Plot a histogram of cigarettes per day transforms
cpd_transforms_plot <- transformed_framingham %>% 
	# Keep variables with string in variable name
    select(contains("___")) %>% 
    gather(variable, value) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = value)) +
    geom_histogram() +
    facet_wrap(vars(variable), scale = "free")



# Plot a histogram of cigarettes per day transforms
cpd_transforms_plot <- transformed_framingham %>% 
	# Keep variables with string in variable name
    select(contains("cigarettes_per_day")) %>% 
    gather(variable, value) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = value)) +
    geom_histogram() +
    facet_wrap(vars(variable), scale = "free")



success_msg("Great! Check out how each transformation influences the distribution of body mass index and of the number of cigarettes smoked.")

How does the distribution change?

type: MultipleChoiceExercise
key: ca708dca27
xp: 50

Understanding how each transformation influences the units and the distribution of the data is an important step in properly applying these transformations. Try answering these questions about the shape of the data after each transformation.

Both bmi_transforms_plot and cpd_transforms_plot are loaded for you to examine. Looking at the graphs, observe how each transformation influences the distribution of body mass index or cigarettes per day and think about how these new distributions might influence later analyses.

Which statement is true?


  • Square root and scale don't change the distribution but do change the unit.
  • Logarithm changes the distribution and unit.
  • Body mass already has a good distribution and has the original unit.
  • Scale can make interpreting easier as 1 unit = 1 standard deviation of the original unit.
  • All of the above.


  • Run bmi_transforms_plot and cpd_transforms_plot in the console to look at the distributions.


transformed_framingham <- readRDS(url(""))

bmi_transforms_plot <- transformed_framingham %>% 
    select(contains("body_mass_index")) %>% 
    gather(variable, value) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = value)) +
    geom_histogram() +
    facet_wrap(vars(variable), scale = "free")

cpd_transforms_plot <- transformed_framingham %>% 
    select(contains("cigarettes_per_day")) %>% 
    gather(variable, value) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = value)) +
    geom_histogram() +
    facet_wrap(vars(variable), scale = "free")


msg1 <- "Almost. While this is true, it's not the only true answer."
msg2 <- "Almost. While this is true, it's not the only true answer."
msg3 <- "Almost. While this is true, it's not the only true answer."
msg4 <- "Almost. While this is true, it's not the only true answer."
msg5 <- "Yes! Which type of and when you might transform really depends on the research question, the data values, and how you will want the results from your analyses to be interpreted. This means you need to carefully think about and have justifications for what you do to the data."
ex() %>% check_mc(5, feedback_msgs = c(msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4, msg5))