When reading images from a disk, although more complex code is required to compared to embedding images inline in the assembly, it allows for the use of more storage capacity for images. When rendering 24-bit (RRGGBB) images, 3 bytes of information are needed per pixel. Therefore, three times the capacity of the image file size is required. For example, if the image dimensions are 200x80, a total of 200x80x3=48KB will be needed. Embedding images in the assembly also means that the capacity required for other instruction sets must be included, limiting the size of images that can be stored. Above all, it is difficult to estimate how much size can be accommodated. Reading images from a disk makes estimation easier and allows for more storage capacity than usual.
use PHPOS\OS\CodeInfo;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Embed Logo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$logo = new \PHPOS\Service\Component\Image\Image(
// NOTE: Specify if you want to render an image path
// Only available the file size belows 140 * 56 dimenstions below.
__DIR__ . '/doc/logo.png',
$image = new \PHPOS\OS\ImageCode(
new \PHPOS\Architecture\Architecture(
// Use x86_64 architecture
// Set 16 bit real mode
// Set image origin
// Set compiled image size (floor(filesize / 512))
->setSectors((int) floor(CodeInfo::CODE_BLOCK_SIZE_BITS_16 / \PHPOS\OS\OSInfo::PAGE_SIZE));
// Create kernel -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$kernel = new \PHPOS\OS\Code(
new \PHPOS\Architecture\Architecture(
// Use x86_64 architecture
// Set code name
// Set 16 bit real mode
// Set kernel origin
// Set compiled kernel size (floor(filesize / 512))
->setSectors(floor(CodeInfo::CODE_BLOCK_SIZE_BITS_16 / \PHPOS\OS\OSInfo::PAGE_SIZE))
// Load VESA Bios Extension
// Set render position
->registerService(\PHPOS\Service\BIOS\VESABIOSExtension\Renderer\RenderImageFromDisk::class, $image)
// Write code signature
// Create bootloader --------------------------------------------------------------------------
$bootloader = new \PHPOS\OS\Code(
new \PHPOS\Architecture\Architecture(
// Use x86_64 architecture
// Initialize bootloader
// Set code name
// Set 16 bit real mode
// Set bootloader origin
// Setup segments (initialize registers for assembly)
// Add loading something sector codes
->registerService(\PHPOS\Service\BIOS\System\CallCode::class, $kernel)
// Add bootloader signature
// Bundle each codes into an OS image
$bundler = new \PHPOS\OS\Bundler\Bundler(
new \PHPOS\OS\ConfigureOption(
__DIR__ . '/dist',
// Distribute Makefile and assembly into `dist` directory by the ConfigureOption
; _______ ____ ____ _______ ___ ______
; |_ __ \|_ || _||_ __ \ .' `. .' ____ \
; | |__) | | |__| | | |__) |______ / .-. \| (___ \_|
; | ___/ | __ | | ___/|______|| | | | _.____`.
; _| |_ _| | | |_ _| |_ \ `-' /| \____) |
; |_____| |____||____||_____| `.___.' \______.'
; Notice: This file is automatically generated by PHP-OS.
; Do not edit this file. We cannot be held responsible if this is edited and overwritten again.
%define __php_define_image_sector 3
%define __php_define_image_sectors 64
%define __php_define_image_head 0
%define __php_define_image_drive 128
[bits 16]
[org 0x1000]
xor ax, ax
xor bx, bx
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 4096
mov eax, 20226
mov ebx, 16658
int 16
cmp eax, 79
je __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtension_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtensionError_success
mov esi, __php_var_Q291bGQgbm90IHNldCBWRVNBIG1vZGUh
call __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtension_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtensionError_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString
jmp __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtension_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtensionError_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PrintDone
mov ah, 14
mov ebx, 15
int 16
or al, al
jz __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtension_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtensionError_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PrintDone
call __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtension_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtensionError_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PrintCharacter
jmp __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtension_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtensionError_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString
mov eax, 20225
mov ecx, 16658
mov edi, resb_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtensionInformation
int 16
mov eax, [resb_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtensionInformation + 40]
mov edi, eax
add edi, 407790
mov bx, 12288
mov ah, 0x0002
mov al, __php_define_image_sectors
mov ch, 0x0000
mov cl, __php_define_image_sector
mov dh, __php_define_image_head
mov dl, __php_define_image_drive
int 19
jc __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_Renderer_RenderImageFromDisk_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_Disk_LoadSector_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_Disk_DiskError
jmp __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_Renderer_RenderImageFromDisk_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_Disk_LoadSector_finish
mov esi, __php_var_TG9hZCBkaXNrIGVycm9yIQ__
call __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_Renderer_RenderImageFromDisk_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_Disk_LoadSector_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_Disk_DiskError_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString
jmp __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_Renderer_RenderImageFromDisk_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_Disk_LoadSector_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_Disk_DiskError_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PrintDone
mov ah, 14
mov ebx, 15
int 16
or al, al
jz __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_Renderer_RenderImageFromDisk_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_Disk_LoadSector_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_Disk_DiskError_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PrintDone
call __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_Renderer_RenderImageFromDisk_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_Disk_LoadSector_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_Disk_DiskError_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PrintCharacter
jmp __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_Renderer_RenderImageFromDisk_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_Disk_LoadSector_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_Disk_DiskError_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString
mov esi, 12288
mov ecx, 56
push ecx
mov ecx, 140
push ecx
mov ecx, 3
mov [edi], al
inc edi
loop __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_Renderer_RenderImageFromDisk_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_Renderer_RenderImage_copy_pixel_from_destination
pop ecx
loop __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_Renderer_Renderer_inner
pop ecx
add edi, 1500
loop __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_Renderer_Renderer_outer
db "Could not set VESA mode!", 0
db "Load disk error!", 0
resb_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtensionInformation: resb 256
times 32768-($-$$) db 0
; _______ ____ ____ _______ ___ ______
; |_ __ \|_ || _||_ __ \ .' `. .' ____ \
; | |__) | | |__| | | |__) |______ / .-. \| (___ \_|
; | ___/ | __ | | ___/|______|| | | | _.____`.
; _| |_ _| | | |_ _| |_ \ `-' /| \____) |
; |_____| |____||____||_____| `.___.' \______.'
; Notice: This file is automatically generated by PHP-OS.
; Do not edit this file. We cannot be held responsible if this is edited and overwritten again.
[bits 16]
[org 0x3000]
db 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163
db 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163
; ... omitted