The following diagram illustrates the overall architecture of the Director:
Root Resolver is a type, which composes of Domain Resolver types. In a result, Root Resolver consists of all GraphQL resolvers needed to run the GraphQL server.
Domain Resolver is a set of GraphQL resolvers related to a specific domain. For example, Runtime Domain Resolver contains all GraphQL resolvers related to Runtime type, including queries, mutations and field resolvers.
Domain Resolver uses Services. To convert from domain model to GraphQL types, Domain Resolver uses converters, which are types that contain conversion methods.
Service contains business logic related to a specific domain. Single Resolver can use multiple Services from different domain packages. To do CRUD operations, Service uses Repository.
Repository is an abstraction over storage access. It is used for CRUD operations on database. In future, it may be separated from the Director as an additional component called Registry.
As an example, the following Repository interface is defined for Runtime:
type Repository interface {
GetByID(id string) (*model.Runtime, error)
List(filter []*labelfilter.LabelFilter, pageSize *int, cursor *string) (*RuntimePage, error)
Create(item *model.Runtime) error
Update(item *model.Runtime) error
Delete(item *model.Runtime) error
Additional methods, for example with more complex database queries, can be defined on-demand.