Releases: mariadb-corporation/mariadb-connector-j
MariaDB java connector 2.6.2
This version is a general availability (GA) release.
- CONJ-804 - Automatic charset correction
- CONJ-809 - SelectResultSet's (ResultSet)MetaData always indicates all columns to be readonly
- CONJ-802 - Version parsing depending on Classloader might result in connection Exception
MariaDB java connector 2.6.1
This version is a general availability (GA) release.
- CONJ-781 - DatabaseMetaData.supportsMultipleResultSets() now return correctly true.
- CONJ-791 - Using CallableStatement.getTimestamp() can't get data correctly
- CONJ-705 - ParameterMetadata now return parameterCount() even if no information
- CONJ-775 - avoid a NPE for malformed "jdbc:mariadb:///" connection string.
- CONJ-776 - Temporal Data Tables are not listed in metadata
- CONJ-785 - corrected escape sequence for multiple backslash escape
- CONJ-786 - Connection.setReadOnly(true ) with option
now force read only connection even for mono server* - CONJ-795 - permit resultset.getRow() for TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY when streaming
- CONJ-797 - Connector set UTF8mb4 equivalent in case of server configured with UTF8mb3 collation
- CONJ-800 - implement Statement setEscapeProcessing to avoid escape
- CONJ-801 - possible race condition using resultset getter using label
- CONJ-778 - Missing import org.osgi.service.jdbc in Import-Package clause of the OSGi manifest
- CONJ-779 - Logic error in stop() method of OSGi bundle activator
- CONJ-780 - Logic error in implementation of OSGi DataSourceFactory (MariaDbDataSourceFactory)
- CONJ-788 - resultset metadata always indicate that column is writable even if not
- CONJ-789 - ensure connection reference removal on (prepared)Statement close
- CONJ-782 - SkySQL testing
MariaDB java connector 2.6.0
This version is a general availability (GA) release.
- CONJ-768 - Check Galera allowed state when connecting when option
is set, and not only on validation - CONJ-759 - on failover, catalog changed might not be set when automatically recreating a connection.
- CONJ-761 - remove unnecessary dependencies for fedora tar creation
- CONJ-763 - Custom SocketFactory now can change options
- CONJ-764 - DatabaseMetaData.getExportedKeys should return "PRIMARY" for PK_NAME column
- CONJ-765 - Allow MariaDbDatabaseMetaData#getExportedKeys to return the exported keys for all tables
- CONJ-766 - Adding a socket timeout until complete authentication, to avoid hangs is server doesn't support pipelining
- CONJ-767 - permit using Aurora RO endpoint
- CONJ-771 - enablePacketDebug must not reset stack on failover
- CONJ-772 - JDBC Conversion Function support parsing correction
MariaDB java connector 2.5.4
This version is a general availability (GA) release.
- CONJ-756 - Logging correction when using enablePacketDebug option
- CONJ-755 - permits to avoid setting session_track_schema with new option
MariaDB java connector 2.5.3
This version is a general availability (GA) release.
- CONJ-752 - Manifest file wrong entry - thanks to Christoph Läubrich
- CONJ-750 - protocol error when not setting database with maxscale
- CONJ-747 - JDBC Conversion Function fast-path skipped, always using longer implementation
MariaDB java connector 2.5.2
This version is a general availability (GA) release.
- CONJ-745 - use pool reset only for corrected COM_RESET_CONNECTION
- CONJ-743 - byte signed value wrong serialization for text protocol
- CONJ-742 ensure plugin using Driver classloader
MariaDB java connector 2.5.1
This version is a general availability (GA) release.
- CONJ-736 - OSGI compliance
- CONJ-737 - Error packet caching_sha2_password not handled when not having a password
- CONJ-738 - PAM authentication multiple exchanges permitting multiple step in connection string
- CONJ-735 - Multi insert regression correction returning multi generated keys
MariaDB java connector 2.5.0
This version is a general availability (GA) release.
- [CONJ-663] Client authentication plugins are now defined as services. The driver has 2 new plugins
andsha256_password plugin
for MySQL compatibility - [CONJ-733] Credential service: AWS IAM authentication
- [CONJ-727] Support configuration of custom SSLSocketFactory
- [CONJ-561] JDBC 4.3 partial implementation java.sql.Statement methods isSimpleIdentifier, enquoteIdentifier, enquoteLiteral and enquoteNCharLiteral
- [CONJ-692] ConnectionPoolDataSource interface addition to MariaDbPoolDataSource
- [CONJ-563] closing possible option batch thread on driver deregistration.
- [CONJ-732] Driver getPropertyInfo returns no options information when url is empty
- [CONJ-734] DatabaseMetaData.getSchemaTerm now return "schema", not empty string
MariaDB java connector 2.4.4
This version is a general availability (GA) release.
- [CONJ-724] Do not ignore the Calendar parameter in ResultSet#getTime(int, Calendar)
- [CONJ-725] Connection Failure when using PAM authenticated user on 10.4 MariaDB server
- [CONJ-729] master-slave regression: commit on read-only server Executed only when there is an active transaction on master connection
- [CONJ-726] removing possible NPE after failover on aurora cluster
MariaDB java connector 2.4.3
This version is a general availability (GA) release.
New option blankTableNameMeta
permit to have Resultset metadata getTableName methods always return blank in place of returning real table name as JDBC indicate. This is for ease migration from Oracle since Oracle driver always returns an empty string.
- [CONJ-717] conversion function support for other data type than default MariaDB conversion type
- [CONJ-722] Permit suppression of result-set metadata getTableName for oracle compatibility
- [CONJ-719] Saving values using Java 8 LocalTime does not store fractional parts of seconds
- [CONJ-716] Correcting possible NPE on non thread safe NumberFormat (logging)