This is an experimental project to generate a Typescript interface from CSharp. I use it personally to generate types for my C# projects. This will be updated based on my needs and expect breaking changes. If you have any suggestions, please open an issue or a PR.
I use lazy.nvim to load this plugin.
return {
dir = 'markchristianlacap/cs-to-ts.nvim',
ft = 'cs',
event = 'InsertEnter',
keys = {
mode = { 'v', 'n' },
--get yanked text
local text = vim.fn.getreg '"'
-- convert
local interface = require('cs-to-ts').convert(text)
if interface then
--put to vim register
vim.fn.setreg('"', interface)
desc = 'Convert yanked C# to TypeScript interface',