ActionsThis GitHub action wraps the cdxgen tool for generating Software Bill-of-Materials (BOM) for supported projects. Optionally, the generated file can be exported to dependency track or AppThreat server for further oss analysis.
Simple usage, just print the xml to the console
uses: AppThreat/cdxgen-action@v1
Specifiy parameters for automatic submission to a dependency track or AppThreat server
- uses: AppThreat/cdxgen-action@v1
output: "./reports/bom.xml"
serverUrl: ""
apiKey: ${{ secrets.apiKey }}
Submit to server as well as store artefacts
- uses: AppThreat/cdxgen-action@v1
output: "./reports/bom.xml"
serverUrl: ""
apiKey: ${{ secrets.apiKey }}
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
name: reports
path: reports
cdxgen is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.