cPanel Deploy Action
(2)This action deploys a site to cPanel using the cPanel API, by taking the following steps:
- Tell cPanel to pull the branch
- Tell cPanel to deploy the branch
- Poll cPanel deployment status, until the deployment task is complete
To make use of this action, your site should have a valid .cpanel.yml
file at its root.
More info about cPanel deployment can be found in the official documentation
Required hostname of cPanel installation, including protocol. for instance:
Port of cPanel API. The default value is 2083
- don't change it unless you know what you're doing
cPanel API token, used for authorization. You should store this as a repository-secret.
cPanel username used for API calls. Must be the same username used to create the token. e.g: 'joe'
Required folder in which the repository is installed in the target cPanel account. must already exist. e.g: /home/your_account/repositories/your_repository
Required Whether or not to update the repository before triggering the deployment. If true - parameter 'branch' is required. defaults to true
Required if updateRepository
is true
: branch to deploy. e.g: 'main' or 'master', or any other branch. Default: main
Duration of deployment, in milliseconds
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Deploy to cPanel
id: deploy
uses: pinkasey/[email protected]
hostname: ''
repository_root: '/home/my_account/repositories/my_repository'
branch: main
cpanel_token: '${{ secrets.CPANEL_TOKEN }}'
- name: echo deploy-duration
run: echo "Deployment took ${{ steps.deploy.outputs.duration }} milliseconds"
cPanel Deploy Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.