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SemVer Tag from PR

Easily version your commits using PR labels
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Create SemVer Bumps based on PR labels

This action allows you to create new semVer git tags on the trunk branch by using labels on PRs. The action's main aim is to simplify release processes. Here's an example to illustrate:

  1. Current tag on main branch is v1.0.0
  2. Contributor creates a new PR
  3. Maintainer reviews PR and adds the merge-minor label (for more options see Usage section)
  4. The PR gets merged
  5. Action will search through the git history and list of PRs. It determines that the requested semVer bump is minor (second digit) and that the last version was v1.0.0
  6. Action tags the new commit with the new version v1.1.0 and pushes the tag


The action requires a starting git tag, that is a semVer version. If you are not already using git-tags for your versions, run:

git tag v1.0.0 # or 1.0.0 or any other valid semVer version
git push origin v1.0.0

There are two ways to setup this integration. Which one to choose depends on whether you want to trigger additional actions after the tag has been pushed.

A) I Just want to Tag, no need to trigger any follow-up action

If you just want to push the tag without triggering any other action, the following config is sufficient:

      - main # can be main or any other release branch
    # permissions required to find PR for last commit and push the new tag
      contents: write
      pull-requests: read
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: "0" # we need full git-history to determine the last semVer tag
      - name: bump semVer
        uses: simontheleg/semver-tag-from-pr-action@v1
          repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

B) I Want To Be Able To Trigger Other Actions After the Tagging

Per GH Action's design, it is not possible for an action to trigger another action directly using $GITHUB_TOKEN. For the SemVer-action this means that additional steps need to be taken:

  1. You will need to create a Deploy Key with write permissions on your Repo
  2. You will need to create a GH Actions Secret which contains the private key for your Deploy Key.
  3. Supply the key to the semver-action as well as to the checkout-action:
      - main # can be main or any other release branch
    # permissions required to find PR for last commit and push the new tag
      contents: write
      pull-requests: read
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: "0" # we need full git-history to determine the last semVer tag
          ssh-key: ${{ secrets.SEMVER_TAG_SSH_KEY}} # insert the name you gave the GH secret
      - name: bump semVer
        uses: simontheleg/semver-tag-from-pr-action@v1
          repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          repo_ssh_key: ${{ secrets.SEMVER_TAG_SSH_KEY}} # insert the name you gave the GH secret

Afterwards you will be able to do something like this in another action.yml file:

# other-action.yml
      - "v*.*.*"

<<jobs in this file will be triggered whenever the semver-action pushes a tag>>


After the installation, simply label your PR with one of the following:

  • merge-major for e.g. v1.0.0 -> v2.0.0
  • merge-minor for e.g. v1.0.0 -> v1.1.0
  • merge-patch for e.g. v1.0.0 -> v1.0.1
  • merge-none no new semVer Tag will be created

Pro tip: The action works well with mergebots when configuring the same labels. Then whenever the label is set, the bot automatically attempts the merge and you will never forget setting the label 🙌

For example for the kodiak-mergebot you configure do something like this:

# kodiak.toml
automerge_label = ["merge-major", "merge-minor", "merge-patch", "merge-none"]


Bump Labels

You can specify your own labels, that correspond to the semVer-bumps. For example if you want to adopt Gregor Martynus' breaking-feature-fix notation, you could do:

  label_major: merge-breaking
  label_minor: merge-feature
  label_patch: merge-fix
  label_none: merge-no-new-version

Disabling Label Set and Push

By default the action will create the new semVer tag and push it into your repository. If instead you want to use your own logic to handle tags:

  1. You can disable the setting of the tag inside gh-actions by setting:

      should_set_tag: false
  2. You can disable the push of the tag by setting:

      should_push_tag: false

In both cases you can use the outputs old-tag and new-tag of this action in your own jobs:

  - name: bump semVer
    id: bump-semver # you need to set an id here
    uses: simontheleg/semver-tag-from-pr-action@v1
      repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
  - name: your step or action
    env: # or alternatively "with", if you are using an action
      old_tag: ${{ steps.bump-semver.outputs.old-tag }}
      new_tag: ${{ }}
    run: |
      echo old tag: ${old_tag}
      echo new tag: ${new_tag}


I forgot setting the label on the PR initially and I already merged it

Assuming you have not merged in any other PRs since then: You can set the label on the PR afterwards and just re-run the action.



By default go test ./... will run both unit and integration tests. Integration tests clone the integration-infra repo into /tmp once. As a result, Integration tests should not be run with the parallel flag.

If you only want to run unit-test, you can do so by using the -short flag:

go test -short ./...

If you want to only run integration tests, simply run:

go test -run Integration ./...

SemVer Tag from PR is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Easily version your commits using PR labels

SemVer Tag from PR is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.