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186 lines (127 loc) · 5.98 KB

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executable file
186 lines (127 loc) · 5.98 KB

Copyright 2017 Martha Dais Ferreira, Rodrigo Fernandes de Mello

This file is part of studyForwardCNN.

studyForwardCNN is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

studyForwardCNN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ImageFalseNearest. If not, see

See the file "COPYING" for the text of the license.

Contact: Martha D. Ferreira: [email protected] Rodrigo Fernandes de Mello: [email protected]

Study of CNN process

This source codes are used to execute the forward process of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for images input. Such source code was written in the C++ Language, in which can be running in sequential or in parallel. In addition, a source code of Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) was developed in R language to study the impact of dropout and regularization terms during the learning process. The CNN code provide the features in image format obtained by each layer in CNN, considering random or trained weights.

Information about directories

./include - This directory contains all CNN classes. It is ready for 3-layer CNNs but it can be easily adapted to work with more layers

./database - This directory contains datasets

./src - This directory contains file ThreeLayerCNN.cpp which has function main

./R - Optimization functions:

		- Architecture optimization - defines number of neurons per layer, kernel sizes, strides, pooling, etc.

		- Kernel optimization - optimizes kernel masks (used for convolution)

		- Compute Accuracy - it is used to compute CNN accuracy for a particular configuration

./test - Tests used for learning OpenCV and check codes developing

./xml - Xml files with parameters

Getting Started

These instructions of how to use studyForwardCNN come with a copy of the source code, which contains the forward process of a CNN and MLP code to evaluated techniques used to avoid overfitting.


Before starting, it is necessary to have those libraries:

  1. opencv

  2. xerces

  3. armadillo:

    3.1. LAPACK

    3.2. BLAS

    3.3. ATLAS


In the terminal, use 'cd' command to enter the folder studyForwardCNN and type the command:

> make


The example requires the dataset also provided in this source code. To execute an example in terminal, run the command:

> make run

This command run in sequential mode as the command:

> make run-sequencial

For run in parallel mode, execute:

> make run-parallel

CNN architecture:


  • For each image:
    • For each layer:
      • Normalize image
      • Convolve image in each depth
      • Sum the images by depth
      • Apply maximum pooling (in one image)
    • Return the new Image
  • Select the minimum rows and columns of the results images
  • Save the results images using the class information:
    • Put the image in a row
    • Put the class information

Kernel Constructor:

  • Create a random Kernel without depth, passing number of rows and colunms
  • Create a random Kernel, passing number of rows, colunms, and depth
  • Create a Kernel without depth, passing the weights, the number of rows and colunms
  • Create a Kernel, passing the weights, the number of rows, columns, and depth
  • Create a random Kernel without depth, passing number of rows and columns, and the minimum and maximum values
  • Create a random Kernel, passing number of rows, columns, depth, and the minimum and maximum values

Neuron Constructor:

Set the values

  • Build Network:

    • For each Layer:
      • Create Kernels (Kernel Constructor)
      • Create Neurons (Neuron Constructor)
  • Maximum:

    • Return the maximum value
  • Pooling:

    • Do subsample of the image using maximum value by a stride (maximum)
  • Norm:

    • Return the sum of the squares of the members in a neighbor
    • Return the sum of the squares of the members in a neighbor in depth
  • Normalize Image/ Normalize Image Depth

    • Divides all elements of the image by a value of the neighbors (norm)
    • Divides all elements of the image by a value of the neighbors in depth (norm)
  • Convolve:

    • Do a fourier convolve
  • Neuron Process:

    • Do the convolution of image/images depth with the kernel/kernel depth
    • Sum the images by depth
    • Apply threshold, removing negative numbers
    • Apply maximum pooling (applyPooling)
  • Forward Step/Forward Step Thread:

    • Read the image passed
    • Convert the uchar image to float image
    • For each layer:
      • Normalize image (normalizeImage/normalizeImageDepth)
      • Process image (process)
    • Normalize Image
    • Return results of this image
  • Forward / Parallel Forward:

    • Build network (buildNetwork)
    • Processing files (forwardStep/forwardStepThread)
  • Sum Image Depth:

    • Not used

Citing this code

Please cite this thesis in your publications if this code helps your research:





  1. Implement include/CNN.hpp to create generic CNNs and not only 3-layer neural networks.
  2. Implemente src/CNN.cpp to execute the generic CNN and:
    • reading all input parameters from an XML file
    • giving option to read a file with all kernel weights (this is usefull after another program optimizes kernels)
    • without any approach for feature selection as it is in src/ThreeLayerCNN.cpp
    • producing only an output file including all features (assuming all input images have the same size)
    • also running in parallel as it is currently
  3. Implement include/CNNEntropyMaximizer.hpp and src/CNNEntropyMaximizer.cpp to maximize entropy as already implemented in file test/cnn-training/training-multilayer-cnn-architecture.r