This document describes the changes made to the project.
- Enhanced the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) analysis module.
- Enhanced examples.
- Updated docstrings.
- Updated Display functions.
- Updated phase field solver.
- Updated docstrings.
- Updated Display functions.
- Updated PyVista_Interface functions.
- Added _Elas.Get_sqrt_C_S() function.
- Updated He split for heterogeneous material properties.
- Added Save_pickle() and Load_pickle() functions.
- Updated Gmsh_Interface for cracks.
- Updated Folder functions.
- Ensures compatibility with python 3.9 and 3.10.
- Updated docstrings.
- Updated simulations/ solver.
- Updated Bc Config.
- Updated tests.
- Updated _Additional_Points().
- Updated Mesh_Beams().
- Updated docstrings.
- Added the resetAll option in Set_Iter() to simplify the update process after iteration activation.
- Enhanced clarity in phase field functions, including both simulation and material aspects.
- Improved display options for geometric objects.
- Improved display functions.
- Provided clearer functionality in mesh and group element.
- Updated the interface with Gmsh.
- Improved phasefield examples.
- Enhanced the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) analysis module.
- Updated gmsh interface functions.
- Added controls when calling certain functions.
- Updated geometric objects to modify parameters after creation.
- Added a banner to the project.
- Added damage simulation.
- Minor adjustments to
- Minor adjustments to object printing.
- Reorganization of save functions in the simulation recording and loading process.
- Modification of the PETSc interface for the new version.
- Implemented minor refinements in to ensure correct canonical values of matrix A in Ax=b equations, thus avoiding potential bugs when using PETSc or pypardiso.
- Renamed functions in fem/ to improve clarity and consistency.
- Updated function names in to improve readability.
- Updated copyright information to reflect the latest changes.
- Added a contribution guide to facilitate community participation and collaboration.
- Creation of a citation file.
- Update library dependencies.
- First version.