The Chinese Translation Project of "Programming in D".
这里是《Programming in D》的中文翻译项目。
Instead of falling for getting things done quickly, "Programming in D" focuses on getting things done properly, to the lasting benefit of its reader. -Andrei Alexandrescu
本书注重于如何恰到好处地使用D语言将任务处理得当,而非试图快速地完成一切却有失于代码质量,这使得它的读者能够长久受益。 ——大A
- 爱好群: 531010036
- 译者群: 54520002
保持与原版相同,本书使用 CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
- Get everthing ready for translation 准备待翻译文件及编译文件
- Assign translation tasks to individuals 分派翻译任务到个人
- Seeking for more contributors 寻求更多有兴趣及时间的人参与到项目中来
- 译者必须严格遵循 中文文案排版指北 中所述的排版规范。
- 所有翻译相关
消息必须精确后缀文件名:~ 相应文件名
- 在
Orphans 待领取
中选择自己心水的章节并发布Issue以领取,格式:[领取] 章节原名 By 领取人
下- 进行翻译,可
多次,消息格式:Update 中文修改原因
- 翻译完成,消息格式:
Final commit
,发起Pull request
以通知审核人员进行审核 - 审核完成,在
- 编译 Compilation By Lucifer & meatatt
- The Hello World Program By Lucifer
- writeln and write By Lucifer
- Fundamental Types By Lucifer
- Assignment and Order of Evaluation By Lucifer
- Variables By Lucifer
- Standard Input and Output Streams By Lucifer
- Classes By 大处着手小处着眼
- Associative Arrays By 大处着手小处着眼
- Strings By 大处着手小处着眼
- scope By 大处着手小处着眼
- auto and typeof By 小马哥[̲̅V̲̅I̲̅P̲̅]
- Preface(合并自:Acknowledgments,Introduction) By IceNature
- Files By Lucifer
- if Statement By IceNature
- Lifetimes and Fundamental Operations By 渡世白玉
- Tuples By meatatt
- Object By 大处着手小处着眼
- Foreword by Andrei Alexandrescu
- Reading from the Standard Input
- Logical Expressions
- while Loop
- Integers and Arithmetic Operations
- Floating Point Types
- Arrays
- Characters
- Slices and Other Array Features
- Redirecting Standard Input and Output Streams
- Name Scope
- for Loop
- Ternary Operator ?:
- Literals
- Formatted Output
- Formatted Input
- do-while Loop
- foreach Loop
- switch and case
- enum
- Functions
- Immutability
- Value Types and Reference Types
- Function Parameters
- Lvalues and Rvalues
- Lazy Operators
- Program Environment
- Exceptions
- assert and enforce
- Unit Testing
- Contract Programming
- The null Value and the is Operator
- Type Conversions
- Structs
- Variable Number of Parameters
- Function Overloading
- Member Functions
- const ref Parameters and const Member Functions
- Constructor and Other Special Functions
- Operator Overloading
- Inheritance
- Object
- Interfaces
- destroy and scoped
- Modules and Libraries
- Encapsulation and Protection Attributes
- Universal Function Call Syntax (UFCS)
- Properties
- Contract Programming for Structs and Classes
- Templates
- Pragmas
- alias and with
- alias this
- Pointers
- Bit Operations
- Conditional Compilation
- is Expression
- Function Pointers, Delegates, and Lambdas
- foreach with Structs and Classes
- Nested Functions, Structs, and Classes
- Unions
- Labels and goto
- More Templates
- More Functions
- Mixins
- Ranges
- More Ranges
- Parallelism
- Message Passing Concurrency
- Data Sharing Concurrency
- Fibers
- Memory Management
- User Defined Attributes (UDA)
- Operator Precedence