diff --git a/docs/code_samples.md b/docs/code_samples.md
index 6d9efefd1..1783b30f8 100644
--- a/docs/code_samples.md
+++ b/docs/code_samples.md
@@ -4,18 +4,18 @@ Below you will find a collection of code samples which can be used for inspirati
 ## Project Samples
-Below are full project samples, contributed by members in the community. Use these for inspiration
-or to get more information on what an SDK-based tap or target will look like.
-- [tap-bamboohr by Auto IDM](https://gitlab.com/autoidm/tap-bamboohr)
-- [tap-confluence by @edgarrmondragon](https://github.com/edgarrmondragon/tap-confluence)
-- [tap-investing by @DouweM](https://gitlab.com/DouweM/tap-investing)
-- [tap-parquet by AJ](https://github.com/dataops-tk/tap-parquet)
-- [tap-powerbi-metadata by Slalom](https://github.com/dataops-tk/tap-powerbi-metadata)
-- [target-athena, Community Project led by Andrew Stewart](https://github.com/dataops-tk/target-athena)
-To add your project to this list, please
-[submit an issue](https://github.com/meltano/sdk/issues/new).
+The following are full project samples, contributed by members of the community:
+- A REST Stream: [MeltanoLabs/tap-pulumi-cloud](https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-pulumi-cloud)
+- A SQL Target: [MeltanoLabs/target-postgres](https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/target-postgres)
+- A SQL Tap: [MeltanoLabs/tap-postgres](https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-postgres)
+- A Cloud Service: [MeltanoLabs/tap-cloudwatch](https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-cloudwatch)
+- A REST Stream with complex and varied auth options: [MeltanoLabs/tap-github](https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-github)
+There are many more examples available: go to [Meltano Hub](https://hub.meltano.com) and type `sdk` in the searchbar to see a list of taps and targets created with the Singer SDK.
+To add your project to Meltano Hub, please
+[submit an issue](https://github.com/meltano/hub/issues/new?assignees=edgarrmondragon%2Cpnadolny13&labels=valuestream%2FHub&projects=&template=new_plugin.yml&title=Add+Plugin%3A+%3Cinsert+plugin+name%3E).
 ## Reusable Code Snippets