Plugin source code is hosted on GitHub. New feature proposals and bug fix proposals should be submitted as GitHub pull requests. Your pull request will be evaluated by the Jenkins job.
Before submitting your change, please assure that you've added tests which verify your change.
Code coverage reporting is available as a maven target. Please try to improve code coverage with tests when you submit.
mvn -P enable-jacoco clean install jacoco:report
to report code coverage
Please don't introduce new spotbugs output.
mvn spotbugs:check
to analyze project using Spotbugsmvn spotbugs:gui
to review report using GUI
Code formatting in the Platform Labeler plugin is maintained by fmt. The pom file format is maintained by the tidy plugin. Before submitting a pull request, confirm the formatting is correct with:
mvn compile
If the formatting is not correct, the build will fail. Correct the formatting with:
mvn tidy:pom fmt:format
File content is consistency checked at commit time by the pre-commit framework. Refer to .pre-commit-config.yaml for the current checks.
To install the pre-commit framework into this repository on your computer, use the commands:
$ pip install --user pre-commit
$ pre-commit install
Pre-commit checks are run on modified files during git commit
Files which fail pre-commit checks will abort the git commit
Run pre-commit checks on all files:
$ pre-commit run --all-files