AMP HTML allows for most HTML5 standard tags and a few additional tags specific to the AMP runtime. The AMP Spec broadly defines the set of tags that are disallowed. AMP Validator implementations, however, must be implemented using a tag whitelist. This addendum lists the set of tags which an AMP Validator should whitelist.
If an HTML tag is not in this list, the AMP Validator does not consider that tag
valid in any context. However, many of these tags have additional restrictions.
For example <script>
is in the list, but custom javascript is not allowed.
TODO(gregable): Add additional detail to the addendum regarding specific validation requirements for each tag.
Below we list the allowed tags in the order in which they are appear in the HTML5 spec in section 4 The Elements of HTML.
4.1.1 <html>
4.2.1 <head>
4.2.2 <title>
4.2.4 <link>
4.2.5 <meta>
4.2.6 <style>
4.3.1 <body>
4.3.2 <article>
4.3.3 <section>
4.3.4 <nav>
4.3.5 <aside>
4.3.6 <h1>
, <h2>
, <h3>
, <h4>
, <h5>
, and <h6>
4.3.7 <header>
4.3.8 <footer>
4.3.9 <address>
4.4.1 <p>
4.4.2 <hr>
4.4.3 <pre>
4.4.4 <blockquote>
4.4.5 <ol>
4.4.6 <ul>
4.4.7 <li>
4.4.8 <dl>
4.4.9 <dt>
4.4.10 <dd>
4.4.11 <figure>
4.4.12 <figcaption>
4.4.13 <div>
4.4.14 <main>
4.5.1 <a>
4.5.2 <em>
4.5.3 <strong>
4.5.4 <small>
4.5.5 <s>
4.5.6 <cite>
4.5.7 <q>
4.5.8 <dfn>
4.5.9 <abbr>
4.5.10 <data>
4.5.11 <time>
4.5.12 <code>
4.5.13 <var>
4.5.14 <samp>
4.5.15 <kbd >
4.5.16 <sub>
and <sup>
4.5.17 <i>
4.5.18 <b>
4.5.19 <u>
4.5.20 <mark>
4.5.21 <ruby>
4.5.22 <rb>
4.5.23 <rt>
4.5.24 <rtc>
4.5.25 <rp>
4.5.26 <bdi>
4.5.27 <bdo>
4.5.28 <span>
4.5.29 <br>
4.5.30 <wb>
4.6.1 <insert>
4.6.2 <del>
AMP HTML allows only limited embedded content except via its own tags (ex: amp-img).
4.7.8 <source>
SVG tags are not in the HTML5 namespace. They are listed below without section ids.
4.9.1 <table>
4.9.2 <caption>
4.9.3 <colgroup>
4.9.4 <col>
4.9.5 <tbody>
4.9.6 <thead>
4.9.7 <tfoot>
4.9.8 <tr>
4.9.9 <td>
4.9.10 <th>
4.10.8 <button>
4.11.1 <script>
4.11.2 <noscript>
These may be removed in future versions of AMP