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Node Lessons

Lesson 14: Switch to AWS DynamoDB in place of MongoDB

Description Moving to a more serverless architecture brings us the necessity to get rid of our own MongoDB server. We have already setup a basic use of the Amazon Web Services in the previous lesson, so let's use again Amazon's DynamoDB clound NoSQL database.

Being a NoSQL key-value database, DynamoDB shares many features with other popular NoSQL databases, including MongoDB. However several details are deeply different, such as the handling of the records' primary key and the relevance of tables' indexes.

In order to proceed with the lesson a base knowledge about DynamoDB is required. It is not the purpose of these lessons to teach the basics of DynamoDB, but if needed the reader can read the following articles and tutorials:

Since DynamoDB API is pretty low level and therefore complicated to interact directly with, the use of a third party library is highly recommended, especially when starting to use DynamoDB. For this reason we will use dynamoose which uses an API similar to mongoose and allows a much simpler interaction with DynamoDB.

We want then to replace mongoose whenever used with dynamoose. Having already setup the AWS cerdentials, we don't need to specify further authentication. The dynamoose.js file, which replaces mongoose.js will be then particularly simple.

The dynamoose Schema description is instead a bit different from the mongoose one, bringing us the need to update our users.js file with the new format.

We will then need to go through all our middlewares and services to switch to our new database client.

In order to avoid spending credit during development, it is useful to use a local DynamoDB. We can then force dynamoose to use it instead of a the real cloud instance with

const dynamoose = app.get('dynamooseClient');

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {

(!) Remember to generate a User Id when creating a new User in the users.router.js file. A simple UUID generated through uuid will make the work.

(!!) In order to be able to interact with DynamoDB, the AWS user must have the right permissions. For example, we can add the AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess policy to the user through the AWS Console.


  • Switch from MongoDB to DynamoDB, by using dynamoose in place of mongoose to interact with the database

Allowed Npm Packages

  • axios: http client used to perform http requests
  • aws-sdk: Amazon Web Services client
  • bcryptjs: password hasher
  • body-parser: Express middleware to parse the body requests
  • commander: library to build Node.js CLI commands
  • cors: CORS configuration for Express
  • dotenv: load variables from an .env file
  • dynamoose: DynamoDB client
  • express: web server
  • jsonwebtoken: create and verify Json Web Tokens
  • moment: date manager
  • nconf: configuration files manager
  • node-uuid: library to generate uuids
  • redis: Node.js Redis client
  • Web Socket management library
  • validator: string validation library
  • winston: logger


  • The results must be saved in userdata/data.json

  • The logs must be saved under storage/logs/nodeJobs.log

  • The Data Logger must reside into libraries/dataLogger.js

  • The File Logger must reside into libraries/fileLogger.js

  • The MongoDB configuration variables must reside into config/secrets.json, which MUST be gitignored

  • A config/secrets.json.example file must be provided, with the list of supported keys and example values of the config/secrets.json file

  • Configuration values must be loaded by using nconf directly at the beginning of the index.js

  • The Dynamoose configuration must reside into a dynamoose.js file, loaded directly from the index.js

  • The Dynamoose client must be made available in Express under the dynamooseClient key

  • The Users Model must be saved into models/users.js and have the following Schema :

    • id: String, hashKey
    • email: String, rangeKey, GSI
    • username: String, required, GSI
    • password: string, required
    • admin: boolean, default: false
  • The Users Model must be made available in Express under the usersModel key

  • The /users routes must be defined in the services/users/users.router.js file by using the Express router

  • Middlewares used in the /users endpoints must reside in the services/users/middlewares/ folder

  • Optionally use only async / await instead of pure Promises in all /services/ files

  • User input validation errors must return a 422 Json response with { hasError: 1/0, error: <string>} as response data (payload)

  • User passwords must be bcrypt hashed before being saved into the database

  • JWT management (creation and verification) must be handled in libraries/jwtManager.js, which must export a Javascript Class. It must be available in Express under the jwtManager key

  • The Secret Key used to create the tokens must be stored in the secrets.json file

  • /sessions routes must be defined in services/sessions/sessions.router.js

  • /users API Endpoints must check for authenticated users through the use of a services/sessions/middlewares/auth.check.js middleware

  • HTTP Status Codes must be coherent: 401 is no authentication is provided, 403 is the token is expired or invalid

  • Communication with Redis server must happen entirely inside libraries/redis.js which must export a Javascript Class. It must be available in Express under the redisClient key

  • The Redis class constructor must take the Redis password as an argument, which must be saved into the config/secrets.json file. All methods inside libraries/redis.js must return a Promise

  • The second argument of the JwtManager must be the a Redis instance, in order to perform token invalidation

  • The auth.check.js middleware must also check if the token has been invalidated

  • The token invalidation of the (DELETE) /sessions route must happen inside a token.invalidation.js middleware

  • All the Web Sockets code (i.e. the use of the package) must reside into services/randomjobs/randomjobs.js

  • The /random-jobs endpoint must periodically emit a randomJob event with a random job data

  • The /random-jobs endpoint must listen for a jobRequest endpoint and a location data and emit a randomJob event with a random job data for the requested location

  • All CLI Commands must reside into the /commands folder and build with commander

  • There must be a CLI Command with signature user-make-admin -u <email> which turns existing users into admins

  • The private room for Admin users must be named admins, which listens for adminStatisticsRequest events and sends adminStatistics events with the number of total available jobs, read from the data.json file

  • The admins room must verify a valid authentication token, before granting access to the private room

  • A `/users/ PUT API endpoint must be available to retrieve a AWS S3 signed url to allow users to upload profile images

  • A wrapper library which handles all calls to to AWS'S3 client must be created in /libraries/s3client.js


  • The dynamoose.js file can now be a simple export of the dynamoose client
const dynamoose = require('dynamoose');

  prefix: 'nodeLessons-',
  suffix: ''

module.exports = dynamoose;
  • When creating a new User, it is important to define a unique Partition key
// users.router.js


* Create a new User.
*/'/', (req, res) => {
    id: uuid.v4(),
    username: req.body.username,
    password: req.body.password
  }, (err, user) => {
    // Handle callback

  • dynamoose uses the Node.js callback format. It can be handy to promisify its methods, for example:
const UsersModel ='usersModel');
const UsersQueryOne = util.promisify(UsersModel.queryOne);

try {
  user = await UsersQueryOne({ email: { eq: } });
} catch (e) {
  // Handle exception