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shape." + }, + "Number": { + "fixWith": "number", + "message": "Use \"number\" instead" + }, + "Object": { + "message": "Use \"object\" instead, or else define a proper TypeScript type:" + }, + "String": { + "fixWith": "string", + "message": "Use \"string\" instead" + }, + "Symbol": { + "fixWith": "symbol", + "message": "Use \"symbol\" instead" + } + } + } + ], + "@typescript-eslint/brace-style": [ + "off" + ], + "@typescript-eslint/comma-dangle": [ + "error", + { + "arrays": "always-multiline", + "enums": "always-multiline", + "exports": "always-multiline", + "functions": "always-multiline", + "generics": "never", + "imports": "always-multiline", + "objects": "always-multiline", + "tuples": "always-multiline" + } + ], + "@typescript-eslint/comma-spacing": [ + "off" + ], + "@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions": [ + "warn", + { + "assertionStyle": "as", + "objectLiteralTypeAssertions": "never" + } + ], + "@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions": [ + "warn" + ], + 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accepts things like class declarations, which will throw at runtime as they will not be called with \"new\".\nIf you are expecting the function to accept certain arguments, you should explicitly define the function shape." - }, - "Number": { - "fixWith": "number", - "message": "Use \"number\" instead" - }, - "Object": { - "message": "Use \"object\" instead, or else define a proper TypeScript type:" - }, - "String": { - "fixWith": "string", - "message": "Use \"string\" instead" - }, - "Symbol": { - "fixWith": "symbol", - "message": "Use \"symbol\" instead" - } - } - } - ], - "@typescript-eslint/brace-style": [ - "off" - ], - "@typescript-eslint/comma-dangle": [ - "error", - { - "arrays": "always-multiline", - "enums": "always-multiline", - "exports": "always-multiline", - "functions": "always-multiline", - "generics": "never", - "imports": "always-multiline", - "objects": "always-multiline", - "tuples": "always-multiline" - } - ], - "@typescript-eslint/comma-spacing": [ - "off" - ], - 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