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Mika Hämäläinen edited this page Nov 27, 2024 · 10 revisions

This section covers rule-based disambiguation and LLM-based disambiguation.

LLM-based disambiguation

You can use an LLM to disambiguate a sentence. This uses FSTs to analyze every word in the sentence, a dictionary to translate every word to a majority language and an LLM. Dictionary look-up is very slow unless you configure MongoDB, see some instructions in the dictionary page. In this case, pass backend=MongoDictionary to disambiguate_sentence.

from uralicNLP.llm import get_llm, disambiguate_sentence
llm = get_llm("chatgpt", "YOUR OPENAI API KEY")
result, llm_output = disambiguate_sentence("Ёртозь ёртовсь кудостонть.", "myv", "fin", llm)
>>['ёртомс', 'ёртомс', 'кудо', '.']
>>"To disambiguate the sentence "Ёртозь ёртовсь кудостонть .", let's go step-by-step and determine the correct lemma for each word using the provided tables. ..."

In this example, the first parameter is the Erzya sentence to be disambiguated, the second parameter is the language code of Erzya (myv), the third language code is the code of the majority language to translate Erzya words to. In this case, it is Finnish (fin).

You may also pass raise_exceptions=True, in which case the process will result in an exception if some of the words are not in the FST or in the dictionary.

Rule-based disambiguation with CG

Note this requires the models to be installed (see above) and VISL CG-3. The disambiguation process is simple.

from uralicNLP.cg3 import Cg3
from uralicNLP import tokenizer
sentence = "Kissa voi nauraa"
tokens = tokenizer.words(sentence)
cg = Cg3("fin")
>>[(u'Kissa', [<Kissa - N, Prop, Sg, Nom, <W:0.000000>>, <kissa - N, Sg, Nom, <W:0.000000>>]), (u'voi', [<voida - V, Act, Ind, Prs, Sg3, <W:0.000000>>]), (u'nauraa', [<nauraa - V, Act, InfA, Sg, Lat, <W:0.000000>>])]

The return object is a list of tuples. The first item in each tuple is the word form used in the sentence, the second item is a list of Cg3Word objects. In the case of a full disambiguation, these lists have only one Cg3Word object, but some times the result of the disambiguation still has some ambiguity. Each Cg3Word object has three variables lemma, form and morphology.

disambiguations = cg.disambiguate(tokens)
for disambiguation in disambiguations:
    possible_words = disambiguation[1]
    for possible_word in possible_words:
        print(possible_word.lemma, possible_word.morphology)
>>Kissa [u'N', u'Prop', u'Sg', u'Nom', u'<W:0.000000>']
>>kissa [u'N', u'Sg', u'Nom', u'<W:0.000000>']
>>voida [u'V', u'Act', u'Ind', u'Prs', u'Sg3', u'<W:0.000000>']
>>nauraa [u'V', u'Act', u'InfA', u'Sg', u'Lat', u'<W:0.000000>']

The cg.disambiguate takes in remove_symbols as an optional argument. Its default value is True which means that it removes the symbols (segments surrounded by @) from the FST output before feeding it to the CG disambiguator. If the value is set to False, the FST morphology is fed in to the CG unmodified.

The default FST analyzer is a descriptive one, to use a normative analyzer, set the descriptive parameter to False cg.disambiguate(tokens,descriptive=False).

Multilingual CG

It is possible to run one CG with tags produced by transducers of multiple languages.

from uralicNLP.cg3 import Cg3
cg = Cg3("fin", morphology_languages=["fin", "olo"])
print(cg.disambiguate(["Kissa","on","kotona", "."], language_flags=True))

The code above will use the Finnish (fin) CG rules to disambiguate the tags produced by Finnish (fin) and Olonets-Karelian (olo) transducers. The language_flags parameter can be used to append the language code at the end of each morphological reading to identify the transducer that produced the reading.

It is also possible to pipe multiple CG analyzers. This will run the initial morphological analysis in the first CG, disambiguate and pass the disambiguated results to the next CG analyzer.

from uralicNLP.cg3 import Cg3, Cg3Pipe

cg1 = Cg3("fin")
cg2 = Cg3("olo")

cg_pipe = Cg3Pipe(cg1, cg2)
print(cg_pipe.disambiguate(["Kissa","on","kotona", "."]))

The example above will create a CG analyzer for Finnish and Olonets-Karelian and pipe them into a Cg3Pipe object. The analyzer will first use Finnish CG with a Finnish FST to disambiguate the sentence, and then Olonets-Karelian CG to do a further disambiguation. Note that FST is only run in the first CG object of the pipe.

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