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Mika Hämäläinen edited this page Nov 27, 2024 · 6 revisions


For semantics functionality, you need to install

pip install scikit-learn numpy


UralicNLP can cluster documents into semantically meaningful categories using LLM embeddings.

from uralicNLP.llm import get_llm
from uralicNLP import semantics

llm = get_llm("roneneldan/TinyStories-33M")
texts = ["dogs are funny", "cats play around", "cars go fast", "planes fly around", "parrots like to eat", "eagles soar in the skies", "moon is big", "saturn is a planet"]
semantics.cluster(texts, llm)
>>[['dogs are funny', 'parrots like to eat', 'moon is big'], ['cats play around', 'cars go fast', 'planes fly around', 'eagles soar in the skies'], ['saturn is a planet']]

This method will cluster texts into semantically similar clusters. You can use whichever LLM you want (see more in the LLM documentation).

If you need to get the indices instead of the actual texts, you can pass return_ids=True.

semantics.cluster(texts, llm, return_ids=True)
>>[[0, 4, 6], [1, 2, 3, 5], [7]]

These indices are relative to the texts list that is passed to the method.

The clustering method uses Affinity Propagation by default, but it is also possible to use HDBSCAN by passing method="hdbscan". The cluster method takes same parameters into account as scikit-learn.

semantics.cluster(texts, llm, method="hdbscan")
>>[['dogs are funny', 'moon is big'], ['cars go fast', 'parrots like to eat', 'eagles soar in the skies'], ['cats play around', 'planes fly around', 'saturn is a planet']]

Parameters for Affinity Propagation

damping=0.5, max_iter=200, convergence_iter=15, copy=True, preference=None, affinity='euclidean', verbose=False, random_state=None

Parameters for HDBSCAN

min_cluster_size=2, min_samples=None, cluster_selection_epsilon=0.0, max_cluster_size=None, metric='euclidean', metric_params=None, alpha=1.0, algorithm='auto', leaf_size=40, n_jobs=None, cluster_selection_method='eom', allow_single_cluster=False, store_centers=None, copy=False

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