Closed issues:
- tests fail in travis #94
- Fails when used in conjunction with openldap::auth recipe #91
- packages with known issues are not actually removed on debian/ubuntu #90
- Archlinux doesn't have a limits.d directory by default #84
Merged pull requests:
- Fix bug in execute[update-pam] resource in newer version of Chef. #100 (patcon)
- Expose list of packages to remove as an attribute #99 (mikemoate)
- Fix pam_passwdqc template #98 (chris-rock)
- Berkshelf 4 Upgrade and Ruby 1.9.3 drop #96 (chris-rock)
- Remove packages with known issues on debian/ubuntu #93 (mikemoate)
- Add SINGLE and PROMPT parameters. #92 (foonix)
- update common kitchen.yml platforms #87 (chris-rock)
- Allow sys uid min/max and sys gid min/max to be configured #86 (joshgarnett)
- fixes #84 #85 (chris-rock)
v1.3.1 (2015-07-04)
Closed issues:
- 1.3.0 release on supermarket is broken #83
v1.3.0 (2015-06-29)
Closed issues:
- possible incompatibility with Chef client release 12.4 #82
- ERROR: No resource or method named
File' for
Chef::Recipe "sysctl"' #80 - update #67
- Installation doesnt work #66
Merged pull requests:
- Update sysctl.rb #81 (Rockstar04)
- feature: implement ipv6 router advertisement settings #78 (chris-rock)
- update common Gemfile for chef11+12 #77 (arlimus)
- common files: centos7 + rubocop #76 (arlimus)
- update common kitchen.yml platforms #75 (arlimus)
- update common readme badges #74 (arlimus)
- fix SUID/SGID bit cleaning API spelling (unkown -> unknown) #72 (dupuy)
- RHN config check should work #71 (rapenchukd)
- update tutorial #68 (chris-rock)
v1.2.0 (2015-01-08)
Fixed bugs:
- Chef::Exceptions::Exec: yum_package[xinetd] (os-hardening::yum line 50) #57
Closed issues:
- deactivate pw_max_age #58
- can't convert String into Integer for package 'pam-ccreds' #54
- Better error handling for cpu detection #42
- ChefSpec and Ohai/Fauxhai: cpu #41
Merged pull requests:
- updating common files #65 (arlimus)
- Idempotency #64 (rmoriz)
- Badges #63 (chris-rock)
- make uid_min and gid_min of login.defs configurable #62 (bkw)
- standalone installation needs ohai cookbook as dep #61 (aschmidt75)
- updating common files #59 (arlimus)
- fix chefspec depreciation warning about
#56 (bkw) - improve cpu detection and implement intel fallback #55 (chris-rock)
- updating common files #53 (arlimus)
- chefspec test for limites #52 (chris-rock)
- Introduce Chef Spec #51 (chris-rock)
- improvement: switch to site location in berkshelf #50 (chris-rock)
- bugfix: fix failing conditional for procps #49 (arlimus)
- Drop procps service #47 (bkw)
v1.1.2 (2014-09-08)
Closed issues:
- sysctl dependency #44
Merged pull requests:
- Sysctl update to 0.6.0 #46 (arlimus)
- Lint #43 (chris-rock)
- add more documentation about test run #40 (chris-rock)
v1.1.1 (2014-07-28)
v1.1.0 (2014-07-28)
Implemented enhancements:
- Conservative package update #10
Closed issues:
- Tagged Release #34
- passwordless users not able to log in #32
- remove ntp #19
- Tests for suid bits #15
- forwarding isnt configured #9
- properly handle sysctl again #8
- enfore security updates #7
- enable_sysrq-check is faulty #6
- Validate suid-bit removal from /bin/screen #5
Merged pull requests:
- updated kitchen images to current batch (mysql-equivalent) #39 (arlimus)
- intend fix #38 (chris-rock)
- fix wrong class definition #37 (arlimus)
- fix wrong class definition #36 (chris-rock)
- add commont lint task. fix issues #35 (ehaselwanter)
- update with common run_all_linters task #33 (ehaselwanter)
- add Gemfile.lock to ignore list and remove it from tree #31 (ehaselwanter)
- streamline .rubocop config #30 (ehaselwanter)
- bugfix: make sysctl arp restrictions apply to all #29 (arlimus)
- Lint #28 (chris-rock)
- various rubocop style fixes #27 (ehaselwanter)
- fix FC019: Access node attributes in a consistent manner, use single quotes #26 (ehaselwanter)
- make kitchen run optional, ignore shred test repo #25 (ehaselwanter)
- changed the log_martians value to 0 in attributes/sysctl.rb #24 (atomic111)
- improvement: clarify SUID/SGID options in readme #23 (arlimus)
- be more forgiving and relax rubocop #22 (ehaselwanter)
- add linting, spec, guard infrastructure as well as config files #21 (ehaselwanter)
- remove ntp #20 (arlimus)
- new gem release for sharing just the integration folder #18 (ehaselwanter)
- Use shared test-repo #17 (ehaselwanter)
- improvement: move /usr/bin/screen to SGID whitelisting #14 (arlimus)
- Packages #12 (chris-rock)
- sysctl fixes #11 (arlimus)
- Contributing guide #4 (arlimus)
- Bugfix: broken link for debian wheezy vagrant box in .kitchen.yml and also broken link for NSA RedHat security guide in #3 (atomic111)
- add license and improve styling #2 (chris-rock)
- Fix: markdown fix in #1 (atomic111)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator