This tap is for pulling Analytics data from the FrontApp API. Its current developed scope is limited to the teams table, but it is easily expandable to the other Analytics data sets.
To set up FrontApp in Stitch, you need to get your JSON web token directly from Front (go to > Plugins & API > API).
On the Stitch Dashboard page, click the Add Integration button.
Click the FrontApp icon.
Enter a name for the integration. This is the name that will display on the Stitch Dashboard for the integration; it’ll also be used to create the schema in your destination. For example, the name "Stitch FrontApp" would create a schema called
in the destination. Note: Schema names cannot be changed after you save the integration. -
In the Token field, enter your FrontApp web token.
In the Metric field, enter the Analytics metric needed. The only schema supported in this tap right now is the team_table metric.
In the Incremental Range field, enter the desired aggregation frame (daily or hourly).
In the Start Date field, enter the minimum, beginning start date for FrontApp Analytics (e.g. 2017-01-1).
With each run of the integration, the following data set is extracted and replicated to the data warehouse:
- Team Table: Daily or hourly aggregated team member statistics since the last_update (last completed run of the integration) through the most recent day or hour respectively. On the first run, ALL increments since the Start Date will be replicated.
- Table name: team_table
- Description: A list of team members and their event statistics during the course of the day/hour starting from the analytics_date.
- Primary key: analytics_date, analytics_range, teammate_id
- Replicated incrementally
- Bookmark column: analytics_date (written as resume_date in the state records)
- API endpoint documentation: Analytics
Team_table Data: The first record is for the teammate = "ALL" and so is an aggregated record across all team members. Also, the API supports pulling specific teams by using a slightly different endpoint, but we have set it up to pull members from all teams.
Timestamps: All timestamp columns and resume_date state parameter are Unix timestamps.