The somewhat scary crevices of the command line. Credit for the documentation of many of the commands in this file goes to the incredible resource provided by Tower.
tail -f
- Running this command followed by a file path will output the the last few lines of a file in the command line window, and continue to display additions to the bottom of the file until typing ctrl c
. This is extremely handy for monitoring a WordPress debug.log
file in the wp-content
directory. To output the log, both WP_DEBUG
need to be true in your wp-config.php
- MAKE IT STOP! This will generally stop most commands in the middle of execution.
pbcopy < <filename>
- Will copy all content from <filename>
directly to your clipboard. You can check if the content is there by using the pbpaste
- Will paste what's on your clipboard to the command line. This is different than standard pasting, which will cause the command line to try to execute commands.
* Doesn't work in non OS X operating systems or may have alternate functionality.
find . -name '*.<ext>' -exec sed -i "" 's/<original>/<replacement>/g' {} \;
- Finds the string <original>
and replaces it with <replacement>
in all <ext>
files within the directory.
<command> > <filename>
- Direct the output of <command>
into <filename>
replacing any current contents.
<command> >> <filename>
- Append the output of <command>
to <filename>
<command1> | <command2>
- Direct the output of <command1>
to <command2>
. For instance, if you want to copy the result of a command such as pwd
to your clipboard using the handy pbcopy
command from above you could do pwd | pbcopy
, which would put your current directory into your clipboard!
- Clear the command line window.
chmod 755 <filename>
- Change permissions of <filename>
to 755.
chmod -R 600 <directory-name>
- Change permissions of <directory-name>
its contents) to 600.
chown <user>:<group> <filename>
- Change ownership of <filename>
to <user>
and <group>
(add -R to include a directory’s contents).
find <dir-name> -name "<filename>"
- Find all files named <filename>
inside <dir-name>
(use wildcards [*] to search for parts of filenames, e.g. "file.*").
grep "<text>" <filename>
- Output all occurrences of <text>
inside <filename>
(add -i for case-insensitivity).
grep -rl "<text>" <dir-name>
- Search for all files containing <text>
inside <dir-name>
ping <host>
- Ping <host>
and display status.
whois <domain>
- Output whois information for <domain>
curl -O <url/to/file>
- Download <file>
(via HTTP[S] or FTP).
ssh <username>@<host>
- Establish an SSH connection to <host>
with user <username>
scp <file> <user>@<host>:/remote/path
- Copy <file>
to a remote <host>