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Timber Integration for WooCommerce

1.1.0 (2024-09-10)


  • Add timber/woocommerce/views_folder filter (4c0222c)

Bug Fixes

  • docs: Update Getting Started guide with recommended way of initializing the integration (#45) (4de815c)


Breaking changes 💥

  • Added support for Timber 2.0 and removes support for Timber 1.x.
  • Bumped minimum required PHP version to 7.4.
  • Updated how to set up the integration.
  • Removed Product() function in Twig. Use get_post() instead.
  • Removed wc_action() Twig function. Use {% do action() %} instead of {% do wc_action() %}.

Other changes

  • Added support for PHP 8.0 and higher.

New way to set up integration

🚫 Before

if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) {

✅ After

add_filter( 'timber/integrations', function ( array $integrations ): array {
    $integrations[] = new \Timber\Integrations\WooCommerce\WooCommerceIntegration();

    return $integrations;
} );

Removed arguments for the integration

If you passed options to the Timber\Integrations\WooCommerce\WooCommerce::init(), you will have to change how you pass them. The new way to init the integration doesn’t take any arguments anymore.

Use a custom class for products

🚫 Before

Timber\Integrations\WooCommerce\WooCommerce::init( [
    'product_class' => 'MyProductClass',
] );

✅ After

add_filter( 'timber/product/classmap', function( $classmap ) {
    $classmap['product'] = 'MyProductClass';

    return $classmap;
}, 20 );

No more custom product iterator

Post iterators were removed in Timber 2.0. If you’ve used the product_iterator argument, you can use the setup() and teardown() methods on your custom product class instead.

Set a subfolder for the Twig templates

🚫 Before

Timber\Integrations\WooCommerce\WooCommerce::init( [
    'subfolder' => 'woo',
] );

✅ After

add_filter( 'timber/woocommerce/views_folder', function( $subfolder ) {
    return 'woo';
} );

Updated Twig functions

🚫 Before

# Getting a product
<img src="{{ Product(id).thumbnail.src|resize(200, 200) }}">

# Calling an action
{% do wc_action('woocommerce_before_shop_loop') %}

✅ After

# Getting a product
<img src="{{ get_post(id).thumbnail.src|resize(200, 200) }}">

# Calling an action
{% do action('woocommerce_before_shop_loop') %}

0.8.0 - 2024-02-14

  • Fixed a bug when Twig templates would be falsely rendered on the /system_status endpoint of the WooCommerce REST API.
  • Added the possibility to make the system status work with outdated WooCommerce templates.
  • Changed Twig template loader to not load views from the caller directory.

0.7.1 - 2023-01-13

  • Fixed a bug when product global is not present on singular product pages.

0.7.0 - 2023-01-13

  • Updated PHP requirements to allow PHP 8.0 and higher.

0.6.1 - 2023-01-13

  • Fixed a couple of issues with $product global not being kept in sync.
  • Added small improvements in documentation.

0.6.0 - 2021-04-13

  • Improved when this integration applies Product classes and Product Iterators to single posts and lists of posts. This should make it easier to have collections of WooCommerce products and other WordPress post types on the same page. Internally, this integration now uses a Class Map for the product post type. This means that you can also extend this integration’s Timber\Integrations\WooCommerce\Product class with your own Product class.
  • Improved default archive-product.twig template and added default templates for loop/loop-start.twig and loop/loop-end.twig.
  • Added a default checkout/form-checkout.twig template.
  • Added a $context parameter to the render_default_template() function. When you pass a context to this function, it will be merged with Timber’s default context.
  • Added a post variable to the context in Twig template partials.
  • Fixed a bug when calling Timber\Post::__construct() messed up the $product global.
  • Fixed a compatibility issue with admin-ajax. - 2020-07-29

  • Fixed merge bug.

0.5.3 - 2020-07-29

  • Added Twig function wc_action() that can be used instead of action() when calling hooks from Twig. In Twig, you would use it like this: {% do wc_action('woocommerce_single_product_summary') %}. This was added to fix compatibility problems when hooks were used with parameters. (See #14, thanks @pascalknecht)
  • Added support for Automatic Twig partial selection when using wc_get_template_part(). You could only use wc_get_template() before. Now, you can use both.
  • Fixed a bug when the $post global was not properly set when looping over products.
  • Updated default templates.
  • Updated internal repository folder structure.

0.5.2 - 2018-09-06

  • Fixed bug that prevented the integration from working with different versions of Twig. Thanks @chrislind and @VincentLoy!
  • Removed non-working support for installing the integration as a WordPress plugin. The integration can only be installed through Composer. Future versions of Timber will will drop support for installation as a plugin. That’s why drop it here, too.

0.5.1 - 2018-04-30

  • Improved default templates.
  • Improved documentation.